Travelling to work daily with Crohn's... How?

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Feb 2, 2010
Hey guys. Have another situation. Its good and bad. I am about to get promoted at work. More money, more vacay, etc. Great right? I'm so nervous about it though and wondering if I should accept or not.
I currently walk to my job. Literally 15 minutes. My new position will be in the city in which I would have to take a 40 min subway ride each way. Now I know thats not a big deal cause I did it for 4 years going to school, but I did not have Crohn's then.
Basically, I would say my Crohn's is under control now but I can't stop thinking about the worst. My gut is the most sensitive in the morning like most of us and there are no toilets on the subway. But who would wanna use them anyway?
What if I go into a flare like last summer where I would up to 20 times a day? I am controlled now, about 2 BM's a day but that can change in the blink of an eye. What then? I dont know what to do.
Advice please.......
Congrats on your promotion!

I completely understand your hesitation. Sometimes on my drive to work I have to stop at the convenience station to go to the bathroom... but if you are on a subway, well, that's a different story!

Does your employer know you have Crohn's? Would they understand if you are having a rough morning and had to come in late every now and then?

It would be a shame to turn down a promotion and let your Crohn's get the better of you. Maybe you can just be honest with them and let them know what your reservations are.

Good luck! - Amy
Wow, this is a tough one. My initial though is you should take it. If you don't, you might always think of the missed opportunity.
But, usually with a promotion comes more responsibilty and more stress. That could aggravate Crohns. And being on the subway for 40 min with no bathroom could lead to accidents if you do flare in the future.

Well, best of luck in your decision. Just follow your gut! (a little Crohns humor).
I try not to make decisions based on my fears of what might happen in the future. Not sure I would ever leave the house! haha When I'm 'outside' I get a lot of security just knowing where the bathrooms are along the route, just in case I need one suddenly. You might want to case out some of the stops along the way and see which ones have like a Starbuck's or McDonalds at the top of the stairwell. There are also adult diapers which some of my friends who use wheelchairs wear. They seem to totally hold the odor also. For a 40 minute stretch that could give you some security too.

Just my 2 cents.
Hello there.

I have a long commute to work (driving for 1 to 1.5 hours). I make sure I get up at stupid o'clock, to allow plenty of time for my body to do it's worst. If I need to, I take imodium about 20 minutes before I leave the house. Sometimes I have to stop along the way or if not, I have to find a toilet as soon as I arrive at work.

It's not easy, but it is possible.
I agree with violetcreams.

I find it's the morning that is the problem. I do not drink coffee (decaf) anylonger in the early am.

I get up earlier and do the deed then wait a little more (20 mins) to finish the "residule" BM.

My ride to work is 45 min in the am and 60-70 min on the way home.
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I do a lot of traveling for my work too. I also end up in a lot of places with no working utilties so the bathroom is sometimes out of order. I find waking up extra early and eatting something as soon as I get up is a good way to force everything out so I can have a couple BM's before I head out the door.
I have a 35-40 minute drive to work. I get up as early as I can and try to let things work themselves out before I leave the house. I do not eat until I get to work, because I usually make several trips to the toilet after breakfast. I have found that my body has gotten itself into a kind of routine. There are occasions when I still have to stop along the way, but for the mot part I can make the whole drive without stopping to use the toilet. But it is hard for me to pinpoint the exact time I can get to work everyday. Fortunately my boss is flexible. I shoot to arrive by 8:30. Most days I get there closer to 9. Occasionally, I get in after 9, but nobody ever asks questions because they are aware of my situation and that helps. It's those days when I HAVE to be there by 8 that become a problem.

I can only reiterate what everyone has said, early starts etc
Congratulations on your promotion, of course you have to take it!
You only regret the things you didn't do, what's the worse case scenario?
They take you out and shoot you? no
In time, once you've got a routine going, routine being the important thing here, you will manage this, and provide yourself with coping strategies, and if you go a bit wobbly, breathe, and chant, 'This too shall pass, I can do this'
sending you loads of good luck, you're gonna be smashing!
I too was going to suggest the adult diapers on the way there and home in case of emergencies. You can always remove it once you get to work and when you get home. At least until you develop more of a routine, like others have said, when it comes to your body in the morning. Definitely don't let IBD keep you from the cool opportunities in life! :)