Two one pieces a week?

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Aug 9, 2009
Hey guys!
I went to the stoma nurse today and she was lovely!
Te only thing I learned that in new Zealand, they predominantly give you 1 piece appliances, and they only allow 2 appliances per week... In Australia they apparently get 1 a day! Does this sound stingey or weird to you guys? I get them free though so that is a bonus (not sure what happens in usa, aus and uk though.

Charlotte, two a week is very stingy! My stoma nurses here in the UK say 48 hours max for a one piece drainable Dansac. Otherwise you could have problems with leakage.
Hey Charlotte,

I don't have a stoma but Matt has just been in hospital and I have heard the stoma guy talking to other patients every day about their ostomies. In Australia you are expected to change your one piece daily and the two piece every 2-3 days so I guess that is what they allow for when you receive your supplies. We have ostomy associations here and if you aren't a pensioner or health care card holder you pay an administration fee of $45 dollars a year and your supplies are free, they are subsidised by the government. So yeah, two a week is very stingy!!!

Dusty. :)
That's what I thought! I have been practicing tonight using a bag and I did it exactly as I have seen on videos, held hands on it to warm it up et and got a good seal, but I noticed it starting to peel around the edges already. I am a bit worried that I will only be allowed 2 a week. Can you buy the bags straight from suppliers? If so are they quite expensive?
Hi Charlotte,
In the US, we can certainly choose one or two piece and the brand we like best. I hope you get the same choice. I tried one piece and did not like it. I like being able to take off the bag without changing the flange.

Also, I tried the 3 major brands, and one minor brand to make sure I had the system that worked best for me. For me, it was the Hollister New Image 2 piece with filter and lock n roll closure.

Good luck with your upcoming surgery.
Must be nice to get your stuff for free!!! The government here gives people with permanent ostomies $600 a year towards supplies (let me tell you, that doesn't even come close to covering it). Fortunately my health plan through my school covers ostomy supplies, but if I didn't have that they'd be coming out of pocket.

Personally, I'm with Joe, I don't like the one pieces either...I'm a 2 piece girl all the way! I use the 2 piece with a bag liner. So it's pretty easy to just take the bag off, whip the liner out, and put a new one in. My flanges also last about a week, so that saves me some money too.
Argh! I had a bloody feeling nz would be stingy with their bags or there would be something incredibly lame. The other thing is you can only chose from 3 brands here ! Coloplast, dansac or hollister. I also thought that putting the flange on first would be a lot simpler than not being able to see your stoma. Anyway I will just kick up a fuss if it isn't working out and I'm sure they wouldn't make u have leaky pouches just to sve bags. That would be demoralising. Also for you guys who have to buy them, what is the approximate cost of an ostomy bag? 2 piece and 1 piece? Anyways thanks so much again :)
I pay $44.99 CDN for a box of 5 flanges, and $59.99 CDN for a box of 10 bags. Because I use the liners ($189.00 US for 300, which lasts between 4 and 6 months), I don't buy bags very often, maybe once or twice a year. I buy one box of flanges a month.