I had surgery on 2/7/11 where they remove part of my small intestines and any abcesses inside me. I came home with an ilestomy bag for 3 months. Which is all good. I passed out after being home a week after I got out of the shower and had to go to the hospital for bloodwork. Long story short. My blood work came back not good my WBC was 5 points higher than when I left the hospital from my surgery. Went back to the hospital the next day for fluids bc they also said I was dyhratried(sp??) Got pumped up with 2 bags of fluids and went home. So basically they aren't sure if I have another abcess or an UTI. They want me to come in today for another cat scan. I HATE drinking that contrast and don't want to do it!!! My mom being a nurse of course I have to. And I do want to make sure everything on the inside is ok. I am scared that it won't be and I'll need more surgery. I am hoping it's just an UTI. I really don't want to drink that contrast AGAIN!! Yuk. Thanks for letting me vent.. Very nervous - Katie....crabby1: