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Allie, sooo happy for you!! :) That is just WONDERFUL! I can't even describe how excited I am for you that you can be feeling better by christmas! :) First graduation, then being with your husband, and now finally some pain relief! :) They do say that things come in 3's! And you just had 3 blessings come your way! :) I do believe that you will get a diagnosis soon, since your rheumy is taking you so seriously and is giving you meds. This is just awesome! :) I can only imagine how happy you must be!

Cat, yeah if it keeps coming back later, you should definitely go see your doctor. but, hopefully it will go away on it's own if it is an infection or something like that. :)

I have used webmd's symptom checker!! haha I laughed SO hard when I read what it came up with for your neck symptoms!! I literally laughed out loud! It always comes up with SOO many different things it could be.. that it's like.. putting in your symptoms to see what it comes up with doesn't really help figure out what it is haha you know what I mean? like it'll be like... IBS, pancreatitis, endometriosis, crohn's, ulcerative colitis... it just keeps naming things, and it's like.. well i could of told you those things could be it too!! LOL but it is nice to see different things that you may not of heard of before. so i'll give it some credit! :p

I LOVE making pillows! I'll have to post a picture somehow, it's super cute!! i really want to make more!! It was my first pillow I've ever made, so I'm really quite happy with it! I love when you get a vision in your head of how you want something to turn out, and then when it's done, it looks exactly like how you envisioned it! :D I love your sailboat idea! Sounds really cute, and I am SURE they will love them for their boat!

You know what kinda upsets me? is when my friends tell me that they understand that I can't do ceratin things or go certain places because of my tummy situation... but then they get mad at me. like my friends want to go on a CRUISE for like 4 or 5 days! away from home! and i told them that i don't think I can do that because i'm not going to be on any meds soon and my doctors need me to get sick again, and i really can't afford to get sick away from home, it's not safe for me. but my boyfriend took me an hour from home to the beach for the day to get away for our anniversary and they were like.. well you guys went on a vacation so what's the difference? It's like.. uhm it was only ONE day, and my tummy did hurt, but it wasn't like i was staying somewhere many many miles from home and for a week... i just don't understand! I'm trying my best! :yfrown:
