I had my GI appointment today. It went fairly well. Since I'm apparently flaring again/still flaring, we agreed that I should have an MRE done. So that's scheduled for Dec 2nd. I also had a bunch of bloodwork done today.
He wants me to try a med called Lotronex. I hadn't heard of it and I'm not super thrilled with what I've read about it briefly online today. But, he said if it doesn't work or doesn't work well enough for me, then I can also try LDN!!!!
I'm much more excited about that prospect, so the plan for now is to try the Lotronex and give it a chance and then try LDN. I think Lotronex is mainly made for IBS, not IBD, but my GI explained in some technical terms why he thinks it'll help me (it inhibits certain receptors and some sciencey stuff), so I'll give it a shot. I'm definitely happy though to have LDN as my backup plan!
I'm also going to stay on 20 mg pred until we know whether or not Lotronex works for me. My GI said it should work quickly, like in a week or so I should at the very least see some difference, he thinks. So, we'll see. I'm supposed to start the Lotronex today (going to the pharmacy shortly to pick it up) and am to call my GI in one week and let him know how I'm doing.