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Jul 28, 2011
Where to begin....

Over the last 9 months I have been sick. I originally went to the doctor because I was having symptoms of a UTI. My sample showed elevated leukocytes but no bacteria. I was put on medication and told if it didn't go away with treatment to schedule an appointment with them again.

I kept having symptoms off and on until about 4 months ago when things got really worse. My UTI symptoms were back. This time it came with severe pain on my right side and bright red blood in my urine. I scheduled an appointment with my doctor but by the appointment my side hurt so bad and was noticeably swollen. Another sample was taken showing elevated leukocytes but no bacteria. Lab work was ordered and I was put on more antibiotics.

Now I still have all my symptoms (minus the uti symptoms) am bruising so easily that I have over 20 bruises on my arms and legs. I have been on 3 rounds of medication since the beginning with no improvement.

Other symptoms I've been experiencing is vomiting and nausea. It happens almost every day. Pregnancy has already been ruled out and it happens whether or not my stomach is full. I have lost about 35 pounds in the last couple months. This isn't something I can afford to do.

I have had a pelvic ultrasound done but everything came up normal. Mid August I have another ultrasound and cystoscopy. I'm scared. 29 years old and single mom.
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Hi and welcome! I am sorry for what you are going through and that you aren't getting any answers. Do you have IBD, or are you curious if your symptoms are possibly related to IBD?

If you have IBD - What medication are you taking? Could these symptoms be a possible side effect? Have you spoke to your GI?

If you don't have an IBD diagnosis - Are you having issues with your bowels - change in BM's, more frequent BM's, constipation, mucus, blood, or cramping? These are some big indicators of IBD.
Hi and welcome! I am sorry for what you are going through and that you aren't getting any answers. Do you have IBD, or are you curious if your symptoms are possibly related to IBD?

If you have IBD - What medication are you taking? Could these symptoms be a possible side effect? Have you spoke to your GI?

If you don't have an IBD diagnosis - Are you having issues with your bowels - change in BM's, more frequent BM's, constipation, mucus, blood, or cramping? These are some big indicators of IBD.

I haven't been diagnosed with anything yet unfortunately. ..Unfortunately because I would rather known whats wrong and deal with it than to be left wondering.

My bm's have been looser and more frequent in the last couple months. I thought I noticed some mucous but really am not sure. I have no blood in my stool but I do experience some cramping.

I'm not taking any medications at this time other han Ibprofin and Gravol as needed on my doctors advise until my next scheduled appointment.

I'm not really sure what it could be. I found this site when searching for my symptoms and it seemed a good place to start.
Emotional and physical stress can certainly cause changes in your BM's. No blood and no clearly defined mucus is a good sign. To be honest, I don't think your symptoms align with IBD. However, if you are concerned, I would certainly contact your doctor and get some testing done. In my opinion, don't mess around - go straight for a colonoscopy and/or endoscopy. Though the prep is tough, the procedure is a breeze and it will give the best results. Good luck!

PS - Careful with the Ibprofin - this is tough on the gut and could be causing the cramping and changes in BM's.
I understand what you're saying but I only take it for the more severe pain that started several months ago. Though my right side hurts a lot the more severe pain is only once in a while.

I have been tested in the last few months for various things....cysts, stones, tumours...I was referred to a specialist for retesting because my results came back normal.

From my various appointments with the specialist he sId it could be just about anyhing right now...thats why the retesting.
Well, absolutely, you can't dismiss what is going on and it is smart to cover all of your bases. And IBD does manifest differently in everyone. But I hope you don't have IBD or any other serious illness.

Have you set up an appointment with a GI specialists?
No...here we need referrals for a specialist :(
My family doctor referred me to a urologist a few months ago thinking it was stones. So right now I'm stuck dealing wih him until my next appointment with my family doctor in 2 weeks.

I am also hoping its nothing serious. I hope everyone here can find the answers and support they're looking for.
It sounds like something reproductive or part of your urinary tract rather than digestive. Honestly they should be checking your kidneys and reproductive system. IBD symptoms are more blood in stools and mucous(classic signs) swollen tummy can be a symptom but not nessaraly a sign, cramping before a bm, urgency of bm(as in get to the bathroom NOW!) also a thing called dumping syndrom(which in general terms is you eat somehing and litterally within a couple of hours you see everything in the toliet this is because your body isn't digesting the food, instead it's dumping it.) you (can) also feel very hungry all the time. Stools will be very watery(if inflammation is located in the colon, if inflammation is located higher then you may not have diarreah at all)

It sounds more like a kidney stone or a bladder stone. Also kidney disease is a possible expaination and (at worst) cancer, but it doesn't sound like you have IBD. There is however an "undagnosed club" which you can feel free to post in and as for advice and such. We're willing to help and offer any advice needed. Good luck

I edit now because I've read through your responces and stones have been ruled out apologies
P.S. It could be a blood disorder as well...you said your having random bruising. I've asked my GI when I had bruising he said it could be because of changing birth control(adding hormons which I'm not used to) but bruising is more indicative of low platelet counts. Have you had bloodwork done to see if your white cells are elevaed or if your anemic or your platlets are low? Bloodwork can help determine a lot of things.
Isn't bruising easily a sign of leukemia? You mentioned leukocytes...I'm not familiar with what those are, but they sound like they could be related.
Isn't bruising easily a sign of leukemia? You mentioned leukocytes...I'm not familiar with what those are, but they sound like they could be related.

Bruising can be a sign on leukemia. Leukocytes is just another name for white blood cells. From what my doctor tells me it usually indicates infection but they haven't found any infection through testing of my urinary system (bladder, kidneys, urethra, ovaries and uterus have all been examined so far.
Hmm, I don't think IBD should be totally ruled out, IMHO. I've had very similar symptoms, bar red blood in my urine and the bruising and had very few problems with D until a couple of months before my diagnosis when things were worsening. Without trying to diagnose/scare you, a fistula can cause a lot of those symptoms and it was a CT scan which finally showed mine.
I hope you get some answers soon: it is scary and wearing to have the UTI type stuff for months on end :-(
I edit now because I've read through your responces and stones have been ruled out apologies

Its ok. I know you're just trying to offer advise. And I apologize if some things are unclear or I've left something out. It has been a very tiring 9 months.
Hi Mommy and welcome,

My initial thoughts were the same as lookame's as the bruising was the first thing I focused on. Have they done a full lab workup? Have you had your platelet count checked? How about vitamin and mineral levels as various deficiencies can cause bruising as well.

I hope they're able to get to the bottom of this soon!
Anaemia can also cause bruising. You have had blood in your urine and there is nothing to say you don't have GI bleeding that is higher up and in an amount that is not detectable to the eye, particularly in view of the fact that you are using Iboprufen.

Perhaps also in conjunction with baseline bloods request they test your B12, folate and Iron Stores levels. You can have a normal haemoglobin but still be depleted in these areas. The right sided pain may be indicative of ileal disease if IBD is ever considered, nausea, vomiting, weight loss and loose bowel motions can also be a sign of IBD. Diarrheoa does not equal Crohn's, my children never suffered with it, so don't rule out anything on that basis either.

Normal test results are not uncommon either so don't be put off by that. My son had an ultrasound that came back normal even though they knew what they were looking for. Two days or so later he had another one at the GI's request and lo and behold they found exactly what the GI was looking for. Believe me, nothing had changed over those few days to produce the difference.

Good luck hun and I hope you can get some solid answers soon!

Dusty. xxx

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