Hi, so finally after a year I have been diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease. I ended up having a colonoscopy and and upper endoscopy. The upper endoscopy showed nothing but the colonoscopy showed severe inflammation and redness and ulcers. I am currently in hospital because they wouldn't let me go home because of how severe it was. They put me on a drip which gives me steroids and antibiotics for half an hour and two other medicines for an hour. Three of them get infused 3 times a day and the other once a day. They are keeping me in hospital next week and on Monday I can only eat what they give me.
The drip is so painful, any tips on getting rid of the pain a bit and also my bandage is very tight so that didn't help
The drip is so painful, any tips on getting rid of the pain a bit and also my bandage is very tight so that didn't help