UPDATE: Rheumatology

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my little penguin

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Staff member
Apr 15, 2012
So DS saw the Rheumatologist for the numbness and leg redness.

Very good appt.
In a "nut shell" - IF YOUR CHILD HAS IBD and any joint pain/skin issues get to a RHEUMATOLOGIST.

They can handle and are the "Experts" for crohn's kids on joint/skin issues. It was great. I thought he needed to have major joint issues to see them --not so. They will be following DS from now on to make sure the EIM are under control since that is Their AREA.:ycool:

DS is not dx with arthritis yet per doc.
The numbness/redness (vasculitis of sorts) are all attributed to the under treated crohn's. Doc recommended getting DS under control ASAP. He stated for DS at least blood is not an indication of his disease level:yoshijumpjoy: preaching to the choir and there is no reason for him to have to be like this. His plan is the go really high on meds- stabilize Ds and then deal with any toxicity as needed. He said after we get him stabilized we can always lower meds down to find the minimum.

He stated the dose Ds is on for MTX is tiny tiny compared to what he puts his JRA kids on at the same weight.

So we have a plan -- and have to wait for GI to read the recommendations.
AWESOME NEWS MLP! We are happy dancing here in CT for you. :dance::dance::dance:

Here's hoping your GI listens and gets on board post haste!
We had the same sort of experience at our Rheumatology appointment and it made me wonder why our GI was not more on the ball with making sure we got seen by Rheumi. Glad you now have someone on the case. I too thought that when they determined that my son's leg issue was not arthritis exactly that would be it, but not so, Rheumi deals with other random inflammation too. Such a relief. Hope this new specialist makes all the difference and your son gets better quick.
Woohoo! So fab to see you dancin' and a jumpin' mlp!

I so hope the Gi takes on the recommendations and your boy has lasting peace and relief. :)

Dusty. xxx
I'm so happy you've got some answers and a solid plan! Hopefully, no bumps along the way with the GI!!

Just back from hols. That was great you managed to have such a good appointment. Always good to have a plan!!