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Oct 16, 2013
I just finished the starter dosage of Humira. My GI wants me to have vaccines for hepatitis a and b . Will this interfere with my next dose of Humira?
We were told the only restriction is NO LIVE vaccines
Otherwise no issues.
Ds still needs to get his regular kid vaccines since he is 12
Neither Hep A or B vaccines are live vaccines.

The vaccines will not interfere with the action of the Humira, but there is some risk that the Humira will dampen the effectiveness of the vaccine. While I haven't seen anything to worry about specifically concerning Humira, in general immunsuppressive drugs sometimes make the immune response to various vaccines a little weaker. That's not to say don't take the vaccine. You still need it. Better some protection than none at all. Just be aware that the protection you gain from the vaccine might be a little weaker than if you had not been on the drug.