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Apr 26, 2012
So, C has been doing really great.
We had the normal FC(48) back last month
No symptoms what so ever

He has been on the go all summer
From camping to beach blah blah blah
He also worked the first part of the summer

Earlier this week he asked to spend the night off
It was the night before his MTX dose so I told him he had to be home
by 6pm the next day to take his dose.
He proceeds to tell me that he has a bottle of MTX in the car
(just in case)
Bells go off, there are only two bottles the home one and one he travels with(he's lost his 2nd pill box in a year) the one he traveled to the beach with should be empty since he should've taken it the previous week at the beach.

So I call him on it and he sheepishly admits that he hasn't taken his MTX for two weeks, three now. The day of and sometimes the day after it gives him D, or that is the connection he has made. It doesn't happen every time but not a one off apparently either. So he decided to stop it and now no more D, he says.

We had a long talk about compliancy and that he couldn't stop any med without first coming and talking with me and then the GI and that even in doing that it may not result in a med being stopped. He agreed to start back taking the MTX in front of me.

I put a call in to the GI nurse and explained the situation and asked if there was a protocol for starting back after missing these doses. She asked had he had any CD symptoms since coming off the MTX, I said no. She said the Dr's notes indicated after the last visit that the GI wanted to soon start to wean off the MTX(not sure that he meant all the way off) so she was going to discuss it with him and get back to me.

Ughh...C is such a "if I take this then this should happen" kind of kid which has made the folic acid and vitamin D a constant battle of "let me watch you take them", since he doesn't "see" a result(like I have a headache so I take Tylenol then no headache) but he has been so compliant with the MTX.

I want my bubble back and a bottle of wine/whine please:tinfoil:
Teenage brains - in the moment life! They have a hard time seeing the big picture, only how it effects them here and now.
We have this conversation often - I feel great why do I have to do this? My response is you feel great because you have been doing this and in order to continue feeling great you have to keep doing.
Jack is the same way - black and white. If I do X then Y should happen.
Glad it didn't cause any problems and he was able to do all the fun stuff this summer that he wanted to but I could imagine your frustration!

Big Hugs!
I was and still am hoping that by the time C gets to college he will only be on Remicade because he worries me about taking the meds. I've gotten this kid everything, alarm pill box(lost) phone app that alerts to med time(how does he ignore that dang sound)

We based his go time on compliancy of meds so it hasn't seemed to be a problem but now with a car/license/summer, he is out and about more than home it seems and that is where the trouble comes in.
It's tough. So far I've been able to control due to EN and Remi... but, I do wonder sometimes about his supplements??? He says he always takes them but then admitted he'd sometimes forgotten his nexium while on EN. So... you forgot the med but remembered the supplement???

But, I can see how it's tough. When S has complained about the remi schedule or apptmts for tests/follow-ups, he's said that it's so tough to stay committed and do this stuff when he feels well and doesn't 'see' any illness. I know he understands why but I know I'd be slacking too in his shoes. :( It's human nature and worse when it's a teen!

I just got pissed at S, he went to a cottage last weekend and then we had a family picnic on Sunday... between the two, he got a pretty bad sunburn! I remind him ALL the bloody time to use sunscreen! Including on Sunday when I was there... I told him the only other thing I can do is put it on him like a little kid! (But, you know what? I got burned too... just didn't tell him! ;))

I totally get your worry too, guess the best you can do is have him do take in front of you. :(
Tesscorm, so weird thing is C has been on a sun screen jag. I was blown away by his maturity at buying his own sunscreen and calling to ask about application while away! Came home and several days on the lake he was back and forth putting on the sunscreen, no rhyme or reason to what he deems important!

Still waiting for GI to call back to see what he says. C's Remicade treatment is next Thursday and the following one will be Remi and dr appt. I had planned on discussing pushing the Remi out some if everything was still going so well since he is at 6 weeks and was on 25mg of MTX. Now, I don't dare because I'm afraid missing over two weeks of MTX will muddy the waters if we have problems.
Ok so the GI nurse called back and we are off the MTX. GI said if he has made it 3 weeks then might as well test the waters now since newest studies show optimization of combo for six months then drop the MTX. C has been on it 9 months already. Nurse said since doc was preparing to move C off after next doc apt that we would go ahead and try but we are to call right away if there are any blips. So we will see.
Thanks, it is a little freaky!

In January, before things went haywire the doc had mentioned a stop date for the MTX but then C ended up in hospital. At the last appt. I mentioned lowering the dose or spacing the remi further apart since FC level was so good. Doc said he would prefer to wait a bit more. I guess C made the decision for him but the nurse said he had jotted in his notes to discuss at next appt we go!

I hate to say it but as much as I sometimes loathe the thought of the combo leaving the MTX feels a little scary.
Well of course because he has been feeling good.. I understand not wanting to do anything to rock the boat even when you hate that they have to take the meds.
Are you thinking of keeping on the 6 week interval for Remi now without the MTX?
Yeah, before all this I was going to ask if we could try 7 weeks(he goes next week for his Remi but the following infusion is when he sees the doc too) but I think now it would just muddy the waters if we did both, kwim?

We drive quite a ways to do the Remi at the docs IV lab even though we have been given the opportunity to do it at our local hospital. In the beginning, I just preferred to be there and C did too but we may eventually go ahead and transfer Remi infusions closer if things remain good.
Any change is scary. But, hopefully, this is a good change! :thumright: Hoping for no blips too!

I want to ditch the mtx. One month we had normal labs. Now creeping back up so I'm like, "Why bother with it". We started EN supplement thru ng tube last night. So Docs want meds to stay the same until we see what happens. I didn't realize there's a stopping point to mtx anyways. I learn so much here!!
Brian's Mom, there are differing opinions to stopping points. Originally, I think people were put on the combo biologics+immunosuppressant as long as it worked now more recently another approach has been to start the combo them come off the immunosuppressant after 6 or so months. I think it just depends on the GI, the patient and how their disease is responding. MTX is a drug you can come back to so I guess the thought is that if they do come off after six months and it is needed again it can be added. There is no steadfast rule that you must come off MTX, though.
I'm glad in the bigger picture this is all working out. Too many stories out there of teens dumping their meds w/o parents knowing and then ending up in the hospital. I might ask the GI to have a little chat with him on compliance, just for kicks.
OMGosh! I totally hear ya Clash on leaving the med you love to hate! Quick pack your bags and move into the castle...and bring your bubble with you for safe measure!
I'll be in the castle, if I'm needed more than likely close to the wine cellar for self anxiety medication purposes, CIC!!

I'm not going to jinx all this by taking the MTX out of my signature, just yet. Maybe having it there will ward off the Crohn's demon.

Mehita, GI told nurse to let me know that C would be having a compliance convo with him at the next appointment. Right now, C is all in the "see I know what is right for my body, I got this Mom." stage. So easy they forget how bad it is when it is bad.

Well as Dusty says, "Onwards and Upwards!"
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Bloody hell Clash! :yfaint:

Good to hear that things seem okay for now and if he had to decide that he could start setting his own agenda it was now! Phew!

Now, I just hope he doesn't turn to you and say...see Mum, it's all fine, just chill out. :ack:

Yep! Onwards and Upwards!

Dusty. xxx
:eek2: I need to go to OPSM!

OMG how stressful! I really hope everything works out and doesn't go belly up.

Sending (((hugs))) xx
Oh Clash! We always seem to be in the same boat! I have started worrying about this very thing lately! It just dawned on me that Ryan is learning to take care of his own health and in a few years, he will be totally calling the shots! Add to it, he loved being away at camp oasis and just got his license today! ....I am a woman in need of a tall glass of wine!!! (((Hugs!)))
Holy cow! 118 training hours to go? How many are needed? Here it is 16 and 40 hours behind the wheel and something ridiculous like 8 hours in the classroom. No wonder why car accidents are the leading cause of death for teens in the US!
120 hrs.... 20 of them have to be at night...unless its changed since my son got his licence.
At night! Now there's an idea! Don't get me started...oops you already did! My daughter had all plans of getting her license 4 months after she got her permit at 16 (4 months is the minimal wait time). Circumstances made it near impossible to get the 40 hours in. Can't imagine 120! So by 18 she finally got her 40th hour in and the ironic part is at 18 you don't need any road hours (you don't have to show them a log book anyway and what does a log book prove anyway).

The inspector told her she was very smart waiting until 18 and that the risk of accidents drops dramatically from 16 to 17 and then again from 17 to 18.

Her sisters will both be made to wait until 18. I know I am a horrible mommy.

PS this city girl didn't have a license until 24...didn't need it! The good ole MTA did all my driving for me.
Sarah has manage to do 8 hours. You need to have learners for least 12 months. They also have to pass the hazards perception test before going for their licence.

Sarah planning to get enough hours in the period between end of high school and uni.

Once their 21 the hours don't matter.
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You get your learners here at 15 then you have to take a driver's ed course and also drive 40 hours, 8 at night. C's took his course at school and the instructor rides with them for the 40 hours. At 16 you take the driving test and off ya go...Ugghh!
I'm planning to make my boys wait until they are 21 before they learn to drive. Hopefully by then they'll be past the dangerous young male stage.

Below -- Rehearsing the argument I'm planning to use on the boys
I don't see any point in them learning before they go back to Aus for Uni as they won't be able to convert licenses.

Currently the 120 logged hours rule, only applies if your under 21. As university students living away from home, they'll probably have to learn to drive via professional lessons. I don't really think it's realistic to get to the 120 hours unless you live at home and have a family car you can drive and a family members who's willing to spend a lot of time being driven around by you. Thus it just makes sense for them to wait until 21!
Our rules are similar to the U.S. - you can get your license at 16, but not sure about 'hours'. We have different levels of licenses though, can't remember the exact rules for each level but some of the rules are - must drive with another driver with a full license, no driving after a certain time (ie midnight) and can only take one passenger in car (minimizes a car full of teens after a party), and no highway driving. After certain time periods, you apply for the next level. I believe some of the restrictions are lifted based on age as well.

I don't worry quite as much any more as I initially did (like anything, you adjust :eek:) but I am still constantly reminding them of the dangers!!! Just heard in the news of six teens killed in a car accident in western Canada. Those poor families!! :( And, once again, reminded my kids, there's not always a second chance to learn from mistakes!
I like your argument Maree! Now just make sure Aunty Catherine doesn't let them know about those volunteers or worse yet doesn't volunteer herself:eek2:
Alabama is way behind on the license. We have 30 hrs of driving (and they don't verify it, just make parent sign a form that the child had it). We do have a graduated 16 can only have 1 passenger and can't drive between midnight and 6 a.m. No intentions here of letting Ryan loose until I am sure he is ready. License does not equal complete freedom....He isn't too happy about that one!
He will thank you the first time he hears of a kid killed in an accident. A few girls here were recently killed by a drunk driver. It wasn't their fault but the guy behind then said there was something they could have done to get out of his way. They were just to new to know or realize I guess.
Exactly Crohnsinct....being a good driver in perfect conditions is one thing. Learning to be a defensive driver takes a lot more experience and attention! We did a driving course last week and got license yesterday. We will still do a defensive driving course before long. He MIGHT get to drive to the school before too long, but that's about it! I AM NOT READY FOR THIS...!
People we can't fit anymore driving practice.

Sarah who be 18 next week still needs 112 hours

No. 2 child who is 16 and half, has not got learner yet but will need to do 120 hours.

The rate where going they will still be trying to get hours up when No 3 child can get her learner in 18 months.

Maree I can put him list after we get the remaining 352 hours done for my kids.
LMAO Catherine. We only had to do 40 with my oldest and we couldn't get that in. Why? Because she was only allowed to have one licensed adult in the car while practicing. O.K. then what do I do with my other two children? So she never went out! Not to mention as a swimmer not a lot of time to drive anyway!
Wow, I really don't think we have a set number of hours... my kids would ask for us to drive with them but only because they wanted to drive and needed a fully licensed driver with them. Certainly we did so they got some 'practice' and guidance but, I think we have a time period (ie 3 or 6 months) but no minimum number of hours. I can see how it would be tough to manage when you have two or three kids coming up to this age!
Oh, goodness. And I was freaking out just letting DS ride his BICYCLE to summer band.

IDK Mehita...biking at times is more dangerous...darn drivers and their texting! You know how many I have seen swerve into the shoulder. It is that very reason I made O give up biking as a sport. Well that and her friend/team mate was seriously injured hit by a texting driver.

I say we create a Crohns commune and we all live there in our germ free bubbles and walk to home schooling class with our resident GI on call 24/7 oh and cook and bartender!
It's too late for me to move to the commune, C has already experience the freedom of the wheel.

We also have the graduated licence, like jmkinley and the CIC mentioned. I think it is one passenger over 21 for first six months of license then no more that 2 or 3 passengers until 18. C has all the rules, of course there is a curfew with each level too.

I am a lot more panicky about C driving than I was my older daughter which is weird because she had a wreck on the way to school 6 months after obtaining her license, totaled her car. Then at college in a gym parking lot she had a fender bender, though it was written up as no fault since she and the other driver were backing out of parking spots and backed into each other...ummm how does that happen?!?
So sorry you can't join us Clash. You can visit. But when you do be prepared to be swabbed and held on 48 hour observation for any germs or communicable diseases. We will keep your wine chilled!
They can take driver's training at 14.5 here, Jack turns 14 tomorrow so that would be in 6 months (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN). I told him we would discuss it next summer (hoping he will be too busy to take it). I did just let him back the car out of the driveway for the first time the other day. I didn't think it was possibly to yell BRAKE! that many times in 10 seconds
I do think that having a large number of supervised hours driving before getting your license is a good thing. It just so many hours when you add it all up.

During this learning part of driving Sarah can have a many passenger as the car is legally able to carry.

Her step father is handling the training hours as I am very nervous passenger. They will get to have lots bonding trips by car after year 12 finishes. Maximum allow training time without a break is 2 hours.

Once she gets her license she will be only able to have one peer passenger (between the age of 16-22) for the first year but she can carry other passengers outside this age group. Her siblings don't count as peer passengers.
Catherine, with that many driving hours, I think we will need to get you a g-tube for some wine! I am a nervous wreck every time I get out of the car...I have developed a stutter! On the way home from getting his license, I finally had to make him stop and let me drive. If you've ever seen a horse who's going back to the barn after a ride...that was us! He couldn't get home fast enough! :eek2: He is a good driver, but I will be a nervous wreck. We haven't let him fly solo yet :ybatty:
:lol: I worry about things but usually handle it decently well and step up to the challence EXCEPT teaching the kids to drive!! :eek: Had hubby take care of that!! It was one job that just stressed me way too much!! :ack:

It's not so bad now... but it did take a while before I could even breathe while they drove! :lol:
Nope, not happening for me either! My Hubs rode with both mine. J is 20 now and I still drive when we're together!
You guys are scaring me. Making a mental note to shove driving duty to the Hubster, carry my inhaler, and find a g-tube.

If DS's golf cart driving is any precursor, I'd highly suggest not visiting Minnesota starting in 2015!
haha Mehita!! I was raised in a small town and was driving way before I had license to do so, different times, different views and I was astounded by how little both my kids knew about driving when they first got their learners, or so their step Dad told me! Ha!
I grew up in Toronto, even back then, it was a 'city', but I was driving before I had a license, too! Highway driving and all! :eek: I went and got my license on the day I turned 16... sure, I'd been driving for a year, who needed lessons?!?! And there was no graduated licenses back then! :eek: :lol: But, you're right... different times! OMG, even back then, not sure what would've happened if I'd had an accident and NOW! don't even want to imagine the fines, insurance, etc.! :yfaint:
Oh man Catherine! I feel for you! :eek2:

My two went through the 120 hours requirements, not hard to log up in the country though.

Learners permit at 16 which they hold for 12months.

Red provisional licence for a further 12 months. Speed, prohibited vehicle, peer passenger and zero alcohol restrictions. Sit another test and then...

Green provisional licence for a further 2 years. Speed, prohibited vehicle and zero alcohol restrictions. Sit another test and then...

The earliest you can obtain your gold/full licence is 20 years old. Sarah obtained hers on her 20th birthday and so did Matt, just the other day! I have never seen that kid so keen to do anything as he was to get those plate holders off his car! :lol:

Dusty. :Flower:
These are the plates they have to display for at least 4 years!

L for 1, Red P for 1 and Green P for 2...


I was glad to see the bloody plate holders go too! :lol:
Wow, you guys have plate holders for the graduated licenses, Dusty? I told my older daughter I was going to get her a huge bumper sticker that read Student Driver!

Ok I looked our requirements up, they are as follows: Our graduated license start at 15 with a written test learner's permit, can't drive alone must drive with 21 year old, acquire 40 hours, take a drug and alcohol awareness class, hold this license for twelve months.

Once the teen satisfies the above requirements, he or she may schedule an appointment for the driving test and be issued with a provisional / intermediate drivers license. The provisional license allows unsupervised driving but poses the following restrictions:

•The provisional license holder is not allowed to drive a vehicle between the hours of 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.
•In the first six months after license issuance, the holder is not allowed to have any passengers in the vehicle unless they are members of the driver’s immediate family.
•In the second six months (month 6-12) after license issuance, only one person under 21 who is not an immediate relative may ride in the car.
•Twelve months after license issuance, the holder is not allowed to have more than three passengers under 21 years old who are not members of the driver’s immediate family in the vehicle.
•The driver may not drive under the influence.

Also, if you are under 18 years of age, and you drop out of school and remain out of school for 10 consecutive days, have a total of 10 unexcused absences, or have certain conduct infractions, your Georgia drivers license or instructional permit will be suspended.

If the driver observes the limitations listed above & has no convictions for traffic offences, the restrictions will be lifted when the driver reaches the age of 18.

Jmkinley, is this similar to the requirements there?
Yep, sure do. You have to display a plate on the front and the back of the car.

Okay... Venting..... :ymad:

Stephen has his MRE at 9:30 this morning, in less than 15 minutes!

Hospital is approx. 15 minutes away by subway (transit train) or 20+ minutes in a very fast (running) walk from my office parking. We arrived at 8:05am, he wanted to have a 'nap' in the car since he had so much time to kill... I said

Me: Go early, they may get you in earlier and it's a different hospital so you still have to find it, find the MRE dept, and it might not be easy to find, etc.

S: Mommmm, it's over an hour EARLY! Why do I need to go now?!? I'll be fine, you worry too much.

Me: hummpphh :ywow:

At 9:17am

S, in frustrated voice: Mom, there's a delay on the train! How do I walk to the hospital?

OMG, I'm so annoyed! :ymad: S has so many great qualities BUT he ALWAYS does this... waits for the last minute, doesn't allow for anything unexpected!! Ugghh!!!

Then, after a quick 'I told you', give him directions and ask him to call back if he can't find it...

S: I don't think I can, my phones about to die!

Yes, he did! (Shud've updated :lol:) I got one more phone call at 10ish saying 'all's good, I'm here'. Then was beginning to worry as he didn't get back at work until 1:30! :eek:... he was hungry, went for lunch... :lol:

His GI apptmt is Aug. 26... will call in a week or so for results. ;)
Call me a control freak if you'd like, but there is an app for phones called Life 360. Tracks where your family members are for you. Best invention ever. *wink, wink"

Glad it all turned out well today. I can't even imagine DS going in for an MRE by himself... so not there yet.
All this talk about driving is making me nervous!!!

My daughter gets her learners permit in 5 weeks and the countdown has begun...:yfaint:

Teaching my son to drive l use to panic all the time. I don't know how l'm going to go through that all over again.
Soooo...C's Remi infusion was yesterday, it is a 2 hour drive depending on traffic may be longer. C isn't a big soda fan but for some ungodly reason wakes up at 8 am, walks to the fridge and chugs a can of coke. Before we get out the door he starts saying he feels like he has a bubble in his bread basket area and it hurts....Mom freak out mode ensues...I mean this boy has not had one symptom, you'd have no idea that he has CD and the day of the infusion this happens. So half way there he is looking kinda green and really ornery. We get to the lab and the nurses can tell he is not well when they see him. I explain the coke and how he felt afterward(woke up feeling fine). He goes to the back for his infusion and comes out all shiny and smiley afterward. No pain, no green, no nothing. The nurse says I don't think that was CD related but more "a chugged carbonated drink on an empty stomach teen" kind of thing. She thinks chugging he must've swallowed a lot of air because he entertained them with his burping skills(yay son wtg ughh) and once he got the air up he was right as rain. He does this just to mess with me I think!!!

Oh and he gained weight again!! He doesn't remember what it was but said the nurse was all smiles about it. And lastly, he mentioned the new nurse that delights in making the little kids cry when trying to set up the IV has finally learned how to put in an IV the first time, he had already requested this nurse stay far away from him!! HA
Jack had appt at 11:00 today so I started calling his phone at 9:45 to wake him up as I was going to pick him up at 10:30 to get to Dr. by 11:00. No Answer! I walked in the door at 10:27 and told him he had 3 minutes to get up, get dressed, and take his meds. We talked about appt last night, he set an alarm and still didn't wake up and apparently didn't hear the 60 missed phone calls from me on the phone that was sitting on the table next to his bed! How do you possibly sleep through all that!
And your grey hair count is now??

Seriously though, so fab to hear all turned out well! I bet the nurses were glad the air went north instead of south!

And mega YAY for the weight gain! :mario2::mario2::mario2:

Dusty. xxx
He texted me at one point and asked wouldn't it be normal for people in an IBD IV lab to have gas, and do they rate it or something, like could he get a trophy if it is really loud, that famous "teen logic" makes him think that if you have IBD then they should celebrate the different facets of it!! Powers that be, please let this child mature and go to college soon, possibly a few states away!
OMG, so funny! :rof: :rof: How can they ALL be so much alike!?!?!?

(Mehita - this was the first time he went on his own! :eek2: remember... baby steps...:lol: He got there - a little late, a little stressed but he did get there! :D)
Clash, I think your license is tougher than our...they let anybody drive in Alabama :eek2:

Stage 1: age 15 - permit written test...pass and drive with only parent or driver over 21.
Stage 2: age 16 - prove 30 hrs driving experience and take driving test. If you pass, get license and can only have 1 passenger other than parents. No driving between midnight and 6 a.m. and no cell phones.
Stage 3: Unrestricted license...age 17 or 6 months after stage 2 license.

Never put much thought into it before, but it doesn't seem strict enough now that Ryan has his license :pale:

Ha Ha...Ryan thinks it's okay that his friends "expect" that he'd be passing gas considering his crohn's..."they're used to it"...DOES THAT MAKE IT OKAY?
Will you ever meet a girl that wants to spend time with you if you're known as the stinky kid with the cloud around him on the PEANUTS? They just don't care at this age!
I was sitting with some girls in DS's grade at a baseball game this summer when he and some friends walked by. DS stops in front of us, lifts his leg, farts, and keeps walking. I was SO embarrassed! The girls were laughing hysterically. I asked them if they thought it was gross and they said no, he does it all the time at school so every one is used to it and thinks its funny. OMG!
No way! That is hilarious! :rof:

Mind you I would no doubt have been less than impressed at the time too!

Now Mum's with DD's please tell me your darlings can be just as gross??? Don't leave me all alone here!...

One time, well one time that I know of!, when Sarah finished using the public toilets at school, she stood in the entranceway of said toilets and proudly announced to all those kids within a booming earshot...

I wouldn't go in there if I were you, I have a bowel disease! :yfaint:

Dusty. :)
No shame here as well!!!
When its time to let it out it...its time to let it out!!! and it doesn't matter where we are or who's around..:stinks:
According to my daughter, farts on the soccer field are a very popular way to let your opponents (and sometimes the refs :eek:) know how you feel! :yfaint:

Emily and a friend went into a public washroom... neither heard or saw anyone so assumed they were alone. When Em heard a loud fart, she called to her friend 'Wow, that was a good one!', her friend responded, thinking that Em was simply 'proud' of her own accomplishment, responded 'that must have felt sooo good!!'. A moment later, they heard a toilet flush and realized they weren't alone. :eek: And, to make matters worse, it was only when they were washing their hands that they realized that neither one had actually been the one who farted! :yfaint: That poor woman who was in the toilet... I can only imagine what she was thinking!!! Thank god the girls didn't clap or let out a 'woohooo'!
Clash, I'm sitting here (in Georgia, by the way, visiting parents) shaking my head and remembering what stress, heartache and strife we shared this past Spring with our kids in the hospital....and now he's not even taking his meds like he's supposed to. Tell him if he doesn't do it, all the moms on the Forum are going to shake him til he understands that taking his meds like he's supposed to isn't just for him, but for his mom, too! I want to remind him about what YOUR life was like while he was sick in the hospital and what a toll it took on you! I wonder if he'd care. Kids....sheesh.

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