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Aug 3, 2010
hi im new to the site im currently having symptoms of ibd i dont know which one it all started 10 weeks ago i woke with a burning pain in left abdomen followed by fast trip to toilet it really hurt it happened a few times after mostly at night it would be worse when laying on my left side,cramping pain that would come and go,i started taking buscopan and it helped abit,not long after whilst on holiday i started gettin dull achey pain mostly in left side,also felt tired early at night,soon after getting back off holiday i lost my appetite and lost weight nearly a stone in 3 weeks i couldnt be bothered to do anything,my stool are now back to normal and have been for the past few weeks,also ive been eating more, got my appitite back but im not putting any weight on at all,the cramping has eased but still get pain when i hold myself if im out and about or usually when i wake up,has anyone had pain in chest area it usually hurts when i lay down,ive got colonoscopy on the 16th aug ive had endoscopy blood tests and ultra sound all normal been to a+e twice but there all saying its ibd and told me there's nothing they can do till colonoscopy,any ideas guys? im just at my wits and its very scary going thro this
hi Rob & welcome to the forum - really pleased you found us at this early stage of things for you.. we all need support sometimes, but particularly at this time when you're suffering and don't know why..

i don't think any one of us here can really give you an answer for sure - as you say, the scopes/biopsies and results are what you need for a proper diagnosis... but from what you say, it does sound a familiar story.

if you haven't altered the foods you eat, then that is something you can do to try and help your symptoms in the next fortnight before the colonoscopy... to me, the chest pain on lying down sounds like an acid reflux issue.. is it in the centre of your chest, and like a burning/searing pain? if so, kick anything out of your diet which could possibly make acid, like alcohol, citrus fruits and juices, spicy food, greasy & fried food.. try and opt for gentle foods like mashed potato, boiled rice, soft pasta (no tomato sauce on tho), eggs, soft cooked chicken, yoghurts etc.. you might even want to consider a food supplement drink like Ensure, to make sure you're getting nutrients & vitamins.

i hope you do get an answer quickly - please keep us posted!
Hi Rob
and welcome

just to concur with Ding, give your bowels a rest til your scope with the low residue diet, white foods only! White rice, white bread, chicken turkey and white fish, potatoes and white cheese, milk if you can stomach it and eggs. no red meat, no veg or fruit, plenty of water, no coffee or tea, no alcohol.
loads of support here for you, any questions, fire away, are you in the UK?
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hello Rob, It sounds like Astra and Ding have given you excellent advice and I'm sorry I can't add to it. Mmmmmmmm I'm thinking UK because you used, "Stones" when referring to weight loss.

It's good to have you here xx
hi guys thanks for replys and info really helps,dingbat ive been on antacids for last 2 months that treat acid reflux but still no good pain still there,ive had endoscopy to check for stomach problems but all tests came back normal,also had ultrasound to check all organs and everything was fine,and 2 x-rays 1 of stomach and other 1 for chest and there fine,all coming down to colonoscopy,ive been eating mostly greasy foods and fruit and veg..i havent been given any information about ibd so i dont know what to eat,drink etc,my symptoms was sudden and didnt expect it does ibd affect u like that? thanks
hi guys just reading on a few posts that ibd sufferers have alot of d is this all the time or whilst having a flare,in remission is poop normal size? just ive had alot of symptoms mentioned in other posts but my d stopped a few week ago,im currently feeling tired alot also keep havin crampy pain left arm?
astra thanks alot sweet il try this,just reading u had ibd symptoms for 15 years that is a long time was u in pain alot?
Hiya Rob

try not to stress yourself, I know you're confused about this, but remember every Crohnie is unique! not everyone gets D, not everyone gets pain and so on, and Yes! I was in alot of pain and had severe D for many years! I was fobbed off with the old chesnut of IBS!
You will be tired because your immune system is working over time or double time! It initiates the inflammation, then sends out a response to combat it - instant fatigue!
cos it steals energy from other vital areas
some Crohnies suffer joint and muscle pains too, this is another Extra Intestinal Manifestation EIM
this probably what's up with your arm
listen to your body, it is crucial that you rest during a flare, helps the healing process.
read some info on the forum, dont trawl thro the net, too many horror stories out there!
get yourself genned up on info, diet and treatment, any questions fire away.
and most importantly - CHILLAX!!!!
im just a worrier i use to be a big lad but over this past month iv lost quite alot of weight its really scary im only 25 ive noticed crohns or uc affect the younger generation aswel,there's no one in my family that have had bowel problems..im resting when ever i get the chance tiredness and fatigue have really hit me hard,is it normal to feel tired even if your not having pain? thanks alot your being really helpful,rob x
Yes Rob it's normal!
I have no pain or D at the moment but I'm floored with fatigue!
When you see your gastro, they might give you a course of Prednisolone, this is a cortico-steroid, it will blitz any inflammation that you have, give you tons of energy, and you will eat tons of food!
There are side effect too on high doses, these may include insomnia, weight gain, and a moon face, euphoria or low moods. you may get all of these or none!
but these side effects far outweigh the benefits, they are a small price to pay to be well again! I was on it for 5 months, and I'm well now
mention it to your gastro
will mention it to doc worth a try even if my colonoscopy is in 2 weeks might ease symptoms till then,all symptoms ive had or got relates to ibd will know for sure on 16th whats weather like in st helens my nan lives there? thanks for reply
Hey Rob!!
small world!
it's grim here, and has been for weeks!
where are you from?
hi to all ive got a question 3 weeks ago i had endoscopy could the endoscope irratate the bowel whilst poking about in my stomach,the reason why iv asked is because looking back my upper left chest pain(just below rib) came on not long after the procedure,ive had ultrasound since n everythin looked fine,just wondered if it irratated a already imflammed bit of tranverse colon or decending colon,any ideas guys?
im from bempton,bridlington my nan lives about 15mins from st helens central station on farnworth street
Welcome Rob,

I hope you find out more after you've been to the colonoscopy. Are you in a lot of pain right now, or feeling ok?

I guess the scope could do some damage if you are very inflamed, but I'm no expert. I certainly hope this isn't the case for you, that would be very annoying! I mean to have the doctor make you worse, kinda...

Good luck on the colonoscopy!
Rob, I just want to say welcome!! I couldn't add to the good advice you're getting:). Keep us informed on your progress. Good luck and stick around!!
hi guys havent been on for few days, been in hospital with more pain had upper and lower x-rays done also blood tests come back normal,pain seems to be all down my left side,coming from just under belly button running all the way up under the left rib(splenix flexture),doc said that i have constipation and wind after looking at x-rays,also im struggling alot with bowel movements,in last couple of days my bm have gone from normal size to d now there small and difficult to pass,today ive taken laxative which has helped but not alot i still feel bloated,the pain feels raw before i eat like in the morning but seems to come and go after eating something,i tried pushing doctor to do ct scan but nothing else can be done till colonoscopy frustrating i keep thinking worse all the time,also guys do you suffer from wind and constipation with ibd also has anybody on here lost alot of weight due to this disease? thanks guys.. sophie im just feeling tired alot fatigued u ok?
Hi Rob, I know its hard but you must try and relax and go with the flow with IBD. Stress only makes it worse. We are all different. Some get D some constipation and some like me pasty. Some lose a lot of weight some none and some gain. I have had Crohn's for 30+ years now and I am still here. Just try to take it one day at a time. A lot of the time tests come back negative. Once you have the name of what it is you will feel better and be able to address your illness. Good Luck you will have lots of support from this site.
Hi Rob, I have had crohn's for almost 40 years, I have had pain up my right chest area. I think it comes from my stomach area, stretching the tendons or nerves up that way. I have also been in the hospital for heart problems, and found out it wasn't my heart, it was acid reflux. A little tip I had to do, was take a pepsic AC tablet before I eat, and not eat anything four hours before bedtime, and drink plenty of water. This should take the acid reflux away for you. At least it does for me. My doctor said I could take it in the morning and evening, which I do, but I would ask your Pharamcy. Also you can by the meds over the counter now. I buy the cheaper generic brand and it works. Also don't eat anything spicy or fat. Hang in there. Hope this helps. God Bless.
hi lawrence thanks,i am taking ac tablets at the moment but nothing is working,today pain is really bad,im really struggling with bm im not having the erge to go and ive also got pain feels like someones pushing sumert out of my anus,sorry lol..got really bad cramps in left side hurting like hell,i dont fancy eating coz it just makes things worse..also seen my doctor today he tried telling me its just ibs and gave me some daft looking pills,i asked him why he carnt just give me medication for crohns just to try and he laughed,im seeing my consultant tomorrow with me been in hospital a couples of days ago he's made an urgent appointment,guys can anyone tell me your first experience with this disease,what happened in early stages of symptoms etc? and how was u diagnosed cheers for your continued support
hi just got off of the phone to gastro,he's saying with it been on left side he thinks it uc that its imflammed and ulced and also causing me to have Tenesmus he said In ulcerative colitis, constipation may occur when the inflamed rectum triggers a reflex response in the colon that causes it to retain the stool.also causing pain to the imflammed colon,i also mention my other symptoms that ive had and they match to uc,very scary this ive read so many storys
Hiya Rob

first of all, relax, you're scaring yourself, this will make you anxious and symptoms won't calm down.
don't know what the pills the doc gave you? can you tell us?
and listen, if you're bleeding from behind, IT IS NOT IBS!!!!
you're gastro appt is tomoro? then sit tight til then, they will investigate more.
sounds like constipation or a blockage, so in the meantime, no food, just water until tomorrow.
try and rest, and calm your anxieties.
let us know how you get on
hi guys well its nearly my colonoscopy and im really dreading it,i hear the prep is the worst of it,is this true? im not looking forward to results coz i keep thinking worst all time,ive been having this constant pain that radiates from under my left rib into my back feel like really bad heartburn but in colon,ive had endoscopy,ct scan,ultrasound,upper n lower x-rays,and bloods and there all normal,tho still waiting for ct scan results,but i dont think im going to get these till after colonoscopy on monday which is a bummer,anybody got any advice about colonoscopy? thanks
The prep is no fun, for sure, but in my experience (one colonoscopy) the scope itself was no sweat. I don't know what kind of sedative your doc will use, but I was given propofol which was great b/c I was completely out. Didn't feel a thing. Try to take it easy, especially Sunday, and stay near the toilet!! :)
Hi stay calm think like this you have To do it. I have make 2 colonoscopys and for my the worst part was the preparation...
Ps: with no sedative and stay near the toilet!! You are going To visit him for a long time during the preparation
The best luck for you
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hi thanks for input,ive just been speakng to my neighbour he's had colonoscopy and said he was bound to toilet,he ended up moving the tv in there lol not looking forward to tomorrow,its a funny subject but when you've had pain for so long like me you dont mind all these tests,do you get results at end or does hospital write to you,im really worrying about the big C did anyone else worry when you went for colonoscopy? im only 24 and worried lmfao
having a few problems with pain in upper left chest near nipple and in back is this normal for ibd,its a constant raw like pain flare? also left abdo pain and getting ache in my bum..colonoscopy is later any ideas
Hi Rob. Good luck with your test. Things will work out just fine. Here in the States when I have the colonoscopy my GI comes in after I am awake (somewhat) and tells us what she found. I said us because you always want to have someone else there to help remember what was said. Also to take you home.
Couple of questions. You said you were taking antacids. What kind? Does it contain aspirin? This will cause your stomach lining to become raw and can cause Ulcers. Rolaids is bad.
Back pain is very common when things are happening inside. Sometimes when I feel like I'm in the process of a flare and I'm constipated I will go to my Chiropracter. Sometimes when my back is out I get constipated and the adjustment gets thing back on track. Not everyone has this problem.
Probiotics is another thing to try. It replenishes your good bacteria in your intestines and helps you absorb nutrients. I also drink 2 shots of Mona-vie each day (wife's orders) and really has helped me stay regular and boosted my energy.

Just remember, everyone reacts differant to certain treatments and you will have to experiment. Stay calm. I know its hard to do but it doesn't help the situation at all.
hi pirate thanks for good advice.ive had colonoscopy and everything is fine,i didnt have sedation just gas and air and it didnt hurt at all,the doc didnt find anything,he said its healthiest colon he's seen in a long time lol..he put it down to ibs,its a relief to know but it still doesnt explain the pain under rib,pain in left abdomen,and back pain.after paying all that money for tests i feel like ive got nowhere close to finding out whats causing this pain,ive had several blood test,ct scan,ultrasound,upper and lower x-rays and colonoscopy..he gave me buscopan again for pain.i just want to thanks everyone on here for your support good luck to all of you wonderful people