Well it could be worse, right?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 10, 2011
So I went to ER last night with excruciating pain in abdomen and right side. Extremely nauseated/vomiting. No diahrea tho.
They did CAT scan with contrast and showed 3 inflammed spots. Put me on two antibiotics (F...something and Cirpro) plus anti-nausea and pain med.
Said to come back for colonoscopy mid Sept to possibly diagnose for Crohns.
Now Im at home...I have had dry pasta and cheese and some saltines so far...when can I eat this FABULOUS pizza in my fridge again??? Bc this SUCKS. Im also REALLY missing my Pepsi Max...HELLLLLP!
BTW, Im 29y/o.
Hi, paininthebutt, we are about the same age, I just turned thirty. Sorry you are looking at a Crohn's diagnosis, but glad you found this site. I was just diagnosis not quite a year ago and this site has been very helpful. You can search about anything and find an answer or just ask the question and someone will be there with help and support.
Sorry, I don't have any advice on when you will be able to eat your pizza or drink your pepsi max again:yfrown:... However, once you get into remission you will probably be able to have them again:thumright:. Glad your here and good luck in your journey!
Hello! I was diagnosed fall of 2010. I had the exact same experience as you. Pain, nausea, no diahrea. they thought it was appendicits and after scans, stated possibly crohns. Had a colonoscopy done and received confirmation that it is Crohns.

I love food. I love eating spicy things and salty things and cheesy things. But having knowledge of the disease was very beneficial in determining what I would and wouldn't be able to eat. Unfortunately flare ups require consistent self-management thru diet, medication and rest. IF you dont listen to your body, it wont get better.

So my advice to you...stay away from the pizza. Even give it away....yes you'll cry.... and its funny now - but i actually did cry about food once...

Carbonated drinks are a no no too.... :(

There is an abundant amount of information out there. Depending on how severe your Crohn's is (erverybody is kinda different) is going to determine what you should be doing. Since my diagnosis, I have turned to extremely healthy eating, journalling what I can and can't eat and sticking to a strict medication schedule. Going to a dietician (make sure they are a "registered dietician") can help as well...

Oh and just to add....when I came home from the hospital... I stuck to soups and clear stuff until I felt ok. then moved on to things like oatmeal, rice, rice noodles, skinless potatoes and steamed carrots. Once I felt better, I did my research and started eating more foods. High fibre foods aren't a good option for me since I was put on my meds (Azathioprine and Entocort). I stick to basics (steamable veggies), rice, fish, bananas, sometimes skinless poultry and little dairy. There are great books out there too specifically for Crohn's and Colitis type issues....

Hope that helps and sorry if its not what you want to hear!!! Take care and be good to your belly!:dance:
Hi paininthebutt!

The other antibiotic is probably flagyl (your pill bottle would say metronidazole, that's the real name). That, and Cipro seem to be the favored antibiotics for Crohn's.

There's a diet subforum here, and our lovely members have collaborated to make a list of what most people can tolerate and such. If you can't find it, just ask. Unfortunately, I cannot help you to drink your pepsi Max. Sorry ahah

Anyways, welcome to the forum :)
Welcome to the forum, paininthebutt. Just know, that the Cipro & Flagyl could make your stomach upset aside from the possible Crohn's. As for the food, one day, you will probably be able to have pizza and even the occasional Pepsi Max. But I'd advise waiting until your disease is in remission to have those. Trial and error worked best for me with figuring out what I can and can not eat. I kept a food diary a few years ago when I flared and it helped figure out what my trigger foods were.
My mil stirs the bubbles out of her soda when she absolutely must have some. I've been horribly addicted to coca cola, but I'm weaning off now. Ok, it's more like a forced discontinuation due to this one drug I take (carafate) that rules the schedule for food and non-water drinks. even though I shouldn't have it... I'm so addicted. I grew up drinking coke instead of water.. its very difficult for me, so I feel for you.
I drink way too much cola as well. It's terrible for you. Not just the acid but the HFCS and other junk. I'm trying very hard to quit. I've started visiting the Asian market nearby and I buy a product called Wong Lo Kat which is a canned herbal tea with real sugar. It's made from a variety of herbs, flowers, and licorice and actually has a very cola-like flavor with less of the bad stuff in it.

It'll be off my menu soon, though, as my daughter and I are starting keto.
I don't think I even really like the taste of it! I love the bubbles though, and I like the taste better than other soda pop. I've done really well, I haven't had any yet today.
Once you have things under control you will be surprised what you will be able to eat. I went 13 years in remission and drank soda and ate buffalo wings without any problems. The diet for us is crazy cause there is no real diet, its all trial and error for the most part. When you are having issues on the other hand, I dont know that there is a food that doesnt hurt me. I think about food and hurt. I am going through a flare right now and I am sticking to a very low residue diet now. But once I am back in remission, the good stuff is coming back!

Hang in there, it sucks now, but you will look back in the future when you are feeling better, and well it will still have sucked. :) But you can think about it while eating a big fat slice of pizza and a Pepsi Max!
Careful, it's different for different people. I can be in full-out remission and still trigger a flare with the right kind of food if I'm not careful. Some people can get away with things that others cannot.
Careful, it's different for different people. I can be in full-out remission and still trigger a flare with the right kind of food if I'm not careful. Some people can get away with things that others cannot.

Yep, exactly right. Trial and error. It'll take a while to figure out what all you can and can't eat.
Welcome to the forum paininthebutt! (love the username, but it almost sounds like I'm insulting you! :p)

I'm sorry about your recent ER trip. There are many of us here that are undiagnosed, but told it probably is IBD. We have our own section, located under the support section. Feel free to come join us there! There are plenty of people there who can relate to your situation.

As for the pizza...I honestly think it depends on you. Diet can be so different in between people with IBD, and even people with digestive diseases in general. My trigger foods, for example, are fresh fruits and veggies, anything multigrain or full of fiber, caffiene, etc. It takes some time to learn your "new body" per say to be able to know what you can and cannot eat. One way you can learn is by making a food diary of what you ate and when, and the symptoms you experienced later. If you have a smartphone there is an app on there called "GIMonitor" that lets you log your food, BM's, stress, and pain levels. It can turn it into a chart, showing you what food did what to your body. Its really quite handy and helped me a lot when I was new to this!

Hmmm...as you guys talk about soda...I'm sitting here drinking a coke. I'm the same as Carrie, I grew up on coke, not water. I only have a soda per day or so at most, and I drink gatorade the rest of the time.

Again, welcome! I hope to see you around the forum. Let us know how the colonoscopy goes!