1. Crohns
2.WHEN I AM FLARING...Beef, granola, tomato juice, peppers/grapes/apples, rice, nuts, raw veggies, very cold liquid, gum (the air I guess), fried or fatty food, dairy!
3. WHEN I'M FLARING....pasta, bread, crackers,
ANd when I am not flaring, it appears that I am able to eat pretty much anything. My concern here though, is that I'm 12 weeks post op (bowel resect) and TERRIFIED to do it again. Everyone asks me "What kind of diet are you on, to prevent it from happening again?" Am I suppose to avoid these foods forever? There are so many conflicting opinions, articles out there about this. Recently I read that food is without a doubt the cause of a flare and that we should all be following a diet. My doc will disagree, saying that it is safe to eat anything you'd like as long as you are healthy. So confused.