What caused these symptoms? Severe shaking and nausea.

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Feb 2, 2010
Hey guys. Last night I went out to dinner for V-Day. Everything seemed fine. I had some steak, grilled octopus and sausage (went to a steakhouse). Felt great afterwards (no tummy rumbling and just a little gas). I went to bed around 3am.
I woke up at 5am due to my severe cold shaking and nausea. You could hear my teeth rattling in the next room. It was uncontrollable. My stomach was a little bloated but it was not in pain and cramping. I do not believe I had a fever either.
I then had 2 bm's (solid stool) an hour apart and started passing more gas. About two and a half hours later I felt well enough to go to bed.
My fiance had all the same food and she is fine. Today I just feel a little bloated (like a nice big bm will make me 100%), but no nausea or shaking.
It kinda scared me. Anyone have any ideas?
When I was still trying to get a diagnosis(about 12 years ago) I would get teeth chattering chills, and horrible body aches. No fever. I always guessed it was due to the inflammatory proces our bodies go through with this disease....I would take some tylenol and take a hot bath and feel better...It was very scary.
Yea it was scary. It was like uncontrollable teeth chattering. It really sucked. Anyway, who knows. Maybe it was the Crohns, maybe it was something else. We'll see if it happens again. Hopefully not. Thanks for the replies.
I remember years ago before my dx, it was summer time and I was soooooooo cold, I was shivering. I put my daughter in an air conditioned room and I got into a hot hot bath.. My mother came to check on me and she came in the door and said "why in the hell is it so hot in here".. She saw me in the bathtub and made me go to th doctor, blood count was fine and no fever, you can bet I had some doctors stumped. Only happend once before but thought it was the flu.

No rhyme or reason, never happend again. Must be Crohn's.
imisspopcorn said:
When I was still trying to get a diagnosis(about 12 years ago) I would get teeth chattering chills, and horrible body aches. No fever. I always guessed it was due to the inflammatory proces our bodies go through with this disease....I would take some tylenol and take a hot bath and feel better...It was very scary.
Yes, I second imisspopcorn, I had/have the same symptoms related to bad food choices and/or flare, before I took maintenence meds. I also have heart pounding and I break out in a cold sweart. Last time it happened I ate Lebanese food. I think the nausea that is preliminated by vomiting also causes this.
Try taking slow deep breaths, it seems to help me. But as you say after one more BM I felt much better LOL. I admire your bravery eating sausage on Valentine's Day, BTW.:tongue:
What medication are u on?

Could be blood sugar levels?
Or something along those lines
Im on Apriso. I take two pills in the morning. Thats pretty much it. Has not happened since. Thanks for all your replies guys.