What happens when Remicade doesnt work for me? What are my other options...

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May 19, 2012
This isn't a new thing for me, I haven't been perfect stomach wise for four years now but I'd like to obtain something close...
I've tried pentasa, methotrexate and prednisone without the desired results or accompanied with rough side effects.
I am 16 and currently on remicade with shortened infusions to about every 5 weeks now, with 10 mg per kilo, and i'm about 50kg.
I'm not really seeing the magic results everyone else is with remicade but i've heard its one of the best treatments and i went through a lot of government paper work to get it at a managable price...
With moderate to severe Crohn's what could possibly be my other options?...
An immunosuppressant like 6MP/imuran or methotrexate could be added to your treatment regimen along with remicade. You could try exclusive enteral nutrition to try to help knock down inflammation and give remicade a chance. You could switch biologics to humira or cimzia.

My son is 17 he has been on remicade for two years after about the first six months after tweaking the schedule and upping the dose we added methotrexate. So he has been on both for a year and a half but it still hasnt helped him reach full remission. So right not he is on EN 90% and 10% food for 8 weeks and we will be deciding his next treatment soon.

Hope you are able to find a med that works for you.
I wanted to add that you should discuss your concerns and worries with your GI so he can help alleviate your concerns and let you know his/her thoughts on what changes your treatment regimen might take and what he/she feels is the right plan for you.

Not everyone/GI uses combo therapy usch as mtx/remicade. So it is important to discuss all of this with your GI. Good luck.
Remicade didn't work for me, either, so I know how you feel. There are other biologics you can try, though. Humira, vedolizumab, Simponi... so don't feel like you've exhausted all your options yet!

These are often used in combination with maintenance drugs like 6mp and Imuran, which help keep you in remission.