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Nov 17, 2009
I am still waiting to hear if I have officially been diagnosed with Chron's the doctors both felt strongly that is what i had based on the 2 CT Scan with distal (termianal Ileium) severe swelling less than a year apart. Than the endoscope came back with inflammation but no real ulcers and I don't think there was much in the colonoscopy either (waiting biopy results)
I see some people complaining about bloating and getting backed up. I eat and my belly swells. Gas beyond my imagination. However, when I do go finally it hurts in the lowest part of by abdomen and off to the right side. I have been on pred and pentasa since the beginning of October. I also noted one person commenting that her friend was missed diagnosed and they said a virus causes similar symptoms. What are the chances of getting this virus several times in year?
Hi Mel, that was me who mentioned that virus thing. It was a member who was here briefly that we shared a couple of PMs and she wrote back after a while away to tell me this. So I don;t really have any details!
I personally am pretty new to this stuff and have found that my sypmtoms change on a daily basis and the cramps/pain that I get occasionally can be in different locations each time (my diagnosed issue is in the ileum), so it's a bit confusing. Lately I seem to be getting kind of indigestion and weird tight feelings in chest and under left ribs, but that comes and goes as well - stupid disease!
Interesting you should share the indigestion and chest pressure. This has also just started. OMG the pain in the chest is unbelievable. I have even tried tums with no luck. Deep breathe and try to fall asleep not!!!
Hmmm, maybe someone can help us out with ths one. It started with me about a month ago when I began the iron pills. It's not every day and it's not really bad but concerning as it shouldn't feel like that! Today was the first time I got to a point where I ate a banana and then had to make myself sick. Feels better when I undo my bra, but obviously can only do that at home! I get a headache with it too. God, I hope it's not everything spreading!
Answers please from anyone who knows what this is!!??
Feels better when I undo my bra, but obviously can only do that at home!

I have this pressure too. I thought it was just from my underwire... but somedays its bad ans somedays its not. Same place... left rib cage where my underwire sits.
I expect it is stomach related as the stomach is on the left up there somewhere! Interesting I have no sign of it today after it being really bad yesterday!