What tests next

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Jul 12, 2009
what tests next

Hi, I'm just off to the doctors in the next hour to get results from a camera pill test I had done last week. Briefly I've lost 3 stone, had massive amounts of watery painful movements per day, high white blood cell count, mouth ulcers and generally feel crap. They have been looking for crohn's, or IBD.Had ultra sound, stool samples, blood tests, colonoscopy, endoscopy,and heavy antibiotics all these have come back negative. Any one been through these tests and still come out with no results? If you have what further tests are there to do? Can't cope with the thought of them saying live with it, any help will be appreciated.
There are many on here who have went through these tests and are still undiagnosed. Don't give up hope and keep up the fight to find out what is up with you. I don't know what could be next; have you had a CT Scan with Contrast? Seems that would have came before the pill cam?
Good luck and read through some of the threads here for better information.
As Farm suggest CT scan may come next, these can be very effective on people who have lost a lot of weight as the lack of fat etc gives more visible images on the abdomen. Least that's what I was told when my BMI was down to around 15 poiny something.(18.5 is normal weight).

Barium meal and MRI scan are other diagnostics they could use.

Did your doctors take biopsies during your colonoscopy?

Just try and stay patient and positived and hopefully you're doctors will begin to get a grip on things. Perhaps noting down ALL your symptoms to the nth degree could help too the more info on how your body is working the better.

My fingers are crossed for you!