This is what I 'try' to eat during a flair... some may work for you other not. One thing that helps is all the foods I list I will only eat about 4 table spoons at a time. I find that the less pressure I put in my belly the better
Instant mashed potatoes
Baked chicken
Baked fish (usually salmon or tilapia (sp?)
For some strange reason I can handle cheetos
I have a juicer so I do some carrot juice.
Sour dough bread 1 slice with some honney
cup a soup
some pasta uaually only 1/4 cup too much and it causes bubbles
Some people eat rice, but for me it is a no go.
I avoid all sugar... itis not my friend at all.
Goodluck on the endo. Hope some of this was helpfull. Very frustrating when you flair and can't eat.