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Jan 29, 2011
I am on Humira, and my brther has hepititis C. My brain says stay away, but my heart says go see him and stay all night. Should I wear Gloves, take plastic forks and paper plates?
If I'm not mistaken, Hep C is mostly transmitted through contact with blood, so that would be infected only if you come into contact with his blood. If it were me, I would visit him and not share personal care items with him which would be the most likeliest route of transmission (razor,

I've been on Remicade, Humira and Imuran and have never felt my relationships with friends who have HIV or Hepatitis to be in any way compromised. I've not worn gloves or brought anything from home to use for myself---I've just been cautious not to share drinks/cutlery that they're using. But then again, I don't share drinks/food off the same cutlery with anyone, regardless of whether I know of their medical history or not.
Education is best first and then go and enjoy yourself without a worry. Here's info on it: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001329/

He's your brother so I'm putting my money on no sexual contact. I'm also betting that you wont be sharing needles or doing some odd blood rituals. You contract it the same way you do HIV. You should never fear being around anyone who's infected with either or any other illness that's spread in this manner. Its ok to hug, shake hands and even kiss as long as you don't have open sores in your mouth (but they would have to have blood in their mouth cause you don't get it through saliva).

You have already been given excellent information! Unless you are going to come into contact with bodily fluids (blood, urine, faeces, semen) then no precautions are required. Normal day to day contact poses no risk to you.

Go and enjoy your time with your brother, you will be fine.

Dusty. :)

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