What's the deal with probiotics?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 13, 2014
I'm thinking of starting probiotics like Yakult or something. I've never taken then before so IM curious what do they actually do to help CD patients? I'm in hospital now getting treatment for a flare and some scopes done so I don't wanna risk getting sick with a probiotics! My CD can be very sensitive sometimes, just ask the poocorn that did t this to me! �� Can anyone recommend a good and safe one to drink? One that's not to harsh on the guts. I'm taking IV flagyk and Prednisone plus my usual imuran,humira,nexium. The works!
Have a bit of a search round the forum - there's a pretty comprehensive thread about probiotics. Over-the-counter stuff may not be up to much.
Fermentation; How To Get Healthy Bacteria To Your System


Thats great and all, going to watch more of them and try some of the stuff out, but I highly doubt that doing as he says cures Crohn's and UC and all IBD's as he claims within 30 days, never mind that, at all.

I'm sure it is helpful however, as I've said in another post, I'm a Chef, that means I'm already well aware of this stuff and how the FDA is not out friend, the FDA is about big business not people and protecting them like they like to pretend they are. So I'm sure there is a lot of helpful stuff in there, but claiming its a cure, nevermind that, thats its a 100% cure is BS and would raise false hopes.
Keep us posted, juggys69. So glad you're going to give it a go. I started taking apple cider vinegar and honey some time ago for heartburn. Amazing stuff! Should have listened to my wise hollistic neighbour yrs ago.
Keep us posted, juggys69. So glad you're going to give it a go. I started taking apple cider vinegar and honey some time ago for heartburn. Amazing stuff! Should have listened to my wise hollistic neighbour yrs ago.

Thats a old 50's cure all, most of our ( my generation ) grandparents made that stuff, add alcohol and they used it as cough medicine as well, I always thought it was nasty, I don't really like honey is probably why.

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