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Mar 15, 2011

I have realised that pasta, bread, cake etc are my triggers, so I automatically thought my trigger was anything with wheat in it. So I have tried really hard to completly cut wheat out of my diet. However, I have started eating cous cous, thinking that it wasnt wheat... but no, I have now realised it IS wheat, but the strange thing is that after I eat it I dont get any of the symptoms such as bloating and diarrhea that I get with pasta or bread.

Any ideas what is going on? how come I am ok after I eat cous cous but after I eat pasta or bread I get terrible cramping and diarrhea? Anyone else have this dilemma?

Thanks x
Things like pasta, bread, cake etc, are highly processed and often have added ingredients. Cous cous is still the end result of processing but maybe it is not as processed, and it certainly does not have many other ingredients added to it. After I eat pasta or bread I get terrible cramping and diarrhea but I can eat seitan from wheat with no problems.
thts strange as i can eat bread and pasta but when i eat cous-cous im straight in the loo for ages.i dont take any wholemeal bread or pasta or rice as it sends me to the loo.i do miss brown bread and wheatabix but its safer to stay well clear...
Being a Celiac myself I know that being gluten-free helps with my IBD symptoms. Wheat and other grains trigger both stomach issues for me.
I don't know diddle about cous cous, but I know I can't buy commercially made pasta or bread that hasn't been fortified with various vitamins and minerals. Is it possible one of the fortifying ingredients (for example the form of iron added) is what is triggering the reaction and not the gluten itself? Just a thought.
I thought cous cous was more processed than things like pasta, because Pasta is often just pure durum wheat.

I can recommend some wheat free grains and delicious foods which you could try. They should help you to get a more varied diet whilst trying to avoid wheat.


You can get pasta and bread and other products, or just the raw grains and cook with them. Health food shops these days sell all sorts of different grain products. I like Wholefoods and Planet Organic because of their massive range of products. But be aware, they are expensive and not so good if you're on a budget.

Good luck!
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