Who does this witch think she is?? grrrr...

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Feb 19, 2012
New Jersey
who does this witch think she is?? grrrr...

I work at a law firm doing research for 15 attorneys. Being sick for the past 8 months has been rough and there have been many times that I could not even make a full week of work. I came down with a terrible stomach bug on top of the possible IBD and had to miss a few days of work. Upon returning, I went to check on what I had missed/what needed to be done now that I was back.

We have company tshirts and I happened to be wearing mine (I asked my boss ahead of time) bc my stomach was really bloated. As I walk up to this secretary, she makes a comment about the tshirt. I told her my boss okayed it for that day and she went on to say "well maybe since ur actually here they just let you do what you want."

EXCUSEEE ME?!?! She happened to be applying lipstick at the same time so I replied with " gee it must be really nice to wake up every morning and only worry about what lipstick you are gonna be wearing for the day." STUPID B****!! Did I ask to be sick?? Do I enjoy not being able to get out of bed most days? Every time I've missed work its been because I'm in the hospital or the doctors, haaving a procedure or test, or camping out in the bathroom with diahrrea!! She made it seem like I miss work to take my rectal bleeding ass and sit on the beach with it... I wish!!

I don't understand how people can be so IGNORANT sometimes!! It took all my strength not to reach across the desk and smack that lipstick all over her face! She's lucky I actually like my job otherwise I would have!! Ppl who have no idea what they're talking about should just shut the hell up!!
Good thing you did not slap her...too many lawyers around to help her with that one! lol! I would highly suggest you begin taking a very good probiotic every day. My doc told me the other day to increase up to 6/day, if I need to. I found that after going up to 3/day I am already feeling like I am getting better results. I will be up to 6 by end of week and then go back down as I feel better. Reading more about this, but she said a recent study was done (will see her this week and get more details) and they show certain strains of the probiotics are reversing the problems of Crohns, Colitis, etc., balancing the good bacteria in the stomach. It makes sense as I am researching this more. I thought I would pass this on. May give you some relief. I am presently using Natren Healthy Trinity. My doc suggested: The Jarrow Formulas, Jarro-Dophilus EPS, 5 Billion Organisms per Capsule, 120 Veggie Caps. She said these do not need to be kept in fridge. Hope something helps you!
:yfaint:Good thing you did not slap her...too many lawyers around to help her with that one! lol! I would highly suggest you begin taking a very good probiotic every day. My doc told me the other day to increase up to 6/day, if I need to. I found that after going up to 3/day I am already feeling like I am getting better results. I will be up to 6 by end of week and then go back down as I feel better. Reading more about this, but she said a recent study was done (will see her this week and get more details) and they show certain strains of the probiotics are reversing the problems of Crohns, Colitis, etc., balancing the good bacteria in the stomach. It makes sense as I am researching this more. I thought I would pass this on. May give you some relief. I am presently using Natren Healthy Trinity. My doc suggested: The Jarrow Formulas, Jarro-Dophilus EPS, 5 Billion Organisms per Capsule, 120 Veggie Caps. She said these do not need to be kept in fridge. Hope something helps you!
I eat a lot of yogurt with probiotixs and I buy granola with them fortified in it!! Soo yummy!;) that's good to know about the pills!! Ill try anything! Lol.
Sorry you had to put with her! Revenge is a dish best served cold, remember that. I've found 'Thank you for your opinion' with a cold smile works wonders.

Never, ever stoop to their level. Rise above it. Always. They always lose in the end.
I loved that article DustyCat. Thank you for posting it.
I get upset at times when there's any implication that our illnesses are simply laziness or like. Even my own mother as of late, makes comments to imply that I have so little because im lazy and don't do anything.

What I try to remember Penut (and I get really emotional at times too, but in general what I think), is people who don't live with a crohnic illness, have no idea what our daily pain/symptoms ect are. I try to remember when I get down, and feel Iv had some ignorant comment like I'm 'lucky' cos I get to eat low residue and be skinny, that people who say these things, don't see how hard it is to go to the toilet, have your entire body tense in pain. They don't see those hidden tears we all have now and then, that we wipe away so our children friends and family don't see them most the time. They don't see how sometimes getting out of bed, bending your body the wrong way, can give you such a pain it takes ten minutes to just feel like your somewhat normal, only to get up move around and be constantly aware of your illness again. They don't understand, not because they don't want to I like to think, but rather they don't see all that. And saying 'I'm sick' isn't reserved for us chronically ill. If you have a cold you might say 'I'm sick', so there's no weight to that comment.
Try not to let people like that get to you. I have a problem, Esspecially as of late, with those closest getting me to such an emotional state, that I blurt everything I feel and think. I think sometimes it's normal to get upset, even without ignorant comments. I spend a bit of time on this forum the last couple of weeks, looking at the treatment subforum ect, and it was implied that I sit on my phone out of laziness. I try very hard to remember that they have no idea what it's like. In a way, with those people I hardly see, and friends included, that's easier then those closest.
that article was amazing!!

The article describes everything to a tee!!

Sometimes comments like that just really get to me because I'm still undiagnosed (although I am very open with my bosses about what is going on and they have been very sympathetic!) so it kinda just reminds me of this whole rollercoaster ride I've had for sooo long!! And I have no idea what has happened to me either!! I feel like I'm physically deteriorating and its so frustrating!

That's why I love this forum because I can be open and ask lots of questions because we all understand :)