Seems most of my tasty foods are off limits in a flare, but as for yours, some of them I don't know what they are, guess I'm not Irish enough
I love roasted and salted peanuts in the shell, one of my fav foods on the planet, but we know that's one of the worst things for IBD. I also love salads, fried foods (fries, onion blossums/rings, chicken fingers, Doritos, nachos), burgers (most are too fatty for a flare, and the loaded veggies I want on it aren't good either) far as healthy foods I can't eat though there's plenty there too, other than salads, I love raw carrots, brocoli, pears, oranges, kiwi, strawberries...and I'm off limits with dairy, which includes a ton too.
Anyone else have peanut butter as a no no food? I'm fairly certain my version of Crohns chose it as one of the worst foods, as I have strong evidence that it could have initiated both my flare ups. I LOVE peanut butter. Also I'm certain spicy foods (which I love too) are off limits, I love Flammin' Hot Cheatos with a passion but they wreak havoc on my bowels if I eat 'em.
This is depressing thinking about all the condemned food...well I can say that the foods we ARE able to eat I start to get sick of...even if they're tasty... rice and crackers (wheat, low fiber) are some of my most accepted foods, as well as juice and water, but I get sick of living off that. It can't be healthy to go months without much veggies or variety, stupid disease....I never thought high fiber/veggie heavy diets would conflict with the body...
I'm immuno-suppressed as it is and not getting a full spectrum of nutrients ain't gonna help:ymad: