Hi there, Please accept my apologies beforehand for any forum etiqutte as this is the first time I am posting.
I have been prescribed Budesonide by consultalt of 3mg x 3 o.d.. It has been about 5 weeks now, but I am now getting stomach cramping and a lot of backache. I have saw a GP at my practice (not my normal GP) but not much help except for speeding up my next appointment with the consultant which was supposed to be begining of august but I have yet to hear from them.
Also I have been ahving frequent need to urinate at least 10-12 in the day, though in the last two days it has been more at night but still 5-6 times! I get the feeling that it might be the excess Bude being washed out.
I have read many threads and leaflet information that you cannot just stop this medicine and must taper it down. There was some helpful advice on spreading this over the day.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
The consultant had given this to me before the MRI scan, but strongly suspected Crohns in TI citing the nature of ulcers and location and the fact that the cameras used were clear to their point of insertion. But no mention of anything else regarding locations i.e. other parts of small intestine where cameras have not seen. Maybe my CRPs are a lot lower than before but still high- I am not sure however as he has not discussed such results.
I am 25 years old, BMI 18.3- have had colonoscopy= clear, and abdoment scan clear, endoscopy- all clear Except small multiple ulcers in duodenum. awaiting mri scan results. HBT- Not lactose intolorent.
My b12's were at 133 in september 2011 and D was severly low so I had the injection. Now every 3 months have been having b12 but feel I need at least 9 weeks after. Dexa scan- reveals osteoporosis.
Currently, Vitamin D and calceos x2 daily, 1 x 30mg (april 2012) Lansoprazole, 2-3 spray Vitamin D sublingual (3000IU), Fortijuce= 1x200ml daily and 4x30ml Calogen Extra (June 2012)
I have been prescribed Budesonide by consultalt of 3mg x 3 o.d.. It has been about 5 weeks now, but I am now getting stomach cramping and a lot of backache. I have saw a GP at my practice (not my normal GP) but not much help except for speeding up my next appointment with the consultant which was supposed to be begining of august but I have yet to hear from them.
Also I have been ahving frequent need to urinate at least 10-12 in the day, though in the last two days it has been more at night but still 5-6 times! I get the feeling that it might be the excess Bude being washed out.
I have read many threads and leaflet information that you cannot just stop this medicine and must taper it down. There was some helpful advice on spreading this over the day.
Has anyone experienced anything similar?
The consultant had given this to me before the MRI scan, but strongly suspected Crohns in TI citing the nature of ulcers and location and the fact that the cameras used were clear to their point of insertion. But no mention of anything else regarding locations i.e. other parts of small intestine where cameras have not seen. Maybe my CRPs are a lot lower than before but still high- I am not sure however as he has not discussed such results.
I am 25 years old, BMI 18.3- have had colonoscopy= clear, and abdoment scan clear, endoscopy- all clear Except small multiple ulcers in duodenum. awaiting mri scan results. HBT- Not lactose intolorent.
My b12's were at 133 in september 2011 and D was severly low so I had the injection. Now every 3 months have been having b12 but feel I need at least 9 weeks after. Dexa scan- reveals osteoporosis.
Currently, Vitamin D and calceos x2 daily, 1 x 30mg (april 2012) Lansoprazole, 2-3 spray Vitamin D sublingual (3000IU), Fortijuce= 1x200ml daily and 4x30ml Calogen Extra (June 2012)
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