Worried about immune suppression on Remicade and 6mp?

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Jan 6, 2014
My son has been doing really well since his initial loading dose of Remicade a little over 2 weeks ago. Initial blood work indicates a dramatic reduction in SED rate!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that it continues to work and he doesn't develop antibodies to the Remicade.

He is going to a swim camp next week and I am worried about him staying healthy while on both 6mp and Remicade. I know I can't keep him in a bubble, but just concerned, especially about potential respiratory infections, and possibly even fungal/bacterial infections from being in the pool (or lake).

Any advice or experience from those out there on both 6mp and Remicade?
My son was on remicade and methotrexate(another immunosuppressive med) for 2 years. We live on the lake so he spent a lot of summers fishing, camping, boating etc and I havent seen an increase in any type of infection.

Our biggest thing was ensuring he was wearing sunscreen since being on those meds.

I'm sure other with experience on remi/6mp will be by shortly.
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I've been on both Remicade/Imuran and Humira/Imuran. As long as he washes his hands, showers frequently, and remembers not to eat/touch his face with his hands after touching other things I think he should be okay. Also, like Clash said: sunscreen!

I've personally never noticed an increase in infections. I actually have less since being on immunosuppressants and biologics! :p
My son was on remicade and methotrexate(another immunosuppressive med) for 2 years. We live on the lake so he spent a lot of summers fishing, camping, boating etc and I have seen an increase in any type of infection.

Our biggest thing was ensuring he was wearing sunscreen since being on those meds.

I'm sure other with experience on remi/6mp will be by shortly.

So just to clarify cause I think you mean, you haven't seen an increase in infections?

Have you found an increased sensitivity to sunlight while on these meds?

Thanks so much!
I took Remicade for seven years and I was sick with something for longer than 24 hours once. And even then it went away on its own in 48 hours. I'm on Cimzia now (another immunosuppressant) and it slows my healing more than Remicade.
We have not seen an increase in infections.

My son was on both remicade and methotrexate so it was indicated that he wear sun screen when outside. It may be the same for 6MP but I'm not sure. I have seen an increased sensitivity to the sun but C doesn't burn easily to begin with.