Hey Sue... (OK, warning, gross talk ahead) Look, it is hard to tell how much blood one is losing. Bright red blood from the lower extremities of the ailmentary track can mix with water in the bowel of the w/c and make it look like more than it is..
Heres the gross stuff I warned everyone of.. So, rather than using a w/c, I took screening material (just left over screening from a sliding door that I fixed) and secured it over a bucket.. I then used the bucket, which separated solids from liquids (anyone getting squemish yet, I warned you this was gross talk). I then was able to accurately estimate how much bloodloss I was suffering. The average was about a litre every 3 - 4 movements.. which my doctors scoffed at. So, I took out the digital camera.. (yes, I know, even grosser) But it may have just saved my life.. After seeing the photos, the scoffing docs shut up pronto and scoped me.. that led to the rushed resection, and I wound up losing 1 1/2 feet of colon. God knows how much if I'd not taken these drastic steps. What if I'd allowed myself to accept the docs scoffing that I was over-estimating? How much blood or colon might I have lost... You GOT to look after yourself FIRST!!!
You can't sit back.. You have family that love you, need you, want you. Take it from me, there are people in this world who put your health at top of the list.. why aren't you on board with that? Do what you got to do to get drs to listen!