Worsening Pain. Help Please.

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Jun 8, 2014
Worsening pain today, nowhere to go with the pain, again cancelling all appointments, pain pretty significant. GP, yesterday wrote a new referral letter to Professor of GI, yet a 99-year referral appears to be unacceptable. Sigmoid colon removal last year, thought pain issues over, GI put me onto 6 monthly visits, although several flare-ups during the period, GI unresponsive to all requests for help. In the past did put me onto antibiotic/cortisones infusions, with pain meds to help bring everything under control. I asked if we could do the same, he ignored the request. During my last visit to him, 5 months ago, I asked if I could see him in 2 months, he stated "no, I have many other very ill patients to see!".Has anyone else ever had this problem with their GI? Or, am I seeing the wrong type of GI? Initially, I tried many different meds, they did not work, the Professor tried to get me onto Humira, it was declined by the Government department, as I did not have Crohn's. Now, what? I think problems are coming from a restriction in the ileum area, from previous surgery. Who do I see to have this confirmed? What tests are performed? How is it diagnosed? Any help I can get today would be great. How do I join the Perth Forum or support group? Looked for the links could not find them.
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Worsening pain today, nowhere to go with the pain, again cancelling all appointments, pain pretty significant. GP, yesterday wrote a new referral letter to Professor of GI, yet a 99-year referral appears to be unacceptable. Sigmoid colon removal last year, thought pain issues over, GI put me onto 6 monthly visits, although several flare-ups during the period, GI unresponsive to all requests for help. In the past did put me onto antibiotic/cortisones infusions, with pain meds to help bring everything under control. I asked if we could do the same, he ignored the request. During my last visit to him, 5 months ago, I asked if I could see him in 2 months, he stated "no, I have many other very ill patients to see!".Has anyone else ever had this problem with their GI? Or, am I seeing the wrong type of GI? Initially, I tried many different meds, they did not work, the Professor tried to get me onto Humira, it was declined by the Government department, as I did not have Crohn's. Now, what? I think problems are coming from a restriction in the ileum area, from previous surgery. Who do I see to have this confirmed? What tests are performed? How is it diagnosed? Any help I can get today would be great. How do I join the Perth Forum or support group? Looked for the links could not find them.
You might need a second opinion.
I agree.If you're not happy you can request a second opinion.Not sure about Australia,but it's your right.You know how you SHOULD feel,and it needs sorting.Regarding Perth....Type your request into the search box at the top of the page and see what comes up.
Hi Lacey2,

I’m sorry to hear of all you are going through, that sucks. :(

If you don’t have a GI that works with you you need to move on and now. :hug: Unfortunately medicine is no different to any other job, there will always be the odd a***hole lurking around somewhere. Of course the difference being these guys are entrusted with the most important thing in your life, your health.

The doctor directory on the forum lists a couple of doctors in Perth but I would search, Gastroenterologist in Perth WA, on google. It should bring up quite a few options.

The other thing I would do ASAP is go to your GP. Do you have a good relationship with them?
Speak to the GP about the unacceptable relationship you have your current GI and ask him/her for an urgent referral. Ask them who they would recommend. Sometimes the GP will skirt around the question but just counter back with: Who would you go to if it was you or your spouse/child? This generally works. :wink:

By the sound of the condition you are in you would be needing to run the full gauntlet of testing to see where you at with your disease:
  • Full set of bloods, including inflammatory markers.
  • Faecal Calprotectin
  • Scoping
  • Imaging: MRI/E
The vast majority of the footwork can actually be done by the GP but of course not the scoping and some imaging is restricted to specialist referral only.

I see you said that Humira was denied because you don’t have Crohn’s, what do you have?
Hi Dusty, thank you for your response. I have been seeing the same GI for approx 7 years. Over that time we developed a good relationship, I thought. He ran many tests, put me on lots of different medications, including methotrexate 20 mg weekly , prednisone 10mg's daily, lots of pain medication including morphine. I have asked on may occasions what the diagnoses was, he would not answer. Finally, after one session, he said Typhlitis, which is an inflammation of the cecum. I have been admitted to the hospital approx every 3 months for 10 days for antibiotic,/cortisone infusion and for pain. I sat with him in my hospital room, explaining my pain, what it felt like what I thought it was. I thought it could be adhesions wrapped around a bit of bowel.

Why? due to high white blood cells constantly, and high calprotectin tests, monthly, I was sent by local GP to a hematologist, who ran various tests including bone marrow tests. He thought it could be Mederitan Fever, which Jewish people seem to get, and are treated with an injection. (?). In the end, after sending to two different labs for DNA testing, it came back negative. His report came back, ADHESIONS causing the pain.

Well, two years later, I was having vaginal bleeding. I had a hysterectomy 40 years ago, so how could this be? Saw local GP's 6 times, who could find no reason. Went to a specialist, Gyn 3 visits, could not find the reason. I had a flu injection on a Friday, the following Monday, another visit the Gyn after I rang again for an appointment, examine carried out, nothing found, but, bleeding, naturally always very light. That week was feeling extremely ill, felt like fevers, then cold, then could not keep my clothes on, showers, just ill. No bowel movement for 4 days. On Thursday, I had to help physically with the elimination, by reaching up into the anus to help remove stuck bowel. I could feel it, it just did not come out. When I did it was covered with a cheesy substance, I immediately put into a lab container, sent for a calprotectin test. On the following Tuesday, saw the GI, he stated he wanted me to go to the hospital, he wanted me to have an infusion, but did not tell me why. In the meantime, I had an appointment with a gyno-urologist, who I had seen before, on the upcoming Friday. I asked, can I go to the hospital after my appointment on Friday. Okay, so, I was home now from Tuesday to Friday, after my appointment, I went to the hospital. Gyn could not find the source of bleeding. Connected to cortisone, and various antibiotics. While in the hospital, I continued to bleed lightly. but, Wednesday bleeding was worse. I rang her rooms, left a message. Lol! She comes to my room , the Gyn, with a nurse, carries out one exam, then says, Ï want to do it again. This time, she pushed up hard, then comes out stating "I feel a large mass at the top of your pelvic region!" Well, all the alarm bells went off in m head. A CT scan was organized, came back "communication between the bowel and vaginal region" following day MRI by GI, again, "communication between the bowel and vaginal region", I was told to prepare for colonoscopy for Friday morning, so, preparations were underway on Thursday afternoon. Still connected to fluids, and cortisone. The report came back yes a vaginal fistula, and I was groaning while under anasethetic. They thought it was from the fistula, I know it was the pain in my lower right side.

A fistula was found coming from diverticulitis into the vagina. I was informed that the sigmoid colon had to be removed. Emergency surgery was to be performed. Except surgeon was not available for 10 days. I was sent home, a drive of 11/2 hours or slightly more, depending on traffic. During that time, alone in the hospital with no family around, as we live in small country town, the hospital in Perth, 2-3 hours away one way for the family. Once home, my brother -in-law passed away, children going crazy, sister asks my husband to come across to help settle children and family. He goes cross country another state, I'm at home. But, it was wonderful being home as our property has the atmosphere of being park-like, very beautiful and very green. I collected thoughts and all my wits, strength and energy, spiritually, to prepare for this surgery. I don't know why, everyone, from the surgeon, the anesthetist , all the surgeon's assistances, nurses, continued to tell me it was going to be a very serious surgery and extremely dangerous. Perhaps I would wake up with a stoma. Finally, I had to ask them to please stop saying that!

Okay, surgery was 5 hours, when I woke up, just felt sore on the abdomen. I should have been connected to analgesics, ketamine and pain medication, nurses failed to do so. I was in ICU for a day, transferred to my room, and was on the ketamine and pain meds 3 days, but extreme pain in my lower right side. The surgeon reported, no adhesions! It was not adhesions causing the pain. It was not the diverticulitis causing pain, the pain was quite severe. I found after every colonoscopy the pain would be severe, like hovering 9 level. While in the hospital, I felt very little pain from the surgery but was given lots of meds for pain in right side. Interesting no doctor asked, and no nurse asked where the pain was! Came home, now I have to get a whole new bowl system in place. It comes at all times, it comes when it wants to, does not care where I'm at, or where I go, if there is a toilet or not! It just comes! Incontinence! Again!.

Follow up with GI now, approx 6 months after surgery where he advises I will now be on a 6 monthly visit. I stated, "surely, that is too long, can we make it every 2 months?" No", he says, I have very ill patients that require my time."

In the meantime after my surgery, I had many flare ups, lots of inflammation, antibiotics given, by GI, but, no conversation. The local GP even rang him, asking for advice, he state äll is under control" Ï have her on a 3 monthly watch , with blood tests and calprotectin test". The GP asked if we couldn't do a test with a camera, the GI stated, IT IS NOT NECESSARY". I would ring his office, no response. I had private e-mails to him, no response. His private cell phone number, no returning of my calls. Text messages, no response. Lengthy messages to his office, still no response. Had to see another specialist, immunologist, who gave me the GI name initially 8 years prior, told him of the situation, he stated Ï will send him a copy of blood tests which GI order anyway, and ask him about the inflammation levels. I finally get a two worded e-mail, I sending you new scripts for antibiotics!

So, for the last year, there have been may episodes of pain, inflammation, more pain. Even went to the pain specialist who set up a pain plan with the government so I can get various pain meds thru the local GP. Apparently, this will become a new standard in Australia. Long term meds have to be prescribed by the pain specialist, who in turn report to the government of the plan. In the meantime the local GP is given a copy of the plan then he can prescribe the pain meds. A good idea.

I still do not have a diagnosis as to what is causing the inflammation and the pain. Apparently, there is one doctor listed, he is the one I have been seeing, so, I see him in early Sept, and I will be asking a lot of questions.

Sorry for the long dialogue, you are welcome to delete it, but, there it is.
HI, in cutting back, who do you get rid of? The kids? The husband? The dogs?

Is there a relative nearby who can take all?

In the past; a doctor could put you in the hospital for a few days to help you recoupe coming home refreshed. Or, can you go to relatives for a few days?
Whoa! :ghug:

So ongoing pain and inflammation and no diagnosis.
Complication of fistula due to the inflammation plus a bowel resection.

Do have a copy of any of your scope, surgery, imaging reports?
What did your scope show? Inflammation? Were biopsies done?
What do you think is causing the inflammation?
What does the GP think is causing it?
So the appointment in September is with the same GI?

Some thoughts…
If your GP has been copied into results due to be being a referring doctor then they will have copies. You should have copies of results contained within hospital discharge summaries. Keep a copy of all results - bloods, imaging, scopes, etc - ask your GP or any specialist for copies of your results. You are your own best advocate and being abreast of things means you are fully informed and can better track your health. It also means you can ask the right questions and ensure that you and the doc are on the same wavelength.

If need be you can circumvent the GI to some degree if you think you require further diagnostic testing. By that I mean there are some tests the GP can order independent of a specialist if you are both looking to rule IBD in or out.

Do you keep a symptoms diary? If not it can be a useful tool for those that are undiagnosed. When you have been living with a chronic problem like you have it isn’t too hard to forget the timeline of things or become so used to certain symptoms that they inadvertently become normalised. Also tracking symptoms is useful not only to yourself but also to health professional and also makes claims harder to refute. Be sure and take the diary whenever you visit any health professional. Please have a look at the diary we have in our wiki, the link is here: Diary Inclusions
Wow! Many thanks for the additional information. Yes, I do get copies of my blood tests, abut, x-ray reports, no, surgery reports, yes. From the GI, nothing except copies of bloods and calprotectin tests. Now, how do I go about asking for hospital reports, none were given on discharge. I will back track on various procedures which I had to correlate them. I can only do the last 11 years, living in Perth now, previously in Adelaide.

I'm very disturbed that the GI will not respond to my e-mails or calls. Today I asked if I could go on Remicade, one short note, I do not qualify, but, suggested I go onto antibiotics, except he did not give a script. Saturday, my GP is not there, so, I spend the weekend on pain meds until next week when I can go in and see the GP. I keep telling the GP that pain meds are not the answer, we have to find the problem so we can fix it.
Start with the GP. The GP is the anchor of your care and the go to person for all health care professionals to report back to as they are the one expected to co-ordinate your ongoing care. The hospital should send discharge summaries to the GP, and specialists and other health care professionals should send the GP a letter following consultation outlining what was discussed in the consult and your ongoing treatment plan/recommendations. Speak with the receptionist or nurse and ask for copies of all correspondence received, including hospital discharge summaries, specialist letters and test reports. If possible give a time frame as to when you would have expected them to have received something. Specialists letters are particularly useful as it summarises for you what was discussed at the consult and allows you to follow up on their recommendations, these recommendations can include medication and testing schedules.

What I am about the say next Lacey is not directed at you but rather it is a generalisation that I am putting out there for anyone who reads this post. I will use the term, you, but again it is not aimed at you, Lacey, I am using it for ease of writing.

When making contact with any health professional you need to be focused, concise and clinical in your approach. I know this is not the easiest way to be when you are in pain and frustrated with a lack of answers but it becomes especially significant if you are making contact multiple times. Whilst you have every right to say, “I am in pain” or “I feel unwell”, these are vague terms and if this is the way you normally communicate with the doctor, etc then unfortunately it can lead to a breakdown in the relationship. Just as you are frustrated with your condition they can become frustrated with the type of communication they receive and when your name pops up again there may be the tendency to avoid contact with you. I can’t stress enough that this where keeping a diary becomes invaluable and makes you are far better correspondent and communicator, and one in which the doctor is happy to deal with.

A word of advice, if you know a treatment is off the table then don’t suggest it, doing so will just frustrate the doctor and make them less likely to listen openly to you.

I will just pen an example of how I would communicate with the doctor. It may be helpful or you may think it a load of crap. :lol:

Dear Doctor,

Unfortunately my symptoms have declined in the past two weeks. I have had 6 episodes of severe abdominal pain in the past 14 days. The severe attacks normally occur at night and last approximately 4 hours. They build in intensity with a pain sale of 9 out of 10 at the peak, with the peak lasting 2 of the 4 hours. The attacks can occur any time of the day or night but the daytime episodes are generally less severe and of shorter duration, I have had 3 daytime attacks in the past 14 days. When that attacks occur the pain is cramping in nature and is located in the lower right of my abdomen, at times the pain will radiate through to my back. At the first sign of an attack coming on I do take the prescribed analgesic medication but it has no effect. I have also tried hot packs to no avail. When the pain is at its most severe I find it almost impossible to get out of bed or walk. I have found that following the severe night attacks I am left with a lingering soreness that lasts up to 24-36 hours.

Other symptoms I have observed are:
When I have the severe abdominal pain it is often accompanied with vomiting and diarrhoea.
I have constant nausea and a resulting loss of appetite. I am eating only 2-3 small bland meals a day at best. I have been able to maintain an adequate fluid intake of water only.
My weight on the 01/08/2016 was 72.9kg. On the 14/08/2016 it was 69.3kg.
I have episodes of profuse sweating that occur along with the abdominal pain. I have taken my temperature at these times and it is normal.
With my bowels I am experiencing more days of diarrhoea and it is very offensive. At present I am going 5-6 times a day, over and above the bouts I have when I am in severe pain, and it is of a watery consistency. There are no signs of blood that I can see.
I have had 3 headaches in the past 14 days that are accompanied by pain behind the eyes.
I am feeling very fatigued.

These latest escalation of symptoms are impacting significantly on my day to day functioning and would appreciate advice on what I should do next to help alleviate my situation.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Yours Sincerely,
:ywow:Hi, everyone! I'm back after ignoring my pain, pretending it is not there, and that all is well! I'm still having pain, last lot of test, this week, all bloods are normal, except calprotectin is high 462. Asked local gp to be in touch with GI, just to confirm where we are going. 2 months ago, GI states, ÿou have crohn's"Yah! I'm Diagnosed! Yesterday he tells GP, she does not have crohn's! I see the GI this week, I still have pain. He tells GP that the pain has been ongoing for many years, nothing is found, there is nothing we can do. She has seen 4 surgeons in the past who refused to do surgery, so, surgery is out. I asked if the ileum could be removed as I'm sure that is where the pain is coming from. Taking high doses of oxycontin, the pain is still comin thru. I'm at a loss as what to do, where to go. The GP IS LISTENING TO ME, question, how do I approach the GI? In the past he would make suggestions that we do this or that, but, not follow up on the procedure during the next visit or at that visit. Sorry for the complaint, open to advice.