Wrong build for crohns

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May 6, 2012
wrong build for crohns

Well have just returned from the hospital after my sons colonoscopy and it is crohns. People wouldn't belive me when I said what I thought his problem was as my son is 6ft 3 ins and built like a rugby prop, but after some pushing we got the 1st test done, and I was right, but in a way I didnt want to be right. I'm happy and sad at the same time, what next? how do I help him further? where do we go from here?:(:eek:
Hi there and welcome. I'm sorry to hear of your son's diagnosis :( But at least now he can get a proper treatment plan. I'm going to have to ask you some questions before we can steer you in the correct directions:

1. How old is your son?
2. What specific symptoms does he have?
3. Is he under the care of a gastroenterologist?
4. Has he been put on any medications? If so, which?

Again, welcome to the forum. :)
wrong build for crohns

my son is 18 years old,
symptoms, 18mths to 2 years abdominal pain, intestinal hurry, frequency, diarria, bleeding pr, perianal abscess surgery november 2011, now bilateral sinus's, Gp said IBS, so tried lactose free, gluten free diet, no effect. kept persisting, eventually got referal due to abscess, now had colonoscopy this morning, gastroenteroloigist says crohns has taken biopsies, results in 2 weeks, barium meal booked for next monday. His pain comes and goes, some days sever not sure what triggers, why worse from day to day. Has been given prednisolone for now talk of Azathioprine at a later date once tests and results complete.
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High caffeine drinks especially those popular energy drinks with caffeine and carbonation trigger my urgency to go to the bathroom. To give my bowels a needed break I tend to eat softer foods (top Raman noodles are a life saver). If your son is just starting Prednisone I would recommend taking a calcium sup, I did not when I was on heavy doses and my teeth are paying the price.
Hello and welcome to the forum, I am sorry to hear about you sons diagnosis but good for you to keep pushing for answers. The pred is pretty good at sorting inflammation so hopefully he should be feeling better soon. Also do check out our parents forum as I think this will be a helpful place to look at for you.

Wishing you both all the best

It sounds like the gastroenterologist is on top of things. I'm glad he's doing the barium meal as that will help determine what's going on in his digestive tract with greater clarity. If they do put him on Azathioprine, that can take a few months to kick in so you may want to look into enteral nutrition to help calm things down further and help your son maintain nutrient levels. Speaking of which, people with Crohn's Disease are commonly deficient in vitamin B12 and vitamin D. I'd personally request that he have those levels tested.

The best thing you can do going forward is learn as much about this disease as you can. There is a steep learning curve but the more you learn, the better you can advocate for your son to ensure he's getting the care he deserves. And we're here to help you with that process.

All my best to you and your son :)

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