Worst part of this disease? Lack of respect it receives, both in the public eye and in the medical community. You never see a celebrity endorsing a fund raising drive to find a cure. People afflicted are treated with derision, contempt, dis-belief, even scorn. Media rarely plays more than lip service to this disease, despite it's prevalence. And few or no 'members' of a typical community offer any special services to those afflicted. Whether it is a private establishment or a civic site, in Canada there are no special washroom facilities or privileges for those who are oft in desparate need due to their health situation. Would those who are in wheelchairs relish going back to the days when there were no sites set aside for parking, or wheelchair accessible restrooms? Would those who are blind prefer stoplights/crossing lights that are equiped with 'audible alerts' revert back to the era when there were none? Do people with Crohn's NOT merit similar consideration, equitable treatment? The same level of protection?
2 What would help me to cope? Take care of the 'worst' thing about having Crohn's. Educate all of those without it, provide for us with it so that we can try to live as normal a life as possible with this disease, while we are in public. I shouldn't be made to feel ashamed of having this disease, embarrassed by it. I didn't opt to get this illness. I don't think I did anything, or neglected to do... something, anything, whatever.. that caused/resulted in me getting Crohn's. I don't think people with HIV/AIDs should be 'villified' for getting their disease, and I believe anyone, or at least everyone who is either truly intelligent or at least politically correct, would dare try to villify them.. But, for those of us who suffer from Crohn's? All bets are off. We are either dismissed as con artists or shams, or else we are the fodder for inappropriate jokes or insensitive remarks
And no one, absolutely no one, seems to care. After all, Crohn's won't kill you!