Recent content by drew_wymore

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  1. drew_wymore

    Pill cam questions

    One of them just sat in my stomach for 8 hours, another got partially stuck and a couple more weren't clear enough to get what they wanted. The 5th one found the inflammation that 2 colonoscopies couldn't find :-)
  2. drew_wymore

    Pill cam questions

    I had to do the prep .. if you search this forum you'll see I've had the pill cam 5 times ;-) Not too bad just don't go to any airports =p Normal colonoscopy prep for me when I did it to make sure they got clear images.
  3. drew_wymore

    How long until 50 mg Prednisone kicks in?

    Hope so Kelly. I was on 60mg but that was after being on solu-medrol on the hospital and it kicked in pretty quick. If you've got some gnarly inflammation going on I can imagine it might take a little bit to get it knocked back down.
  4. drew_wymore

    Still fighting for diagnosis... advice, please?

    Hi Arin - Without the context of what tests your doctor specifically ordered relating to IgA and IgG I can't be sure what those results mean. If those are total serum counts for those specific immunoglobulins it sounds like you have what I have which is called Common Variable Immune Deficiency...
  5. drew_wymore

    Marijuana for IBD?

    I don't know that it mediates inflammation but I have used it for pain management before and it's appetite inducing properties and it definitely does help if used within reason.
  6. drew_wymore

    How often do you cry?

    Just pointing out I have a man crush on creepy. Anyways it's been a little while since I've cried but I've had a few breakdowns. Good that you're at least acknowledging and talking about it. That's the hardest part.
  7. drew_wymore

    What have your weight struggles been like?

    I was a skinny kid then I started becoming chubby around the age of 9 and ended being the "fat kid" in elementary school in 4th through 6th grade. Puberty hit and I slimmed down as I put on some height and was active in sports. In my late teens and early 20's I put on a bunch of weight due to...
  8. drew_wymore

    Maintaining a Job!?!?!!?

    Same position as Mini. I was "let go" from my job working for an internet services company because I was always sick. Prior to that job I was working for El Goog but quit because the stress and travel was just too much on my body, loved the job, liked most of the people but I just couldn't do it.
  9. drew_wymore

    How much do you weigh

    I'm 5'9" and before I got sick I was a hefty 230 then on pred I jumped to 240 after having lost 75 pounds so I went from 230 to 155 and then back up to 240 (thanks pred ha). Now I'm back down to 148.
  10. drew_wymore

    Why am I losing so much weight?

    It's gonna take awhile before you are able to keep weight on Santos. I'm down to 148 from 240. I can't keep weight on either to save my life. Maybe you have some intestinal stuff still going on. Drink boost or ensure (which is what I do when I lose more than I think I should be).
  11. drew_wymore


    You know you can have an email address without actually having the service right, right?
  12. drew_wymore

    Insomnia/ Fatigue club

    I just prefer to say that I'm up because my sister lives in Japan so my schedule mirrors the day time in her part of the world ;-)
  13. drew_wymore


    Well that's your problem, using the AOL browser ..or anything related to that company dear.
  14. drew_wymore

    Has anyone had a pill cam?

    Good luck Luchita and the rest of the folks who are having cams in the next little while. Here's a little more info that might help ease any fears you might have. A short video I made of the camera before I swallowed it. I can't find the pics of...
  15. drew_wymore

    Remicade slide - how long 'til it kicks?

    Glad you got your remi yesterday =)