Recent content by greenie

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. G


    I am so sorry to hear about the insurance. Insurance companies don't understand the problems you go through with Crohn's. My husband has had his second inflectra infusion and it's going well. I hope he doesn't have insurance problems. Insurance companies just don't make sense. They give no...
  2. G


    Thank you so much. My husband is received his first dose Thursday. So far, so good
  3. G


    So thankful for your response. After a lot of searching for information on the internet as well, and his dependence on the bathroom, he has decided to receive the inflectra. I am hopeful it will help also.
  4. G

    Sore buttocks

    I hear your frustration. Is your daughter on any medication?
  5. G

    Sore buttocks

    We understand and feel so bad for your daughter. I hope the Desitin is helping. My husband is running to the bathroom all day and all night.
  6. G

    Sore buttocks

    Thank you so much. I'm going to get some today.
  7. G


    My husband ( age 66) has Crohn's and the doctor would like to have him start Inflectra. Is anyone else on Inflectra that I could ask a few questions for him? We really would like to know if you can lead a somewhat normal life. Constant trips to the bathroom is frustrating today the least...
  8. G

    Sore buttocks

    Hello everyone,. Greenie here. Was wondering if anyone has something that would help with chaffing from going to the bathroom too often?
  9. G

    Hello everyone,.

    Thank you for your insight. It was good to hear from another patient.
  10. G

    Hello everyone,.

    I used the name greenie so when my husband is is ready, he can share his story. I joined this forum looking for a place to learn more and ask questions. My husband has been recently diagnosed with Chron's and the doctor wanted to put him on biologics saying that was the only thing to do. My...