Recent content by GutlessWonder86

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. G

    Paying 4 students loans when very ill

    Greetings Everyone, I tried to search for information on this topic, trying to pay for student loans when the patient is too ill to work but can't seem to find it. Does anybody know of a website or have information (I could've sworn it was on the CD forum) that if one can not work due to be...
  2. G

    Great article on 5 signs of bad nutrition advice

    found this article from the Cleveland clinic. Just wanted to share it with everyone. Very good advice...
  3. G

    What is the best test to find a fistula?

    I had a fistulagram done to see if my wound was a fistula or a hard to heal area after surgery. Darn thing turned out to be an abdominal fistula. I had a CT scan done the same day to see where the tract was leading small intestines. DARN DARN DARN!
  4. G

    Medication lists. Pros and Cons.

    side effects vary in each person. What works for one person, may not work for another or may cause an allergic reaction. your best bet would be to talk to your pharmacist about any meds your doctor puts you on.
  5. G

    Starting Effexor - side effect concerns

    no problem. I've been a Crohnie since age 12, an ileostomate at age 17, and a Crohn's warrior for over 27 yrs. knowledge is power. The more you know, then you can make the best judgement calls that will help you. have a great weekend!!
  6. G

    Starting Effexor - side effect concerns

    Pharmacists know more about the medications seeing as they went to college to learn about how different drugs work, their side effects, and how to catch drug interactions in patients. Your pharmacist is part of your medical team, if you can't talk to him, then find someone who's willing to...
  7. G

    Starting Effexor - side effect concerns

    your best bet would be to call your pharmacist and ask this question then go back to your doctor and tell him what the pharmacy told you.
  8. G

    How Sick Must One Be To Qualify For Disability With Crohn's

    It took me 2 yrs. to get before a law judge for my disability. It didn't matter if my husband had me on his insurance because I worked for over 10 yrs and put into the system. What really helped (wish I didn't go through it) is that I had a 12" clot on my brain that caused a stroke and then i...
  9. G

    WARNING: Entocort

    I've been on Entocort for over 8 yrs. and have no side effects at all. This is what's been keeping me in remission all this time. You have to remember, what works for ONE person may NOT work for another. Each patient reacts differently to medications. Feel better.
  10. G


    Cross-stitch gal, my heart goes out to you. When I was flaring around the time of my sister's wedding, I heard from one of the bridal party members that my sister was telling EVERYONE I was faking and out to ruin her day. SERIOUSLY?? I was off work a month before as I was in so much pain my...
  11. G

    No periods for a year

    do you have any scar tissue around the fallopian tubes? any cysts on the ovaries, do you have endometriosis, PCOS, or fibroids?? have you been checked by your Gyn and had a limited sonogram done to make sure there is nothing that's preventing your Aunt Flo?? if you haven't seen your Gyn, I'd...
  12. G

    Does alcohol hurt you?

    alcohol affects the liver and when you mix that with certain IBD meds that affect the liver, then problems occur. My GI told me this as well as my primary MD & GI surgeon. If I want to drink something, I'll either have water, 7 up with a cherry, ginger ale, or cranberry juice mixed with 7 UP...
  13. G

    Can Mirena worsen fistulae?

    Review: Uterine fistula in Mirena This is a review of Uterine fistula by studying 58,798 people who take Mirena. We analyze: the time on Mirena when people have Uterine fistula, age of these people, the severity of Uterine fistula, how they recovered, and common conditions and drugs used...