Recent content by Karinbe

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Whole Food Plant Based diet (WFPD) - with a one-month diary template for sharing your results

    I follow whole plant food diet of Dr. Gregor. Already 1 year, I'm feeling great. I really recommend this.
  2. K

    Immune system boost

    Very interesting. I have the feeling that Western doctors do not understand this disease well. All focus is on relieving the symptoms and not the root cause.. This will take too long before we got the "cure". For this reason I support all alternative studies like MAP.. There should be a reason...
  3. K

    Whole Food Plant Based diet (WFPD) - with a one-month diary template for sharing your results

    1 year, doctors forced me to go with low fiber diet. For 5 month, I switched to fruit en vegatables, high fiber. Everything is way better.. so whole plant food diet is the way to go for me. Ofcourse, it’s never 100%. I still eat some meat fish poultry 1x week.
  4. K

    Immunosupression and Covid Vaccine Response

    Never heard of that. Even biggest hospital in Belgium does not have immunologist specialized in auto immune conditions. They refer me always to GI or Reuma departments.
  5. K

    Immunosupression and Covid Vaccine Response

    Even flu vaccin causes a flare for me.. no way for covid vaccine..
  6. K

    Do you think garlic/onion powder in moderation is okay?

    Do not forget: onion and garlic are one of the strongest prebiotics. Do not avoid it if you can tolerate it. I have read a lot of studies that fructans(in onions/garlic) can prolong remission time in crohn patients.
  7. K

    Do you think garlic/onion powder in moderation is okay?

    I eat onions every day (mostly cooked), but garlic i can not tolerate. Powder gave me same effect but it’s way less and easier to digest.
  8. K

    Humira and Covid-19 risk and vaccine

    I will refuse coronavaccine next month. My GI advised not to take this vaccin. There are no clinical tests on people with immunosuppresants. Also; I’m hospitalized due to flu vaccine 5 months ago. Crohn got worse after vaccination. So I will never take flu or covid vaccin (again))
  9. K

    Diarrhea and Remission - Do Foods Trigger This?

    Hello, I'm already 2 months in remission (infliximab + imuran induced calpro < 50, no diarrhea, cramps..). Occasionally, I get diarrhea time to time (about 3x per month). I think that some foods trigger this. I could not identify the cause because I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and other...
  10. K

    How long does it take Stelara to work?

    Tried Stelara for 5 months without any effect. Hospitalized after that and lost 30kg. So there is a change that It will not work at all.
  11. K

    COVID 19

    I have had corona when I was on Stelara (3rd month). It was hell.. but there is one thing that was worse.. After 1 month, I got flu vaccin = hospitalization, bowel freq 20x day, blood.. Avoid all sort of vaccins, including covid or flu is my advice I'm never getting flu vaccin anymore
  12. K

    Continue on Stelara or switch to Entyvio?

    They are monitoring me. If everyting goes good in coming days, I will be out on Monday.
  13. K

    Continue on Stelara or switch to Entyvio?

    MRI 5 months ago showed only inflamation in last 10cm of small bowel.
  14. K

    Stelara not working after 5 months.. lost 25kg

    Same, without prednisolon, first day of remicade Diarrhea was reduced, but not disappeared. After adding prednisolon, it went from 15x to 1x instantly.
  15. K

    Stelara not working after 5 months.. lost 25kg

    They started it today, but not for gap of remicade. I have had low hb - hemolyse. 60mg iv, 3 months taper. Diarrhea is instant disapeared, solid bowel movement 2x day (coming from 15x) they will monitored me 2 days, after that I’m going home.