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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    Do ulcers always mean Crohns??

    Thanks - sounds very similar to my situation. I have been through many tests and it was just the pillcam that picked up the ulcers in my small bowel. I don't understand how a biopsy can still be inconclusive. Makes me nervous that a diagnosis comes down to the discretion of a physician after...
  2. M

    Do ulcers always mean Crohns??

    Thanks! Thought several ulcers in the SI would be a good indicator, but guess I'll have to see what the biopsies say...
  3. M

    Do ulcers always mean Crohns??

    Hi there. No official diagnosis yet but pill cam just showed ulcers in the small bowel. Prior to this they only found inflamation in the stomach and the terminal ileum but no other signs of crohns. I am still being told, this may be Crohn's or this may be a resolving infection so the next step...
  4. M

    Possible first flare...thoughts?

    My endoscopy and colonoscopy results in combination with my symptoms are what is puzzling my dr. The procedure showed gastritis in the stomach, inflammation in the terminal ileum, and chronic patchy inflammation in the colon. All biopsies came back neg for IBD though. GI mentioned possible...