Recent content by mixiestar

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. mixiestar

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    I haven't tried anything but the smoke and the vapor but from what I have heard the pills are not as effective. Again, never tried the pill form. As far as strains go I think the clinics would be able to tell you which is "best" but I have found that once it's at a certain level of quality it...
  2. mixiestar

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Thank you! I am looking into that now. I do not look forward to filling out paperwork for 3 hours but maybe it will go smoother now since I have already done it once. It's awesome that there are people like you that will take time to help others in similar situations. Having been diagnosed with...
  3. mixiestar

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Thank you! I will check them out!
  4. mixiestar

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I was denied twice and the last thing I filled out was for "reconsideration of a claim" so I never went before a judge or anything. Things got busy when we were getting ready to move.
  5. mixiestar

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    you might want to try a different kind. from what I have read Indica is more of a peaceful sleepy feeling as opposed to Sativa which makes people paranoid and energetic. (been there, not fun)
  6. mixiestar

    Filing for disability

    Hello, I was denied in TN and recently moved to VA and was wondering if there are any tips or advice anyone has for getting approved. I was diagnosed with UC in 2003 and recently my doctors told me it might be Crohn's. Have had major depressive disorder and severe anxiety since highschool, also...
  7. mixiestar

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    does anyone know of a good disability lawyer in VA? I was denied in TN and I think I underplayed my symptoms. :(
  8. mixiestar

    What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

    I have Crohn's or UC (doctors are unsure) and my newest Gastro put me on this Low-Fodmap diet and I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel. It's very odd, can have raspberries but not blackberries, red bell peppers but not green. I do recommend it because I have done low-residue and...
  9. mixiestar

    IBD and Mental Health Support Group

    Hello, I was diagnosed with UC when I was 21 (31 now) and last year my doctors at Vandy told me I might have Crohn's instead. I have struggled with major depressive disorder and anxiety (touch of ocd, I count things when I am experiencing more stress than usual) since I was 17. Lately I feel...
  10. mixiestar

    Remicade Club Support Group

    I have been on Remicade every 7 weeks for about 3 years. I hadn't noticed joint pain or anything. I am usually up til about 4 am the night after the infusion which I attribute to the prednisone they use before the remicade. I am, however, pretty exhausted all the time. Don't know if that's the...
  11. mixiestar

    Crohn's Colitis Support Group

    I was not tested for food allergies but at the suggestion of my nutritionist at Vandy I cut out all lactose and started drinking the 99% lactose free Kefir. Kefir is GREAT. I can only eat in the afternoon most days and the Kefir helps me have something in my stomach in the morning to take my...
  12. mixiestar

    Remicade infusions: Extreme tiredness ,and nausea?

    I have been on remicade for about two years, every 7 weeks now. I am pretty tired all the time but I just found out I have c. diff and am now on vancomycin for 14 days. Most of my tiredness is due to depression, I think. I had been sick before that and my nutritionist suggested a lactose-free...
  13. mixiestar

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    I have ulcerative colitis and I could have done my own clinical study on what works best for nausea. I am prescribed *mg of Zofran as needed and also phenergan. A lot of the time I can't keep either down, if I am lucky enough to have some "MM" I smoke a bowl and I feel unbelievably better within...