Hey Topper
I got social security disablity a few years back, I was39 when I got extra sick that year for Crohn's. My Doctor really made an effort for me to get disability and I got it the 1st time I applied.
But I was hospitalized 4 times that year, had 2 surgeries too.
My advice is your son needs to show he has been very sick the past year or so. in the Hopspital a few times too.
I heard it helps if you take or at least prescribed depression meds and anxiety too...So I made sure that was in my doctors chart and he gave me paxil.
Your Doctor really needs to go to bat for your son...if your doctor feels he is really ill, and in need of disability that helps alot and he/she should fight for your son's disability
My Doctor did say Social security disablity to call him and ask him several questions etc.
But he said he was quite angry with them, and pleaded my case, and luckily I got approved 1st.
It takes almost a year to finally see any money, becasue first you have to be out of work for a year I believe before disablity can even be considered or kick in.
The key is have the Doctor paint the worse case scenario (helath wise) for your son.
Hope this helps.
But I was very sick at the time I got disability and lost everything I had finanacially before I got my disablity money etc.
Your son's Crohn's needs to be active with complications too, and the hospital visits and stays are key too.