I had my ileum removed 3 years ago. CRP is great. Everything has been great. But, I had a complete fistulas through to my bladder that he also removed. He didn’t have to surgically repair my bladder. Instead it pulled it off of there and left tissue there for it to heal. The top right part of...
I had my terminal ileum removed 2 weeks ago. He done a side to side anastomoses. My question. I am still having pain when I have a bowel movement. It’s getting better. But, it takes my breathe away at times.
Has anyone else experienced this? If so when did it finally get better and better...
Hey, everyone!
Finally after a 2 year process I had my surgery 11 days ago.
I had Crohn’s disease of the terminal ileum for 16 years. I had severe narrowing and multiple fistulas from small bowel to small bowel to small bowel to bladder to small bowel to sigmoid colon. The surgeon said it was...
Hey, everyone!
Finally after a 2 year process I had my surgery 11 days ago.
I had Crohn’s disease of the terminal ileum for 16 years. I had severe narrowing and multiple fistulas from small bowel to small bowel to small bowel to bladder to small bowel to sigmoid colon. The surgeon said it was...
Hey pal. I also was diagnosed in 2003. I have surgery set for November 8th to remodel my ileum. I'm on the new meds Humira and such that work great. In your case I think and know you need to have a colonoscopy, you need a barium test done. Blood work. Etc. need to find out if its reoccurrence at...
Hey pal. 15 year vet here. What was you diagnosed with? Crohn's? Colitis? Hemroids? Diverticulitis? And let me guess flagyl? And as far as surgery. Find out for sure first. The only reason you would need surgery now is if you have an obstruction, bad perforation or twisted bowel. The new meds to...
Heyyyy everyone. Surgery has been pushed back all year. Then my perfect surgeon moved away. So now I see a new surgeon on October 12th. Then surgery is set for November 8th. I have been in and out of the hospital. Staying a week at a time. Keeping things under control till surgery. I can't wait...
Heyyy, concrete date is the 30th of August now. And I am feeling good. I am putting on a lot of weight. I stop lifting and just trying to get fat so when I do lose weight I'll have extra to lose. Right now the Humira and Imuran are working great. But, I still have the occasional pain from the...
Heyyyy everyone! My surgery got pushed back to August28th. Soo. It's actually better for myself and the surgeon. He was leaving on July 29th. Two days after my surgery and said he wants to be there and didn't want to abandon me. He is fantastic.
How is the healing JessPeper?
Hey guys! Been on here a while now and have communicated with several great folks. I have surgery in a month. Terminal ileum, valve, cecum and appendix resection. Also, fistula from ileum to bladder and to sigmoid colon. So stitching of bladder and sigmoid.
So I have some questions for...
is your mother stubborn? Has she not been to a GI? Or had a colonoscopy? And well, 5-9 days. I'll have a catheter for at least 2 weeks depending on how much work is done to my bladder.