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  1. SaxLady

    Inflammatory bowel disease patients in remission but with persistent symptoms respond well to therapies for irritable bowel syndrome

    and SIBO is complicated to treat. I finished 2 rounds (one xifaxan, one herbal) and using pro-kinetics (LDN and Iberogast) but now believe it is coming back. Getting tested again soon. Next step, physical therapist using Wurn technique. Consult next week. Good luck and make sure to read ALL...
  2. SaxLady

    Inflammatory bowel disease patients in remission but with persistent symptoms respond well to therapies for irritable bowel syndrome

    its estimated 85% of people with IBS have SIBO, and MANY people with Crohns (about 50%) also have SIBO. They have that in common.
  3. SaxLady

    Probiotics free online guide to clinically studied probiotic strains and the results with certain conditions. Maybe you'll find a strain you can purchase less expensively. Probiotics and prebiotic foods ARE good if you can tolerate. If you find you get worse when...
  4. SaxLady

    Recommended Books for Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and other forms of IBD

    Yes, Chosen, I have it right here. Got it from the library. It is good. I have already incorporated much of what she covers in my diet and lifestyle but I gleaned more good info on some things from her. Contains her diet plan and recipes.
  5. SaxLady

    Recommended Books for Crohn's Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and other forms of IBD

    The "The Plant Paradox" by Steven R Gundry. (2017) Powerful stuff! LOTs of info I never knew (and I have read a lot of books about different diets) with excellent research. He is renowned heart surgeon who developed transplant techniques and specializes in immune system. Some really...
  6. SaxLady

    Diet was my key! - 5 years symptom free without any medicine

    Wow, sooooo good to hear other stories of something I AND my Doctor believe from experience is valid and true! Diet and lifestyle changes can have a PROFOUND effect on all kinds of diseases. Our bodies are designed to heal, if we can just remove the obstacles from letting that happen. In...
  7. SaxLady

    What did you eat today?

    Steel cut oats (soaked overnight) with strawberries from my garden, coconut oil & cinnamon coffee Lunch: homemade beef vegetable soup, homemade chia/sunflower seed (ground) crackers , orange SN: few tortilla chips with single serve guacamole, jicama sticks (they are a no no!) Dinner: 2 eggs...
  8. SaxLady

    Has anyone tried Probiotic enemas?

    Yes, it doesn't take care of "up there". I have found a lot of healing with the following things: herbal microbial (especially Berberine and Fresh ginger tea), VSL and Dr Ohhira's probiotics, Low FODMAP Paleo diet, homemade bone broths (easy to make in crock pot), MEDITATION, light exercise...
  9. SaxLady

    Living on the toilet

    Was browsing through some posts and saw you were trying to find VSL#3. They can order it at CVS (you must have it special ordered) but they are quite expensive. I get mine at Costco Pharmacy (they special order it) and the cost is much less, 87.00 for a one month supply which I get two months...
  10. SaxLady

    Vagus Nerve?

    Cara, I have Vagus nerve issues too. Once while driving I was burping really bad, and my esophagus spasmed, and then I blacked out for a couple seconds! Thank God I was stopped at a light! Had the car in park because I felt something come on. Anyway, was checked out at the hospital, and my...
  11. SaxLady

    Has anyone tried Probiotic enemas?

    I tried it, with powdered unflavored VSL, a TINY bit because that stuff is potent. I did it several times and it seemed to help me get out of a small flare. One time I used too much and it sent my colon into a tizzy! I used sterile water.
  12. SaxLady

    I feel better than ever! Healing, naturally, and holistically. Off medication, refused surgery.

    So good to hear your story! Thats a lot of adventure for one human being! I haven't had to take any meds except Antibiotics as of yet, my GI Dr is associated with Gerald Mullin at Johns Hopkins and takes an Integrative approach. He won't prescribe me any meds unless he thinks I really need...
  13. SaxLady

    High calprotectin but no blood marker - anyone had this?

    My Dr Diagnosed Crohns with endoscopy/colonoscopy and capsule endoscopy. It is early stage. He did not prescribe anything except antibiotics for SIBO, (which is implicated in the disease in many people). I use diet (AIP Paleo) to control my symptoms and have done pretty well. Recently had a...
  14. SaxLady

    Anyone had low inflammation but still have symptoms?

    I think it is correct you suspect SIBO. SIFO is also a possibility. My Dr (associated with Johns Hopkins, an associate of Gerald Mullins (The Inside Tract) told me Crohns is associated with SIBO in many cases. Mine is.
  15. SaxLady

    Newly diagnosed-- lots of stress--looking for more holistic approach

    I disagree with earlier poster who said Diet does not help. My Gastro Dr, a Specialist at John's Hopkins, said that IBD IS related to food/bacteria/immune. It is all related. Your poor son tho! I have a heck of a time staying on the diet that heals me. No sugar, LOWFODMAP, Close to...