Has anyone tried Probiotic enemas?

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Apr 28, 2017
Hi all! I am a newbie to the Crohn's world, and when I received my disgnosis I realized I had been in a flare for about 5-6 months. Since being diagnosed I have been trying to get things going for relief and helping all the inflammation and pain. One thing which I read about, specifically on the "listen to your gut" site is the use of probiotic enemas. Dr. jini recommends using B. bifido, L. acidophilus & L. Bulgaricus with 8oz of water and retain. Supposedly it's helped so many with Crohn's (as she herself had Crohn's and has been in remission). I have seen other posts saying any probiotic blend can work just the same, just empty a capsule and add water etc.

My question is, has anyone here tried this? Either the protocol by Jini or just any other probiotic blend? How did it go? Was it helpful, harmful, anything? The idea behind it makes perfect sense. I myself have had fecal transplants in the past (for c Diff) and the mega dose probiotics there were helpful. But I understand it's much different from a capsule vs a natural source.

Any feedback or help would be great!

I tried it, with powdered unflavored VSL, a TINY bit because that stuff is potent. I did it several times and it seemed to help me get out of a small flare. One time I used too much and it sent my colon into a tizzy! I used sterile water.
I tried it, with powdered unflavored VSL, a TINY bit because that stuff is potent. I did it several times and it seemed to help me get out of a small flare. One time I used too much and it sent my colon into a tizzy! I used sterile water.

Thanks so much for your response! I ended your giving it a go with VSL 3 also, but had a weird reaction (headaches, neurological symptoks). Since I struggle with high histamine levels too I thought I wouls try a different blend of probiotics which are not histamine producing. So I tried it with ProBiota Bifido and got good results! It seemed to be helpful in creating some more calm in my colon. I am going to try and stick with it at least twice a week if I can. It's not too potent of a probiotic.

The only downside is it does nothing for my stomach and small intestine which still feel super inflamed and raw. So, it's good for one aspect, but not all! I would say if the pain is primarily in the colon then it could be a great route to take, or at least try. I did have a bit of a herxheimer with a fever, chills, etc but that passes by the next day!
Yes, it doesn't take care of "up there". I have found a lot of healing with the following things: herbal microbial (especially Berberine and Fresh ginger tea), VSL and Dr Ohhira's probiotics, Low FODMAP Paleo diet, homemade bone broths (easy to make in crock pot), MEDITATION, light exercise. I also had the MRT test done, and I avoid those foods I tested sensitive to. The reliability of that test is somewhat in question tho. Seems to have helped me. My Crohns is related to disbiosis, my immune system goes haywire when certain bacteria are thriving. Reducing their numbers by low FODMAP diet and herbal microbials has been very helpful. Still haven't had to take any prescription meds for it except the few antibiotics I have taken in the past. Good luck! Learning to manage this is challenging, but if you keep searching for what kicks you off maybe you will find it! Nerves/emotions are highly suspect. There are some threads about Vagal nerve research. I don't doubt a relation to that as I have a very active nervous system! God Bless and good luck!