I just had to look that up.

I don't fancy that @ all tbh. But tks for the idea, I think it'll boil down to 2 things. 1 they'll bring the Stelara forwards to 8 weekly & 2 they'll probably go for a balloon dilatation. I'm willing to try the dialatation once but if it fails then maybe from there consider the surgical route if offered. The reason I say that is because my previous consultant I felt put me through hell unnecessarily by constantly trying the balloon dilatation route. Knowing full well with me it hardly ever works & also I'm pretty much only able to use Picolax for the Colonoscopy Prep. I just vomit Kleanprep & Fleet up & he wasn't keen on the Picolax. So stressful for zero gain. So after about 3 attempts & back to square one he wanted to have a 4th go @ which point I told him NO. I got to the point where I'd rather have it surgically removed. Which is kind of mad but just shows me what we have to go through & put up with because of Crohns. I actually think he was too blasé about it all & if he was in my shoes he would've come to the same conclusion.
Thankyou to everyone whose replied, it means a great deal to me.