Yes, 3 hours isn't too bad. S is about 2 hours... it's certainly a manageable distance.
And, yes, YIKES, there are times/situations when it's a bit tough to let go at the beginning.

Infusion... I'm sure the next one will be much easier.

S goes to all of them on his own. And, when we schedule one for the centre near his school, I've sometimes even forgotten about it on the day it's scheduled.
Unfortunately, I do still find we need to step in and advocate at times (not sure when they start being seen as 'real' adults!). Perhaps it's a function of being in a 'university' town but we've found the walk-in clinics (including the school's) and local ER department tend to be fairly complacent when it comes to students. And, S is quite knowledgeable (ie shares the right info, asks the right questions) about remi, crohns, etc... but, still he often gets brushed off with 'yep, we're seeing lots of
this. Come back if it doesn't go away.' :ymad: He went to walk-in 2-3 times and local ER twice in 4 weeks and all they gave him was a puffer. Finally, he was so sick, he called me to go with him; I brought him back to ER here and he was dxed with strep. :ymad:
But, I suppose, all stages in the final transition of them becoming a full-fledged adult! We're almost done our jobs! :ywow: