My journey to getting well

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I'm feeling pretty good about avoiding nightshade family and sticking with the fish diet long term - 3 to 4 months. Yesterday I was feeling weak and a bit in a daze for awhile. this morning I'm doing better. Maybe what caused the weakness was drinking 2 glasses of pineapple juice which is high in fiber. that is probably what the trouble maker was. Dental appointment went alright. I was worried about it yesterday morning since I felt quite poorly at the time.
Skin looks good. Tongue looks good. Appearance healthy.
Doing quite well today though I am fasting. Energy levels are good. Stomach is good. Well, this will be a good test. Nightshade is out of my diet for good. At least I think so. the left foot feels good and strong. Weight is 173lbs. that was nice to see. If avoiding nightshade family members results in easier weight to lose, it will make it easier for me to avoid nightshade. The two previous stomach flares happened after eating potatoes. It took about 3 weeks of eating potatoes for the problem to happen. Eating tomatoes seems to cause a similar flare within one to two weeks. With fasting, if I do it often, I should find out if eating nightshade is the cause of the fasting laxative effect.
This is a big notice I made last night. About a week ago I experienced some inflammation. It can be a bit painful but nothing terrible. It happens from time to time. Since avoiding potatoes from one week ago that inflammation has gone away. There is no sign of it.

Don't know why I hadn't noticed this before. I should have recorded down in my notes this inflammation. Regardless I can imagine this gives further data to me being on the right diet of avoiding nightshade family members, and sticking with the fish diet.

I'm eating that nightshade free sauce. So far so good. Another three weeks to go at a minimum with testing that.

Weight this morning was nearly 170lbs. Bit of a shocker there. Didn't expect to lose weight so quick. I'm down ruffly 5lbs after fasting two times this week. 167lbs is my ideal weight I've noticed in the past. Might as well go for the ideal.

Tongue looks good. Skin looks good and healthy. Tongue is nearly perfect.
I'm quite pleased about the inflammation that I can remember. It would happen from time to time, and all to often go hand in hand with a stomach flare. I think there is a good chance that potatoes and nightshade are responsible for that.

On the negative I've been tired, worn out, more so than hoped. Since Thursday it has been an issue. I'm doing well, communicating well, just a bit out of it. I'm thinking over the next week I should improve. I'm guessing it is due to the potatoes that i last ate a week ago. It might also be due to extra fiber being eaten. And most likely the little bit of fasting I've been doing well also cause this. I'll just have to hope it goes away soon and I imagine it will.
A rather dull day today. Being a bit out of it had me hanging out on the computer joking around for the day. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and more productive. A very good sign I noticed is that i'm talking really well. It is encouraging. Not entirely sure what the problem is but it shouldn't last to much longer. And it isn't an overly serious issue. I've been out of it much worse than this. This is pretty mild, but the timing isn't so great. I have much high hopes for the current diet. It has to be the answer. Anyway, I shouldn't dwell on this to much. Skin looks great. Tongue has some marks on it but nothing overly signifiant.
I think what it is that has me a bit out of it. It is a good thing maybe. I did a difficult workout the other day. the good part is I'm not feeling sore. Typically I'd be feeling sore after such a workout and these workouts can make me feeling slightly out of it. That must be it. Avoiding potatoes and nightshade does appear to be anti inflammatory, possibly another example of that with not feeling sore.
Oh good, I'm doing better this morning though I'm still a bit out of it. The more I rest from exercise the better I suspect. Looking good and healthy. Nice to see that. I have a very slight ear ache. That has been going on for a few days. Not painful but I notice it. Maybe I'm going through withdrawals. Tongue looks decent. Skin looks good. Energy levels are alright.
I'm feeling much better today. At the moment no feeling of being out of it. I'm feeling quite good. It was likely the workouts that did me in, along with only be a little over a week with avoiding the nightshade family/potatoes, tomatoes, red peppers.

I'm also avoiding all meats. I'm only eating wild caught fish. I'm 1 and a half months in with that avoidance.

My eyes are quite blue this morning. Good to see. My energy levels are also quite elevated. I've had days with higher energy levels but what I have today is nice.

I'm up in the air on whether I should fast today or not. I'm at 173lbs at the moment. Imagine I very well could get to 170lbs by tomorrow morning. that would be nice. Another 2 to 3 lbs loss and I'm were I should be.
Today has been a good day. Energy levels has been higher than typical. The ear ache and the inflammation i experienced is similar to what I experience when I eat pork. Chicken and eggs causes a similar issue but to a lesser extent. It does have me further thinking that farm animals fed potatoes is a problem for me. I'll stick with the fish diet, and avoiding the nightshade family.
Had some very nice energy there for awhile so the worst seems to be over. Inflammation seems to be gone. Ear ache is every still there. It doesn't hurt all that much and imagine it will be gone within a day or two. My guesses on these things are not that great though.
The ear ache is nearly gone. It only aches in the left ear. It is so similar to what i experience when eating pork. There might be a connection, might not but it certainly makes me wonder.

last night I read about a concern researchers from Cornell University had with the toxin solanine found in potatoes. The reachers said potatoes fed to animals will have the toxin solanine found in potatoes show up in the tissue of the farm animals. When we eat the animal the toxin solanine is then transferred to us.

I hope this isn't a problem for me, with eating meats, but I certainly do wonder. Pork is a problem, I've wondered about chicken eggs being an issue too. I'll stick with eating wild caught fish. Later on I'll test grass fed beef. Grass fed beef should be free of potatoes.

I also read about how novocain used dentistry is similar to the potato toxin solanine. I just had dental work done on Thursday.
Well, I have high confidence this is the diet that works. I just need to give it time to work. Hopefully with all the natural supplements i'm now taking healing will be quicker.

Weight 173lbs. I'll likely fast today. If I can get my weight down to 169 or so I'll be happy.
Tongue is nearly perfect. Skin looks great. Appearance healthy. I was largely well when using the bathroom this morning.
I had periods today were I felt weak and worn out. But I have also had periods where I felt good and energetic. That is rare. Appearance has further changed. I appear healthier this evening. So all id good, overall, with how I hoped this to go. I don't imagine I'll be eating nightshade again. I'm suspecting it is the cause of the tongue sores. Time will of course tell if that is true or not.
Forgot to note down, the ear ache in the left ear is gone. There remains some mild inflammation around the ear but imagine it will be gone soon. I can only imagine that eating those potatoes over a week ago caused this.
It is a good morning. The inflammation, and sore aching ear is gone. The left side of my face is not inflamed. I feel decent. I'm not overly energetic but I'm doing alright. I still remain eating lots of spices, free of nightshade. Tongue is not perfect but getting close. Appearance is good. Skin looks good. Weight was 173lbs. I'll probably fast today. I did not fast yesterday as i thought I would. this diet of only eating wild caught fish and avoiding nightshade family members is working I believe.
I'm doing well in some senses, and yet i'm still somewhat out of it and feel weak. Well, I do seem to be going in the right direction. i was going to fast today but being slightly weak had me rethink that. tomorrow will likely be better. Healing is likely a slow process. No or very little inflammation left on the right side of my face. No ear ache.
I stopped my one glass of wine today, and I'm feeling better. Don't know if that is the answer for why I'm doing better but alcohol is tough on my digestive system. Maybe it is to hard. I'll keep avoiding.

I was well using the bathroom today. that's always good. I also avoided some chocolate that has a listing on the ingreidients that it might have a trace of milk in it. I doubt that is a trouble maker for me, but I'll retest it at a later time.

No inflammation noticed. It is gone. I'm thinking eating potatoes caused the inflammation that is somewhat similar to what happens when I eat pork.
I'm feeling much better at the moment. It must have been the alcohol/wine that was irritating my digestive system. At the moment my energy levels are quite good. I'm feeling great, at least at the moment. Give it time and things can change as I like to joke. Skin looks very healthy. tongue looks good, nearly perfect. I'm feeling quite upbeat at the moment. I like the diet, avoiding nightshade and only eating wild caught fish. I can imagine at some point I'll test grass fed beef. That will likely happen after the gut improves further as does my energy levels. I'm eating lots and lots of spices such as garlic, onions, parsely. So far so good.
I'm doing so much better today. I have good energy levels. My strength is high. Most likely it was either the alcohol/glass of wine that was irritating my gut or the traces of milk in the chocolate. Undoubtably it was the wine that was causing me problems. I'll test the chocolate tomorrow. Today has been quite wonderful. It is so nice to feel this way.
I feel good again this morning. i like feeling this way. Everything is so calm and peaceful. Energy levels are not all that high but they are better than normal. Yesterday I did a bunch of pushups and that likely has negatively effected energy levels. My muscles feel nice. Appearance good and healthy. I'm feeling confident that I have my answer with eating the fish diet, and avoiding nightshade family members. I suppose I'm following a strict paleo diet, as the strict paleo diet asks followers to avoid potatoes and other nightshade members and eat wild caught game and fish.
It dawned on me that those potato chips I was eating that I felt caused me inflammation and stomach issues were not entirely plain potato chips. They also had black pepper added to it.

I'm going to avoid black pepper starting tomorrow and see what that does. My appearance isn't as good as it should be. I have been eating that spicy sauce. Maybe that is to blame.
So I'm backing up some, going to not only avoid black and white pepper, but also garlic and onions, and carrots. I sort of did similar not that long ago, with the big difference being that I ate black better during that time. So I'll see where this gets me. The diet largely remains the same, just avoiding some spices and get a break from the yuck carrot juice.

Appearance at the moment is healthier. I want it to be healthier so will see if this continues during the car. I'm a little unstead and weak but nothing terrible. Hope that improves today. I'm feeling overly bloated due to eating 3 meals yesterday. Oh, back pain is now gone. I might have wrote that down earlier I don't recall. Back has hurt some for 3 to 4 days. this morning after the new avoidances the upper back pain seems to be gone.
It is a better day. I have improved energy levels. Avoiding spices, black pepper in particular looks to be help. Of course hard to say with certainty. What should help me out i'm guessing if the supplements I'm taking, they should help speed up healing. That is my main problem, well a big problem. The time to heal takes to long I suspect. hair is darker in color today. Tongue quickly became perfect. That is something to continue watching. If avoiiding spices/black pepper along with the supplements makes the tongue perfect then I should have my answer.
Forgot to note down, the back problem is entirely gone. Avoiding black pepper and the other spices seems to have cured that.

I can't help but feel the answer is black pepper. I thought for sure it was potato that caused my problem. But black pepper is an excellent candidate. Of course only time will tell with further testing.
Today marks two weeks of avoiding nightshade family members.

I'm about one month and 3 weeks into following the fish diet.

And I'm 2 days into avoiding black pepper, spices such as garlic/onions, and carrots, parley, oregano, and basil. But that is not entirely true.

I learned this morning that i made a wrong assumption. the spicy no tomato sauce that i had been eating has no listed black pepper in it. ll the ingredients are listed and they only include carrots, garlic, onions, basil, and oregano. So I've been avoiding black pepper for some time now.

of all the three avoidance tests i'm doing as best as I can tell it is the spice/carrot family avoidance is the one that I notice the most. Hmmm....So I'll stick with avoiding spices, garlic and onions in particular.

174lbs. Tongue looks nearly perfect. Energy levels are high. I feel good and peaceful overall. Appearance the always difficult one to judge is good and improved.

Opps I take that back. I have been taking some black pepper. At the same time I started eating the no tomato sauce I also began taking the royal jelly once again. ANd the royal jelly lists having black pepper extract in it. So black better needs to be avoided also.

Back feels good though slightly so. the pain is much less than before.
Mixed day, i'm a bit worn out but nothing on the terrible side. I did a bunch of pushups this mroning and I've handled that well but it has tired me some.

I naturally have high confidence that I have the offending spice/food out of my diet. Now it is a matter of waiting. Famous last words of course but I'm feeling confident about it. What I'm not confident about it having patience to go long enough on the diet to figure this out. I'm close though. Maybe that thought will be enough to keep me on the diet for a few months. Two months is all it should take.
I'm on a better path now. I feel pretty good, appear healthier. Famousn last words but believe it safe to say I have what ever makes me ill out of my diet. I'm hoping that truobled food or spice is black pepper. It makes better sense as it was in that royal jelly supplement I was taking. What ever it is I just need to stay the course, stick with the diet for a long while. I'm avoiding spices, nightshade, carrots and following the fish diet. Over night my back began to hurt once again but it didn't hurt all that much. THe back is improving.
It does look liek I can mark off nightshade from my concern list. Untill I'm entirely well I'll always have a little bit of concern for nightshade and citrus too, thinking maybe I overlooked something. But testing wise both of those food families look to be safe.
the foods Im not concerned with are spices, black pepper, garlic, onions, parsley, and carrots too.

I'm going to avoid chocolate. It can cause muscle cramping and was thinking it might be responsible for the back muscle pains. I have been eating more chocolate of late than typical. That is likely the cause.

Doing well this morning. I keep thinking that black pepper is my likely trouble maker. Finding too that one of the vitamin supplements have black pepper in it was surprising and has me thinking that is likely why I've had trouble geting well.
Tongue looks fabulous this morning. Not a mark, scratch, or dent to complain about. Fingers crossed avoiding black and white pepper keeps the tongue looks great.
Overall doing well this morning. Stomach is ok. Energy levels are fine. Appearance healthy. Skin looks good. Belly fat to much for my liking. think I'll do some fasting today. Oh, back feels better though there remains a small area that hurts a bit. Avoiding chocolate, spices, and carrots might be helping to rid me of the upper back pain.
I'm doing something right. I have all kinds of energy today. And this is after a great amount of exercise done this morning. I'm also fasting today. Figure might as well take advantage and once again get the weight down to 170lbs. I'm at 173lbs at the moment. Should be 172lbs in the morning. That might be close enoughl.

Well, I'll keep avoiding spices, black pepper in particular, and carrots, along with following the fish diet. i'm still avoiding nightshade too. I'm in no rash to add it back to my diet though I've pretty much shown nightshade isn't a signficant issue for me.
I'm a bit tired and wornout this morning, but to be expected as I worked out and swam yesterday, along with walked/jogged for close to a crazy 20 miles. I had such good energy levels yesterday. This morning my energy levels remain good, just not as good. I'm sore.
Tongue looks great. Skin looks alright. I'm hoping black pepper, or garlic and onions is the answer. Also avoiding carrots family members. And only eating fish. I've been on the fish diet since Dec 20th. I'm closing in on 2 months on that diet. It doesn't appear that is the answer, but I'll go at least another month on the diet.
It is another good energy day for me. Even though I've done a great amount of exercising this morning. It bodes well for the diet. That is the main thing I'm looking for, over coming the fatigue, having greater energy levels and greater strength.

Think I'll take a break from the multi B vitamin and see how that goes.
I'm doing remarkably well this morning. My energy levels are high. I feel pretty good. and all this comes after I did way to much exercise. It is a very positive sign for the diet. The diet does appear to give me more energy and greater strength. More energy and strangth is needed but I'm off to a great stat with avoiding spices, black pepper and garlic/onions in particular.

Appearance is decent. Early this morning I was looking ruff and beat up from all the exercising done. Now, after breakfast appearance is good and healthy. It should be better too since I'm going to avoiding that high dose B vitamin supplement. That vitamin has me appearing less healthy.
It is another good energy day. This diet does seem to be the one that gives me good energy, at least so far. i am fasting once again today and that has me a bit out of it. Weight 173lbs at the moment. I'll likely be 171lbs in the morning. Id be happy there, the problem being how to keep my weight at that levels. Well, maybe if i keep my energy levels up with the diet I can more easily keep the 5lbs off. Appearance still is ruff. I'm sore from all the exercising done of late.
To add, I'm beginning to be largely well to the stomach/when using the bathroom once again. Similar was going on about 2 weeks ago, when i was avoiding spices then. Eating that nightshade free sauce messed up the stomach slightly. Now it is returning to be better.

Still a bit out of it due to fasting and over exercising. I've cut out the hard exercising.
Im feelign wonderful this morning. This diet has to be the answer. I have good energy consistently. I'm not overly flowing with energy but I'm feeling more energetic than typical. Strength is also decent, above average. Imagine that will improve over time. So the diet of avoiding spices, nightshade, and the carrot family is my answer. At least I believe I'll think that way going forward. Now I need to recover. That will take time, a few months to be in better operational shape at least. I more energetic but still tire out easy when working on projects.

Stomach continues to do well. I fasted yesterday. Weight was 171lbs this morning. No fasting laxative effect noticed, thankfully.
It is a mixed day. I'm pretty certain that I have the offending food out of my diet. i'm well essentially. The negative is that i tire out easy. I need a lot of time to recover, months most likely. For today i ran some chores, to the store, and to the UPS store. I was gone for an hour and 30 minutes. It wore me out. that was about all the energy I had. so I'm doing better with energy levels but need a month or more to be at more reasonable energy levels.

I ended up taking the high dose vitamin b tablet today. Some tongue sores formed and I want to get rid of them.

I appear beat up, worn down. I'm taking a break from the hard workouts till I look better.
This morning I have a few tongue sores. I'm going to guess those were created by all the exercising I've been doing, weight lifting exercises in particular. I will stop doing that starting today. I actually started yesterday but did some pushups early in the morning and realized that might not have been the best of ideas. So I'll plan on resting and relaxing maybe for the next week to recover. So no swimming, long bike rides, and weight lifting. Walking and light jogging will continue.

I'm at 3 months with avouding nightshade family members. I have doubts that nightshade is my answer, but I'll continue with the diet. Today is day 8 of avoiding garlic, onions, carrots, parsley, black pepper.

I feel sore, tired this morning. Energy levels are not horrible but nothing great either. Strength is ok.
I am doing better today, feeling slightly less beat up, and appearing healthier. Still more rest and relation needed.

With avoiding spices, I keep thinking emotionally garlic and onions is my answer. It might explain the ear ache I had the other week while eating that tomato free sauce. I don't have confirmation per say but a few times I recorded in the past that eating hamburgers where I placed garlic salt on it sauced bleeding and an ear ache. When I ate hamburgers with only salt on them no bleeding or ear ache happened. I may say i'm concentrating on black peppper and ohter spices, but keep thinking about garlic and onions. maybe with me now taking the nutrient supplements I'll heal better this go around with avoiding garlic and onions.
It is kind of nice, since taking an easy for the day, this evening I'm showing signs of having quite good energy. Showing signs, I don't know what that means - I have good energy. I wasn't expecting that.

I have a good feeling about the diet. It most likely is the answer, a spice. Imagine it will be garlic/onions but of course time will tell.
I'm feeling a bit on the worn down side this morning. Feeling a little unsettled. Imagine I'll be better by later today. It is exercise fatigue. It takes awhile to heal. Tongue looks better. appearance at the moment is healthier.. Gut is doing well. I like this diet I'm on of avoiding spices, and eating the fish diet. Another week on the diet and Imagine I'll be in better shape. For what ever reason i have good faith my answer is garlic, onions, or black pepper.
Not my best of days but not a terrible day either. I am at least appearing healthier this later afternoon, a positive sign. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be on a better track. I suspect it just takes a long while to recover, and that tomato free sauce did a number on my gut. Cold spell starts tonight. Parts of next week look cool. Hope I handle that well.
I have a few tongue sores, my energy levels are not all that great this morning. I'm a little unsteady. But overall I seem to be doing better. Appearance is healthier. That is a hopfull sign. What always gets me is how long it takes to heal, and that length os time to heal causes problems. Right now I'm on day 9 of avoiding spices and following the fish diet and avoing nightshade. I strongly suspect that nightshade free spaghetti sauce made me ill. I stopped eating it, with all the garlic and onions in it 10 days ago. One would think I would be doing better but no, healing takes longer than suspected. At least that is my guess on what is going on. I'll stick with the diet and hope I'll be on the upswing soon. .
Today has turned out to be a really wonderful day. i feel quite good. So with a little luck the worst of the nightshade free sauce eating is over. Appearance decently healthy. Energy levels high. Strength seems good though I remain taking an easy from weigh lifting. I'll keep avoiding garlic, onions, black better, carrots, and parsely.
I'm a bit on the tired, fatigued side of things. Overall I'm doing well though. I imagine some of this tiredness is due to eating breakfast. Once that is more digested I'll find myself with more energy. Appearance is health. I'm looking better. Skin looks good. No rashes seen. Strength cuold be better. Strength is alright but nothing great. Energy levels are lousy at the moment.

the supplements I'm taking should help with healing quicker. At least I hope so. Today is day 10 on this diet of avoiding spices, nightshade, and the carrot family.
A bit disappointing today. I was more out of it, fatigued, talked poorly, than hoped but overall I'm doing well. Appearance is good and healthy. that is a positive reenforcement. I'm on the right track. The stomach has done very today. I've essentially been well to the stomach. That is always a positive. Thinking about it, this morning was chilly. That might have played a roll in some of the fatigue experienced.
I'm doing well this morning. Maybe a little sore and weak but nothing awful. Weight was 173lbs. That was great to see. I've noticed in the past that sometimes I gain weight quickly and other times the weigh drops off relatively easily. Current diet seems to be keeping the weight off. If I fasted today I imagine tomorrow I'd be 171lbs or possibly even 170lbs.

Tongue at the moment looks perfect. Like that, always a positive sign.
Today is a warmer day and Im feeling more energetic. So the lousy energy I had for awhile yesterday, fatigue, was likely caused by the mornings cooler temps. I'm pretty certain i have the offiending good out of my diet so I shuold be doing better going forward - at least I suspect. I've ended up fasting today. I also swam this morning and did some light workout. My muscle feel fine.
I'm not sure if I slept last night. If I did sleep it wasn't a whole lot. I'm blaming the swimming done yesterday. It had me feeling quite warm. At the moment I don't feel all that well but I'm also not feeling horrible. Tongue looks great. i'll be watching to see if tongue sores form as I swam yesterday plus I did some pushups. Weight was 171lbs.
I experienced the fasting laxative effect and i was happy about it. For some reason I've associated the fasting laxative effect with fasting and eating nightshade. I haven't eaten nightshade foods in 4 weeks though. So good to see that belief found not be true.
Overall it has been a good day. I might have slept poorly but I have decent energy levels today. Tongue looks great. Skin looks healthy. I'm pleased. I'll keep staying away from spices, garlic/onions, parsely/carrots, and black pepper. I'm feeling pretty good about garlic and onions being my trouble maker.
I think today marks 2 weeks of avoiding garlic/onions, carrots/parley, and black pepper. I'm doing better on the diet i believe. I'm finally starting to show some relief. The fatigue is greatly improved. I'm talking better. Overall I'm on the right track I believe. Maybe another week will have me feeling normal.

I was thinking about it this morning, it takes about 1 to 2 weeks of eating spices for me to become sick. And it looks like once I get sick it takes 3 to 4 weeks to become relatively well. I won't be recovered at 4 weeks but should be close. At least that is my guess.

Tongue looks perfect. Not a mark on the tongue. It is chilly this morning but I'm feeling fine.
Did well today. Energy levels were good. Gut was great. i was pretty much well to the stomach. Apperance healthy. I like how this is going. I'll keep avoding garlic, onions, black pepper, and carrot family.
That is a fabulous leap in the right direction with your diet! Finding such a comfortable baseline is a huge win. Take baby steps when weaning off medications and cheese while introducing new foods like wild-caught fish. Keep us posted on your adventures!
I was thinking of starting a new thread in the success section on the sight. Yesterday with the note that I can sit with comfort, it occurred to me at the very least I now have a safe successful travel diet. That is huge.

I say that, and joke to myself that I haven't traveled on this diet. It hasn't been real world tested! The way the gut feels though the last few days, sitting without discomfort and pain, I have good certainty that I have a travel diet. This is a first.

Where to go from here:

There are so many places to go from here, but I believe of importance I need to have a less sensitive stomach. That would go far in relieving doubts. With the gut being less inflamed on this diet, being able to sit in comfort, I expect that the gut will be less sensitive and reliable soon.

I also want to see the "healthy" look for the whole day. There is a health appearance to being well. I know this from the few times I've been well in the past. So far that look is now showing up in the evenings. Soon I expect it will be show all day. It helps prove to me that I'm absorbing nutrients better.

Soon I need to stop taking the little bit of medication that helps the gut. The medicine and I should add cheese I eat I believe help a little. It would be good to stop taking and eating cheese all together as a test. I'll start that tomorrow or Thursday depending on how I'm feeling.

New food to add in the near future: wild caught fish/ sea foods. I'm guessing that what makes me ill is soy meal fed to commercially raised animals. The soy is showing up in the animal product. It might be something entirely different but soy is a common allergen. Synthetic vitamins are another possibility.
For the last 24 hours I've been peeing quite a bit. I don't know if it is the colder weather that has moved into the area or something else. I've had times were I would pee more frequently and felt it was a positive for my stomach health. That very well could be going on now as I've become healthier to my stomach of late.

I didn't sleep all that great last night but I slept well enough. I kept waking up to use the bathroom. Appearance is healthy. Oh I've sometimes mentioned the development of wavy hair. The waves are not that large but it something I'm not used to seeing. I believe i've found out why they are happening. the high vitamin B multi vitamin causes them. When I take one of those high doce B vitamin tablets my hair becomes waving for 2 days. After that the hair streightens out.

Gut is good but can be a litle grumpy at times. It seems when I eat two meals the gut doesn't enjoy it. One meal in a day though can make me weak and hungry but the stomach feels better.
Not the best of days but not a horrible day either. I'm feeling chilled a bit. It is chilly day and has me feeling a bit run down. I also took a vitamin today and that will cool me down fruther. I also am fasting. I'm fasting not to lose wieght but to help the gut which is mildly upset. It is strange in a way, I'm largely well to the stomach yet am having some cramping issues with it. In some respects a good problem to have. Nice to be largely well to the stomach. Bad about the cramping and gas. Appearance good. Skin looks nice and healthy. I'm a bit over 2 weeks with avoiidng garlic/onions, black pepper, and carrot family.
I'm doing well this morning. I fasted yesterday but so far no laxative effect. Glad about that. i appear good and healthy. tongue is nearly perfect. I feel a little weak, likely due to some exercising a few days ago, along with some leg lifts yesterday. I don't feel badly though. Overall it seems today will be a good day I'mguessing. Avoiding spices and carrot family I hope is my answer.
I started avoiding chocolate the other day. I felt ti was causing some slight muscle cramping and possibly was causing some stomach issues. Chocolate can have a laxative effect I've read before. So far avoiding chocolate seems to be a good move. It seems to have helped the stomach some. Chocolate eating might also have been responsible for the frequent peeing I experienced for a few days.

doing ok this morning. Energy levels are so so. Strength isn't bad but could be better. Overall I'm doing pretty much the same as yesterday. I'm doing well. I do tire out easily still but that seems to be improving on this spice and carrot avoidance diet.
I've done so so today. Energy levels were good but I ended up doing some upper body exercises. That has worn on me a bit. Stomach is doing well. I have some mild muscle cramping. I suspect that is due to the chocolate I have been eating. Now that i've stopped eating it, that issue should go away soon.
I'M A LITTLE bit fatigued this morning. It isn't anything terrible though. I'm sure it has been brought about by the push ups done yesterday. I'm looking healthy. My gut, or bathroom habits, continue to become better. I'm well about 50% of the time. This is wonderful as i'm sure it means the fatigue will slowly go away as I absorb nutrients better. Overall it is a good morning.
Today was good. This morning I was a little sore, wasn't communicating all that well from the fatigue but here this afternoon I'm doing fine. I'm talking well. Feeling good. As I type right now I'm typing well. I've been fumbling quite a bit with typing of late. So maybe the worst is over from all the spices I ate 2 and a half weeks ago. I hope so. I don't want to do that again. Oh, I got maybe a little more sun exposure than typical this morning. That might be helping me out. Sun exposure does make me feel a little better I believe.
I have really good energy this evening. It is nice. I keep wanting to move. Fingers crossed this continues.
I'm feeling quite good this morning. Muscles feel decent. Little to no fatigue being felt. Appearance is healthy. tongue is in great shape,not perfect shape but close. Avoiding chocolate I feel has been a good move. I suppose a little bit of chocolate would be fine but who eats a little bit of chocolate once started. Stomach feels fine and is working well. I can't think of any complaints at the moment.
I can still tire myself out quickly. this morning I was feeling quite good. Energy levels were decent. then I worked out on my legs harder than typical. I'm feeling it now, being a bit worn down. I don't like that but I should be handling exercise better soon.

I'm making it a point to spend more time in the sun. I suspect it is helping me iwth healing quicker. This morning in the morning I spend maybe an hour overall in the sun. From what I read morning sun is supposed to be the best. It also doesn't burn as being the afternoon sun would.
I was thinking about this idea and thought to note down. i'm a little over 2 months on the fish diet. I'm only eating fish. I've sort of discounted that in favor of the idea of spices being my problem. That might not be right though. I blammed spices for causing the problems a few weeks ago, but instead my problems likely were caused by the dark chocolate I had begun to eat. Chocglate when eaten to much will cause stomach cramping, and slight upset stomach. I'm doing better of late on this diet I'm on and it very likely could be the fish diet that is helping so much.
I really do like the idea of only being able to eat fish. It fits the puzzle pieces better. But no reason to add spices to my diet now. I have something good going on with my diet. I'll stay the course and avoid both. later on when much better I'll test spices again and see how I do. I still have a couple jars of the nightshade free sauce.

Doing well this morning. I was a bit beat up last night. This morning though I have decent energy levels.
I'm a bit out of it today, most likely due to the hard workout done on my legs yesterday. I hope that explains it. The other explanation is the high vitamin B tablet i take from time to time. I'm still suspicious of it. Overall though i'm continuing to do well. Appearance is generally healthy. I'll keep with the fish diet and avoiding spices.
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Doing quite well this morning. I'm feeling good. Muslces don't hurt that much. Gut is doing well. Today marks 3 weeks of avoiding spices/garlic. That is likely the answer. I felt fairly confident that the nightshade free sauce was making me sick. I developed an ear ache and inflammation while eating it. the sauce only has a few ingreidents, which include garlic, onions, and carrots.
tongue looks great. It isn't perfect but close to perfect.
Two days ago i began to avoid that high dose vitamin B tablet. I do believe it is causing me more problems than doing me good. My reaction to it is not as strong as when synthetic multi vitamins but I do believe it to cause me issues.

So with me on the fish diet, I'll add to the idea that vitamins fed to farm animals could be a problem for me. I'll avoid vitamins, meats were the animal was fed vitamins, and I'll also avoid vitamin fortified grains. I'll do this at least for the month if not longer.
My lips sure are smooth feeling this afternoon. My lips don't chap all that much but no chapping at all on this diet.
I'm feeling really good this morning. Maybe I can complain about the gut health a bit as the gut was a little more grumpy last night and this morning than normal but the gut is doing well enough. No fatigue to report That is the realy good. I also appear nice and healthy. So this addition of avoiding vitamins is doing me good. I'm still taking the natural supplements such as fish eggs, brewers yeast, and beet powder, but I'm not taking anything that lists vitamins on the label. I believe those "natural" vitamins are not as natural as they advertise. If I am allergic to a vitamin it is likely vitamin B12. the cobalt in B12 causes people problems sometimes. And since B12 is given to farm animals it very well could be showing up in the meat.
This is unexpected. Since going on the vitamin free diet, avoiding vitamins directly and animal meat where the farm animal had been fed vitamins, I've lost an inch around my waist. I'm only on day 3 on the vitamin free diet. This is good I imagine.
I was thinking about this last night. I've taken vitamins that gave me ear aches and that inflamed skin feel. It is a similar feel to what I get when I eat pork. I wonder if the two are connected. Farm pigs are fed vitamins in their feed. Other animals are fed vitamins too.

I'll be finding out in the weeks ahead if that is the case. So far so good with avoiding vitamins directly and indirectly by avoiding animals meats were the farm animal had been vitamins. I'll also avoiding fortified grains.

Tongue looks perfect. Gut doing ok. I've had some stomach problmes the last two days but nothging all that bad.
Energy levels are not great but not horrible either.

I'll sitll avoiding spices and only eating wild caught fish also. Not long ago i was blaming spices for causing an ear ache and inflamed skin. Instead i'm not thinking it was likely the natural vitamins I had been taking that caused that.
Something I forgot to note down, since avoiding all vitamin supplements, I feel much warmer. This morning would typically have me feeling chilled. Not today. I'm feeling hot. I'm still bundled up some, but I'll likely be chaning into something cooler soon.

Tongue looks great as noted earlier. It is perfect. As I've long said if i figure out what causes the tongue sores/markings, I likely figure out what causes my stomach and fatigue issues. Fingers crossed with this coming week the tongue remains perfect.
170lbs, I has been a decent day. I decided to fast, and it hasn't bothered me. The gut is slightly upset and I'm thinking it has been the extra orange I've been eating. I've been eating two oranges a day of late. The extra fiber is likely the cause. Tongue looks great. i like looking at my tongue. If that stay good and healthy I likely have my answer. I'll continue to avoid vitamins directly and indirectly along with spices.
170lbs. the bad this morning, I'm not feeling that strong. The good this morning, I have not fatigue, I feel good overall, tongue looks great, energy levels are decent, and I appear healthy. I like this diet I'm on of avoding all vitamins, only eating wild caught fish, and avoiding spices. It is going to be at least a month before I begin testing spices and new foods. Very much looking forward to that.
I'm communicating very well. Love that. Stomach remains slightly upset. I'm not worried about it, but I better cut out eating two oranges a day. I'm pretty sure it is the extra orange that is causing the slightly upset stomach. The diet is doing me good so I'll continue to avoid vitamin supplements, and only eat fish, along with avoiding spices. Looking forward to spice testing a month from now, maybe.
I'm a bit tired this morning yet I'm not fatigued. That is wonderful. I hate that fatigue. Today I'll only eat one orange. Hopefully that will stop the mild upset stomach. I'm prett sure it is the extra fiber found in the orange that is the trouble maker. Overall doing good. Tongue looks good. When i did the many pushups a slight tongue marking formed. It is not nearly gone. Exercise fatigue does seem to contribute to the tongue markings. Skin looks good and healthy.
I've been rather gassy of late. It has been going with the slight upset stomach. I've thought the problem likely caused by eating two oranges. At least by todays testing it looks like that idea is wrong. In the past I've figured out that beets will cause me to be gassy. I've been taking 2 beet tablets. I'll cut back to one tablet a day and see if that solves the problem. Gut is doing better today, just a bit on the gassy side. Energy levels are not horrible. Wish I had more erergy though.
I added that multi vitamin back into my diet. It dawned on me that it doesn't cause tongue sores. It helps to get rid of them. And I'm in large part going by how the tongue looks. So I'll stick with the avoid spice and only eat fish diet.
I'm still a little to gassy of late. Cutting back on oranges and beet doesn't appear to be the answer. I have been eating a good amount of cashews. I'll cut back on those and see if that helps. Thankfully no cramping going on.
I'm at one month of avoiding spices today. I'm a little over 2 months on the fish diet. I've done something good as i rarely see any tongue issues anymore.

Yesterday was a lousy day. I was quite tired and worn out. Hopefully that feeling lousy came from eating to many cashews, or to much orange fiber. I suspect so.

Outside of that I'll continue with avoiidng spices, and only eating fish.
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Oh good, it does appear that I was eating to many nuts, causing me some fatigue. I'm doing better this morning since eating half as many nuts with breakfast. Hopefully that continues.

Nice to not be seeing tongue sores. I can make a good case either way for the cause, meats, or spices. For a while I used to believe that eggs and chicken caused the tongue sores. I'll eventually find out, I hope. Maybe in another month I'll experiment and add spices back into the diet. Will see. These long heal times make things difficult.
TONGUE looks great. It has been looking quite good for a few weeks now. I'll stick with the current diet till april and then begin to add new foods. I'm likely on the fish diet for a long long while. I no longer have trust in other meats. Pork for sure is a problem. Beef tires me out and makes me week. And chicken and eggs gives me problems but less so. First to test will be spices and maybe that vegan cheese. It would be nice to have a good snack food.
It dawned on me that last year I went around 8 months without eating beef or dairy products/cheese. I likely ate some chicken but not much. So in light of that, mentally I'll concentrate more on the spice avoidance idea, garlic and onions in particular.
Since cutting back on cashews I'm doing better. I had pretty good energy levels last night. Today i'm going on a longish drive, 40 minutes to the car dealer, wait for service, and then driving home. I should do well. I'm feeling fine of late. Tongue looks great. No marks/sores of note. I did some push ups yesterday and this morning I feel no soreness. that is a great sign. All to often I'd been feeling sore and fatigued.
Well so much for waiting. I added carrot juice and vegan cheese to my diet. I figure they are likely safe and if not I'll find out from the shape of my tongue. I'm kind of thinking the answer is garlic and onions too. So will see. Now I have a snack food, vegan cheese. It doesn't taste so great but nice to have.
172lbs. I'm eating a lot of food ot late yet the weight is staying off. That is nice. What wasn't nice was a slight upset stomach hthis morning. I'm not worried about it. With that said I'm going to return to not eating the vegan cheese. It has to many unknown ingredients. I'll have to try and find some other snack food. Tongue looks really good. I suppose there is a slight mark but nothing of signifiance or new.
I've felt quite good for the day. this is the first good day in awhile. Overall nothing really hurts. Well the gut has been a bit on the sour side but nothing terrible, out of the norm. Good signs. Now at some point I'll need to figure out what is making me ill, meats, or spices. Oh, the carrot juice I've been drinking has gone down well. The vegan cheese doesn't appear to be an issue either though I did kick that out of my diet this morning.
Yesterday was quite a good day. This morning is starting out well. I'm feeling good. Appearance is healthy. Energy levels are better than normal. Tongue look great. I'll stick with avoiding meats only eating fish and avoiding spices, garlic and onions in particular.