Just soiled myself

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Oct 3, 2012
Was diagnosed 21 years ago with Crohn's and just soiled myself. It happens 2-3 times a year. So fed up!! It's fine when I am alone and can "just deal with it" but my partner does the laundry and I hate those questions "what happened?" Yes I wash up my garment but he can still figure out something is up. Just venting...
Vent away, I had three accidents in hospital so my humiliation is now complete!!!
There is nothing quite as humiliating as those Crohns soiling accidents, I guess your partner is only asking cause so he knows what is going on? hopefully, I doubt he realises the full impact of the question!
My lowest point ever was when I got to the toilet and someone had put the seat down, it was a real mess! I remember crying as I tried to clear it all up.
All I can say is I think a hell of a lot of people here would want to give you a hug and say 'it sucks hunnie, it really does x'
Oh, that is not fun. It is seriously the worse thing when you crap yourself. But just think, every single person on the earth will crap their pants at one point or another, so no need to be embarrassed about it. It's hard emotionally though. Hang in there.
I've been so lucky. . . The times it has happened to me has either been when i'm alone or a small amount that I was able to handle discreetly.

*hugs* to you
I've gotten to the point where I'm having trouble making it to the bathroom at work and we only have one bathroom so if it occupied I'm in trouble.. So I've resorted to the special underwear.. ::::sigh::::
I understand how you feel!
I've gotten to the point where I'm having trouble making it to the bathroom at work and we only have one bathroom so if it occupied I'm in trouble.. So I've resorted to the special underwear.. ::::sigh::::
I understand how you feel!

do you have an office where you can close the door? If so, you could get one of those travel potty's they make for the car.
Hey Harv,
Vent away but don't worry, before my op I crapped myself whilst asleep. Now it wasn't a train spotting moment but enough to disgust myself. You know what they say, s*it happens :smile:
Been there and done that, too many times to count. It might be the most difficult thing to have live with as a Crohnie.
Happens to me frequently enough. There have been times when it came out of both ends... happened once when I was at work. I got out of my car after lunch... was trying to rush into the building... ended up throwing up in the woods and having it come out the other end as well... not pleasant. Let's just say I know I will be in the hospital shortly after that happens... because that is a sign to me things are pretty bad....
I've gotten to the point where I'm having trouble making it to the bathroom at work and we only have one bathroom so if it occupied I'm in trouble.. So I've resorted to the special underwear.. ::::sigh::::
I understand how you feel!

It got to the point where my boss told me to make sure I had the special underwear.

Was diagnosed 21 years ago with Crohn's and just soiled myself. It happens 2-3 times a year. So fed up!! It's fine when I am alone and can "just deal with it" but my partner does the laundry and I hate those questions "what happened?" Yes I wash up my garment but he can still figure out something is up. Just venting...

Happens to me alot, it is very embarassing however it your partner really loves you they will become educated about the disease and understand. If they don't then it is their loss.
Yep happened to me this morning....do you know what. Stuff it..Who cares?
I am feed up with it and i just don't care what it does to me anymore.
Had to throw a pair of underwear away while at work the other day...thought it was just gonna be wicked gas and it came with a lil something extra. Luckily, I was the only one at work and didn't have to explain the extremely surprised look on my face or the strange waddle to the bathroom...
Had to throw a pair of underwear away while at work the other day...thought it was just gonna be wicked gas and it came with a lil something extra. Luckily, I was the only one at work and didn't have to explain the extremely surprised look on my face or the strange waddle to the bathroom...
Thanks for cheering me up. Just had my first soiling in my car. Could I say a lot of it! Pretty upsetting if we take ourselves too seriously 😳