Experience with bowel leakage?

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Nov 24, 2016
My DD (15) recently moved from Stelara to Skyrizi. She did three months of induction infusions and then did her first home injection. A few days after that she started having really bad consitpation. She's never experienced that before. After consulting with her GI, she started daily dosing of Miralax. We stopped after a few days because it didn't seem to be helping and made her gassy and she was having small bowel leaks connected with the gas. After a week or so, the consitpation hadn't really improved and the leakage got worse. So we started back with the Miralax, which seems to be helping now and she's having regular bowel movements. But she's still having what she calls "poop farts." Any one have any experience with this? It is causing her more issues with quality of life than her chronic diarrhea. Right now I'm glad that the consitpation seems to be resolving but don't understand why she's still having leakage. She has an appointment with her GI next week. Thanks!
Miralax takes at least three days to get things moving
When you have alot of constipation the liquid from higher up inflammation can sneak around the hard stool …
This happens with gas as well .
My adult son has been on miralax daily since he was dx at age 7.
He uses the packets since there is no measuring and he is in college .
He did have leakage when he was first diagnosed.
Just wear a period pad
Poise or other .
They have triangle pads for men with urinary issue .
These work well in the back for the accidental gas or minor leaks .
Keep a pair of fresh underwear and black leggings in a bag when traveling /school with flushable wipes just in case ;)
Hopefully GI can help sometimes they suggest a mini clean out (mag citrate or three -four doses at once of miralax)
This resets things so daily miralax keeps up .
If constipation wasn’t an issue before definitely let the Gi know .
Thank you so much, my little penguin. That's helpful information and reassuring. Her GI did suggest the mini clean out, but she always throws up colonoscopy prep and is really resistant to it. Now that things seem to be moving I'm going to let her try to see if the daily dose of Miralax helps it all settle down. If it doesn't work in another week or so, I'll make her do the mini clean out.
How are things going ?
Much better. Thanks for checking in. Once things were moving, the leakage subsided for the most part. She stopped the Miralax and seemed to be doing okay. Though we had her regular appointment with the GI a few days ago and he wants her to continue one dose of Miralax a day for a few weeks because he wants to keep things stable and prevent the bad constipation from happening again. Before she could start back up though she started to get diarrhea again, which is disheartening. But I'm still hopeful the Skyrizi is going to work for her. Two steps forward, one step back. It's constant.
Teen years are the toughest
Her body is chemically changing -to do those changes -the body ramps up inflammation.
Once things settle down chemically then inflammation reacts better to meds.
Per my kiddos Rheumo, they hate puberty /teen years since it is just so hard to treat . Of course they don’t tell you that when you have a teenager .
That said my kiddo is now 21 and once you get to the other side
Things do get a lot better .
Fingers crossed things stabilize soon for her .