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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Clash

    What to do?

    What type of reaction did you have? If it was allergic in nature involving hives, chest tightness, feeling flushed etc then your GP nor your GI would be immediate care, that would be the ER. The can check you out, monitor you and give you IV meds to counteract or more precise alleviate symptoms...
  2. Clash

    Insurance Coverage for Remicade

    I don't have any experience with Hospital infusions labs since my son always got his remicade infusion at his GIs IV lab. It was really great since all the kids there were getting infusions for the same thing he was. Plus the nurses catered to them with DVDs, snacks, blankets, Xbox live. Our GI...
  3. Clash

    New, MY Story - Crohns 10 yrs, New MAP diagnosis

    Why would your doc tell you that your CD would be cured by removing your colon? That's true for UC but not CD. I hope that is not the GI you are still under. I'm going to tag Irishgal she's on the MAP protocol of antibiotics and can give her experience.
  4. Clash

    Remicade and Weight

    With CD when you have inflammation it can hamper nutrient absorption. When a med, remicade or otherwise, is effective at controlling that inflammation your body can once again absorb nutrients effectively. If you happen to be underweight due to active disease then the med working allows for...
  5. Clash

    What would happen if you become allergic to entyvio?

    Ahhh I didn't even notice that, sorry. Not sure what's in the pipeline for UC but hopefully the entyvio will work it's magic for you!
  6. Clash

    What would happen if you become allergic to entyvio?

    Surgery is an option but CD often becomes active after surgery so meds are still needed. There's stelara, my son is on it as of now. It's doing well in phase III clinical trials. There's other clinical trials that might be an option. Hopefully, it won't come to any of that because the entyvio...
  7. Clash

    Is this good?

    Also the NRR varies. With Quest, I think it's like <162.7. With Lab Corp ours was <50 but now it's been increased to less than 150. I do not have IBD but had a result of somewhere around 160. The rest was done with Quest so I was still in the NRR for their lab.
  8. Clash

    Research into MAP as the cause of Crohn's

    The author you guys are discussing often posts here. He posts most often in this thread ?t=36726 At least I think it's the same guy. He's posted some interesting theories and discusses them with other member quite often!
  9. Clash

    Need some help

    Ahhh I didn't even think to look at your type of IBD. You state in the first post that you have CD but Doug mentions in the post above that your profile says UC. UC is different, in that, removing the colon gets rid of the disease. The docs still may suggest stronger meds first but just go in...
  10. Clash

    Need some help

    Have you been on any of the biologics, like remicade or humira? Or even the immune suppressants like 6mp, imuran or methotrexate? Most of the time you have to go through the prescription treatment options before the docs will move to surgery or at least tried the biologics. It isn't always the...
  11. Clash

    Growth after small bowel resection

    My son has been unable to achieve remission(even after surgery) so his weight and growth hasn't been great. He's probably 5'8.6"(but was shorter before surgery so there was some growth even though he hasn't reached remission) his weight is always really low. If you can maintain remission it...
  12. Clash

    New here and still awaiting further tests :-/

    I'm so sorry they started with a sigmoidoscopy. I truly think those are useless. It sounds like they are on top of things and hopefully the colonoscopy will bring you some answers.
  13. Clash

    Still Confused

    It can take some time for the bowel to heal from inflammation. It could also be that she may have a fissure if it isn't a heap of blood or just showing up on the toilet paper. It can make you crazy with worry with all the symptoms that come along with IBD. But if the labs are trending downward...
  14. Clash

    New to Forum Questions

    Welcome to the forum. I'm going to tag a couple of parents who have young kids or there kids were dxed at a younger age. Tagging them will hopefully bring them by to give their experience. I think most of these kids are dxed with CD or have another dx entirely that causes colitis. As far as...
  15. Clash

    Swollen Gland?

    My son has always had reactive nodes in his neck. Most often under his jaw. His are most reactive when allergy season is in full swing. It's never been infection. Since starting biologics he has had several occasions where the node on his neck (usually right side) gets swollen. It's a bit...
  16. Clash

    Update on the girls and resetting for a new, and much better, year

    So glad things are moving along better than last year! I hope things continue to go well!
  17. Clash

    Stephen... Remicade now...

    All that sounds like good business! Glad things are rockin' right along in the CD dept!
  18. Clash

    If everything looks good, Dr. wants to stop Remicade.

    I agree with the all the above. When remicade was used in an episodic manner, early on, it was proven the chance of building antibodies to it were much higher. So, I wouldn't throw a med to the curb if a colonoscopy proves it's working, especially biologics since there is the potential to create...
  19. Clash

    Daughter being switched to Humira

    That would be my choice as well. My son was 15 when started on remicade. He had no needle fears and was giving himself mtx shots as well. The remicade did mean half a day every 6-8 weeks spent getting an infusion bit we didn't let that interfere with school by using our 504 to ensure he had no...
  20. Clash

    A flare or I need a change in medication?

    I'm glad your getting labs done Monday. It can take some time for Humira to really start working, months even. I'll tag my little penguin she has the info on that. I'd push for getting the humira trough levels tested just to make sure it's not that your body is metabolizing the humira to...