So the inflammatory markers are down for my Ella, who is 5 with UC. She has zero pain urgency or diarrhea (she goes once per day), but is still having a small amount of blood each time. She is not anemic. Her Pentasa was increased 2 weeks ago and her labs have improved. Why is she still having blood? We don't go back to the doc for 2 weeks. This is her first flare since diagnosis almost 2 years ago. Does it take a while for the blood to go away? Should I be worried? She is acting completely fine other than a little blood. She went 2 days with no blood and then ate a little cruddy last night and had a little today with a little looser stool than normal, but not diarrhea. I hate this. I feel like I can't plan anything. We have a vacation to Disney World scheduled at the end of October and I keep wondering if we will even get to go. If she has to change meds, I am worried that she could have issues while we are there. GAHHHH! Thanks for listening. Im just a mess.