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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. exit4

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Sorry to hear you got denied, but like you said, it will be one more plus on your side during a hearing. Also, when you do start receiving disability it will be prorated and you will get a big back pay check. I know, it does not help you now – not having an income – hang in there!
  2. exit4

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I went on STD after I had a fistula surgery, it would not heal for month’s. I couldn’t sit due to the pain, I leaked post BM and was very depressed. Mind you, I lived for years with belly pain, urgency, dria,fistula, arthritis, depression and all the other lovely Crohn’s gifts. It’s the fistula...
  3. exit4

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    To Mike - wow LTD denied you!? Definitely ask/or have your lawyer get to see your policy - you paid/or your employer paid in to this for years! It's there for exactly that! There should be a review process or some type of legal action you can take! Who is your LTD? My is Prudential and they...
  4. exit4

    Dunno how much more I can take

    Hang in there! Don't give up! We all had those days and felt like you do - there are a lot of people worse off then you, be grateful for what you can do - you can see, walk, talk, think, etc. New meds are being developed all the time and there is hope for all of us. It's OK to feel bad...
  5. exit4

    Found this little hole near my rectum. What is it?

    My pain came from abccess, once the seton was put in, the pain and pressure went away. I was uncomfortable for about two weeks. After that, I only felt it when I sat and wiping after BM. I used baby wipes and hand held shower to clean. Balneol cream is great when cleaning and Calmoseptine is the...
  6. exit4

    Found this little hole near my rectum. What is it?

    The fact that you developed fistulas tells me there is an active inflammation going on. Your meds will have to be changed to address this - there are few meds that many people had good results with: biologics and/or combo of antibiotics and biologics. Remicade, Humira are the biologics, Cypro is...
  7. exit4

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I am on disability because of Crohn’s and Crohn's complications - abcceses, fistula, back pain, depression. It is not an easy process, but if your doctors support you and you can document your disability for at least a year, it’s possible. It took me 1 ½ years and I was not able to work at all –...
  8. exit4

    How Sick Must One Be To Qualify For Disability With Crohn's

    I am on my wife’s health insurance through her work. I had a choice to go on Medicare but financially wife’s insurance made more cense at a time. With Obama care that may change things, but so far I am ok with what I have. I feel your pain! What really pushed me over the edge was non healing...
  9. exit4

    How Sick Must One Be To Qualify For Disability With Crohn's

    I am on disability because of Crohn’s and Crohn’s complications: abcceses, fistulas, back pain, depression. It is not an easy process, but if your doctors support you and you can document your disability for at least a year, it’s possible. It took me 1 ½ years and I was not able to work at all –...
  10. exit4

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    I had a plug put in about 3 years ego - did not work for me, got infected then abccessed. Was put on IV antibiotics, got c diff...What helped me to close my fistula was Humira. Good Luck 2 u!
  11. exit4

    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    Some good info that helped me in approval of SSD the first time I applied. 1 - Locate the original and any subsequent copies of your policy. Maintaining good records of your contracts will be highly useful, should you need to go through an administrative appeal or litigation. Do not rely on...
  12. exit4

    MTX preservative free

    Yes, I get Preservative free 25 ml vile. That's the only type my pharmacy supply. One use only, trash the rest. It does seems like a waste of medicine...
  13. exit4

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    It took me about 1 month to start healing on Humira. I had other complications that prevented my total healing – I had a fistulatomy while in a flare that left me with a “key whole deformity”. I kept taking Humira for almost 3 years and did very well on it – no dria, urgency, cramps, blood. The...
  14. exit4

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    Humira helped to close my fistula and kept me symptoms free for 3 years!
  15. exit4

    Do you have to be in a full blown flare to have other symptoms of Crohn's?

    I also have had pain in my hips/lower back as the only manifestations of Crohn's. Some mornings it would take me 10 min to "roll" out of bed! Humira helped me a lot with joint pain for about 3 years until I developed anti body to it. It is a disease with many faces!
  16. exit4


    Has anyone used EnteraGam medical food for the management of diarrhea-predominant Crohn's? Did it help you? Did you have any side effects? Tnx
  17. exit4

    Can you see the fistula plug?

    Good luck 2 u with fistula plug! Mine got infected and after 5 days I developed abscess and plug had to be taken out, abscess lanced and IV antibiotics in the hospital.
  18. exit4

    Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

    A combination of tests may be needed for a Crohn’s disease diagnosis. The symptoms of Crohn’s disease can be similar to those of other illnesses, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and ulcerative colitis. To rule out other causes and pinpoint a Crohn’s disease diagnosis, your doctor may...
  19. exit4

    Natalizumab -Tysabri

    Has anyone been on Natalizumab -Tysabri? How do you feel? Did it help you? Did you have any side affects? Humira stopped working for me after 2 ½ years- I developed abscess and fistula, testing for antibodies came back positive. I already tried Remicade – had a reaction during the 3d infusion.
  20. exit4

    Interesting research