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  1. kiny

    How long on EEN before your child had solid motions again

    Pediatric patients with colonic disease do not respond to EEN. Neither do patients with UC. Any dietary manipulation has to involve the ileum which takes up nutrients. The colon does not take up nutrients. What EEN can do is help children with nutritional deficiencies, but it has no effect on...
  2. kiny

    PEN (Partial Enteral Nutrition) does not reduce inflammation and is not an effective treatment for active Crohn’s Disease.

    PEN does not reduce inflammation and is ineffective. Several robust studies have pointed this out, few actually get featured by media outlets. The few PEN studies that are featured, are generally underpowered, often feature additional medication or consider weight gain or general well being as...
  3. kiny

    EEN , proximal absorption , Illeum resting & Juicing

    "juicing vegetables" has likely no impact on where these vegetables are absorbed. That doesn't mean that EN's mechanism of action is therefore proximal absorption, but it's a possibility. It might also just be that EN, because it's a liquid, has certain osmotic effects, affecting motility...
  4. kiny

    Warning: Commercial Dishwashers Can Damage the Gut and Lead to Chronic Disease

    Contact with residue found on plates or cutlery after washing them has been talked about on the forum several times and several studies have been posted about it. Surfactants in dishwasher soaps are extremely potent, even in small amounts. In 2013 I suggested on the forum that people should be...
  5. kiny

    Ileal bile acid malabsorption in colonic Crohn's disease

    I need to read what effects EN has on secondary BA and if BA sequestrants were ever used in CD patients, I'm sure BA sequestrants are individually prescribed in patients for bile acid diarrhea, who happen to have CD. It's probably just less likely in CD patients, due to risks of interferring...
  6. kiny

    Ileal bile acid malabsorption in colonic Crohn's disease

    1654×2174 327,8 kB 1654×2174 327,8 kB
  7. kiny

    Early exposure to antibiotics decreases risk of developing crohn's disease.

    Even if different bacteria or fungi are involved in each patient, the cause of chronic relapsing inflammation would still be the same. Chronic insult from pathogens and the inability of crohn's disease patients to clear them. The intestine gets overwhelmed, macrophage penetrating pathogens...
  8. kiny

    Early exposure to antibiotics decreases risk of developing crohn's disease.

    I think it is possible ileal crohn's disease has just a simple singular cause. Yes, only some people have penetrating disease (fistula), only some people have strictures, only some have granuloma, only some have creeping fat. But at the end of the day, diverting the fecal stream in Rutgeerts his...
  9. kiny

    Early exposure to antibiotics decreases risk of developing crohn's disease.

    The 2022 Danish study found a negligeable risk associated with exposure to antibiotics, this study found exposure to antibiotics actually conferred a protective effect. The theory that exposure to antibiotics, leads to dysbiosis, subsequent crohn's disease, and can be corrected with probiotics...
  10. kiny

    Early exposure to antibiotics decreases risk of developing crohn's disease.

    1654×2206 398,8 kB 1654×2206 398,8 kB
  11. kiny

    An Overview of Nutritional Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    Right. High quality studies have shown partial EN is not effective, they have consistently been ignored in the media favor of "CDED+PEN" studies that are of much lower quality. Pediatrics in general seem somewhat biased towards low quality studies that show adherence isn't necesarry, and ignore...
  12. kiny

    An Overview of Nutritional Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    It's only paradoxical if you assume the microbiome has some protective role to play in crohn's disease, and went along with the notion that dysbiosis is responsible for crohn's disease, which I always objected to. It happens in every disease with chronic intestinal inflammation. Intestinal TB...
  13. kiny

    An Overview of Nutritional Interventions in Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

    1654×2339 290,1 kB 1654×2339 298,2 kB1654×2339 308,3 kB
  14. kiny

    Environmental factors, not genetics, confer the highest risk of developing CD in multiplex families.

    Unlike the "lifestyle" argument, of which there is no proof, there is ample proof acute infections predispose people to developing crohn's disease:
  15. kiny

    Environmental factors, not genetics, confer the highest risk of developing CD in multiplex families.

    It's popular in certain nations with rising incidence of crohn's disease to blame a certain lifestyle. "Western diets", "Western lifestyles", it's talked about as if it's a lifestyle-related disease. And it's sad to see this, because it puts the blame on the patient. There's also no proof to...
  16. kiny

    budesonide Side effects

    Corticosteroids generally don't cause fatigue. In crohn's disease the fatigue is often from dehydration from diarrhoea and anemia caused by deficiencies in iron and b12 uptake.
  17. kiny

    Genetic variants and crohn's disease. Some perspective.

    Regarding forever chemicals. I don't think there's data showing rates of crohn's disease being higher around chemical plants using forever chemicals, like 3M plants. Or higher rates of crohn's disease among firefighters or people who live close to fire stations. But there's lots of particles in...
  18. kiny

    Genetic variants and crohn's disease. Some perspective.

    You wouldn't find any relevant particles during a colonoscopy. They would be in tissue. The theory would be that small dietary particles of non-biological origin (like titanium dioxide, silicates or microplastics), including particles you would breathe in (like silica dust), would affect the...