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  1. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

  2. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    This still a planned surgery. Want the recovery time like? When the surgery was initially discussed the surgeon feel she would need three week off work? She is not working anymore but would have through it would be longer. I know they planned to release her from hospital on Saturday.
  3. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    As far as we know they still planning to do four resections all going well. If things don't go well 3 sections maybe stoma. At moment she is saying she want stoma and won't agree to it. There are least two fistula. She not interested talking to anyone. The MRI looked like there wasn't...
  4. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    Sarah's surgery is Monday, in a small private hospital. She receive information about a stoma in the mail. She very upset about the possibility of a stoma. She is now in pain everyday and is invisibly thinner. We are still at level 3 restrictions. The hospital is not allowing visitors as...
  5. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    Sarah heading back home on Sunday. The surgery is now scheduled for 20 April. They no longer doing pre-admiission appointments. Unsure whether visitors are allowed. We are at stage 3 restrictions in Victoria. There are 4 reasons that allow to leave home. -medical treatment - getting food...
  6. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    Hi everyone, Sarah is still in South Australia with her partner. SA have closed their borders. If they leave SA, they won't be able to return the without doing 14 days isolation. They both still have jobs. Her surgery is schedule for 1 June. All level 2 and below elective surgery has been...
  7. Catherine

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    The weather is warming up forward the end of the week. I finally have some ripe tomatoes. My younger daughter is 21 tomarrow. We are currently having 21th party planned for Satursday. Still deciding whether to go ahead. Australia has banned gathering of over 500people. We planned to have 60...
  8. Catherine

    If I'm not in a flare, will the colonoscopy show anything?

    My daughter wasn't in a flare. Her colonoscopy showed a 10 cm damaged area in the large bowel. She is now scheduled for surgery.
  9. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    She only has mild symptoms. Now get daily pain but not like when she was dx. Instructions severe pain go to hospital
  10. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    surgery is planned for 1 June.
  11. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    Saw the surgeon today. The surgery will involved 3 maybe 4 loops of small bowel as well as the section of large bowel. There are two fistulas. One from large bowel to small bowel. It will take approximately 4 and half hours. All going well he hope to do 4 sections. There is a 20 cm...
  12. Catherine

    Perspective - Covid-19 and our ibd kids

    From our media - Very bad for the elderly - all three deaths are individuals over 78 - Sydney/NSW hot spot case from 6 to over 40 in the a week - children symptoms in the NSW dx children are very very mild cold. NSW children are being told maybe mild for them but dangerous for their...
  13. Catherine

    Remsima for crohn's disease and moving to UK/London

    Hi Jay, where are you from? The daughter moved from Australia to UK for two years and her medications were all private scripts.
  14. Catherine

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    Merc in melbourne they are stockpiling toilet paper, tissues, baby wipes, rice, pasta, long live milk, water, tinned tomatoes, soda water, paper towels and paper napkins Rain today 50ml with some minor flooding
  15. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    She had been told surgery is her best option. The surgery will be in April/May using the public system. As a high prior case. We will know more after meeting with surgeon on Wednesday.
  16. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    She will qualify for biologics as now has complex severe crohns. The surgeon keep asking us to confirm that she never been on biologics. I expect they will want to try a medical option first to reduce inflammation to the small bowel.
  17. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    There is enough small bowel involved to make short bowel symdrome really possibility. Due to amount to bowel involved and number of resections required. There are number of loops of small bowel involved with clear sections between. The affected sections of bowel are all touching. The polyps...
  18. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    My head in a spin. I did not expect this. She has been of Imuran since January 2019. She was Imuran since dx, so yes 7 years. Accordingly to her, she has been much healthy since commng of it. Biologic have been mentioned by the surgeon. He keeps asking whether ever been on them. I think...
  19. Catherine

    Silent Crohns

    The MRI went well. S to moved South Australia to be with her boyfriend two weeks ago. 5 hours away by car. We saw the surgeon today. The news isn't good. There are multiple areas of inflammed/damaged small bowel. There are large areas of unaffected bowel between inflamed areas. Likely...
  20. Catherine

    What is YOUR weather like today??

    It's seems like summer missed us this year. Only 3 days in February above 30C. 19C today. Double the average rainfall for the year to date. My tomatoes have still not ripened.