Well-known member
Another really nice day after a frosty start
That'll be lovely Di. I love to sit quietly and watch the birds.We go over to the park with a carrier bag of seeds and peanuts and monkey nuts (for the squirrels).There's been quite a few twitchers knocking about lately.Kingfishers have been around the pond area lately and there was great excitement over the sighting of a water Raile (?)……..cold 6c and damp here today.Going for my check up at GI clinic later.I thought it would have been canceled due to the Pandemic but no word so far.We certainly had blustery weather down here, Carol. Looks like the showers are heading our way for tomorrow. Yesterday i went to a new garden centre and bought stuff for a water feature/bird bath. Will await pump and sort it at the weekend, weather permitting.
Hope all goes well at your apt.Di….Les has an apt.tomorrow.I would usually go with him but I'm giving it a miss.It's usually crowded on a Thursday and very warm.Have to nip to hospital today and tomorrow. I have no hand sanitiser but i have loads of bicarb of soda and organic apple cider vinegar. Will have to stuff some of that in with ordinary wet wipes i think. Maybe i shall stuff some up my nostrils. Hopefully the world will be as quiet as a dead planet.
I'm off to get to the supermarket at 6am seeing as i can't sleep. they might have disinfected it and have full shelves. I won't hold my breath (or maybe i will). Hope to get a months supply in. Bit disappointing. They have cancelled all our day trips for a month and will reassess. Desperately want to go out and join in something. Never mind.
I think i might actually be heading out into rain. Mind, so what if the weathers bad. I'm sure i was going to stay in anyway.
Buff, what a lovely dream.
Hahaha Your Asian Squat is not a vision I want to think about,but needs must eh ? A bloke was mugged the other day and they left his phone,watch,wallet but took the toilet rolls which had just bought..Also our bike repair shop has a poster on the window offering a free loo roll with every bike service. Cold and grey today.I envy you Buff, without going into details , quite often I have very disturbing dreams. The bog roll banditry continues here., despite constant reminders to the culprits that this is not a virus that is primarily associated with GIT problems.
To address the tissue issue I have dug two 'foot prints' into the front lawn with a deep hole in between the starting blocks. The garden hose has been place alongside. Viola! A paperless 'Asian squat', An old sheet wrapped round a couple of poles provide adequate privacy.. It's not really an al weather model!
We haven't reached the 'voluntary' self isolation situation as yet , but most of the people that we know which are in a similar age group to Pam and I are doing that anyway. . My GP is a very reasonable fells who is happy to fax prescriptions through to the Island pharmacy. He still gets his usual Medicare consultation fee and avoids the chance of contracting Convid -19 from me and vice versa . You might., depending on you location and local rules and regs try this approach. At least you won't be hanging around a dr's waiting room : a breeding ground for things nasty.
Cool today, pleasant condition for pottinger around the garden . The heat is scheduled to return on the weekend..
Lovely day,quite mild and sunny....I'm more concerned about loo roll than I am about bread..bread I can do without.Don't know what Di's done ..(above),just hope she hasn't passed out over the keyboard.I could always resort to using birch bark if the bum wipe rolls run out making my outhouse authentic to the days of the past, before the days when the store catalogues served their second life in the loo.
I went grocery shopping yesterday and was lucky to get the items I needed. The entire meat section was bare, with many empty shelves. I didn't see any panic shopping as most people had only half filled carts. I decided to use the self checkout given how many people crowd the lineups and that the checker has to handle items from hundreds of customers further adding to the risk. When using the self checkout I used my shopping list as a barrier between my finger and the touch screen. Then applying hand sanitizer in the vehicle. I don't want to take any chances given age and preexisting health conditions, its bad enough to have to enter the store.
Hawkeye, Where have you been mate? Lol, good to see you again.
Smart move Buff. Living on an island , wa have done this for some years . Better selection and avoids being ripped off by the local stores. At the present time it pays to be cautious!I have never done it, but I am going to try the online grocery shopping option. That way I can just pick up my order from the store and minimize my exposure.
I'm'no expert, but you technically should be 'safe' until next week,Ron. Happy Birthday in advance and welcome to the totally reflective but , minimally productive seventies. Rest on your Laurels, unless she objects. Cheers. MThe guy that dropped my parcel off literally dropped it on the stairs and took off. We have been really lucky with the virus. Nearly all the cases we have came in from overseas. The government has been right on top of it and has enforced separation right from the start. I wash my hands twenty times a day. The only hard part is to get the 20-30 year olds to take it seriously. We have only around 4000 cases Australia wide with 18 deaths. Our new cases are slowing down considerably and there is hope that the curve is on the way down. Only essential services are operating and the rest of us have been told to stay at home and no more than two in a group. In the past three weeks the govt has spent over 300 billion on supporting those out of work. I hope all of their shutdowns are working as well as they seem to be. Most of our deaths have been in the 70-80 age group. Thank goodness I don't turn 70 till next week. Ron.